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  1. I suspect Jeremy will stay with Jinger for a bit longer. He’s already got 2 people that are In love with him and adore him...
  2. He should have listed law school under “Education” not “Experience”. But for him, maybe it is an experience...
  3. It’s for $$$. Time for a new money making strategy since new courtships might not be in the pipeline for the next few months.
  4. Do any of these people plan ahead for the future (snerk)? Someday, Jim Bob and Mechelle will be gone. How in the world do you split an estate amongst 19 children? (If that’s even the plan). I know that some kids (may have their own careers and may not be so needy) but what about all the kids that work for JB and therefore will struggle with no income other than that from Jim Bob. Yes some live on houses on the land but what happens then? And to all the zillions of grandchildren? Does JB really have so much money that a gazillion descendants can live on it forever? <Shudder>
  5. Thanks Jeeves! I’ll chalk that up to my cray cray?
  6. You know, all of these “career” changes of Derjerk’s finally helped me make the connection of where I’ve seen this before. Let’s see, Der’s been on a reality show, an accountant, a student, a missionary, and now he has enrolled in law school. Does anyone remember Captain Casey from M*A*S*H*? (Ok, I’ve been around a while). Anyway, before he was caught unlicensed, he was passing himself off as an excellent surgeon, priest, teacher, laywer and engineer. His explanation was that he didn’t have the patience to complete the degree and get the certficate. So he just studied hard and tried not to get caught. I know, I know, It was a fiction show , but there was no social media at the time, so he could fool people for a time. And and then he would move onto another unit and pick up a new profession. One day an excellent surgeon and the next day he became a pastor (with no huge deal made) after someone discovered that he was faking it due to checking his record for need of a blood donation (I know, crazy odd plot point coupled with suspended belief). Anyway, it just makes me laugh when I think of some of the similarities. Also, back to reality. I just find it crazy odd that none of the online gossip sites, you know, the ones that make up Duggar news just for clicks, have reported Derjer’s news. How is it that none of them that I can see have not reported on the law school admission? None of them? They even ran pieces on Jill’s food blog glop. And speculation of who might be interested in courting next. Maybe I missed some articles but this is just so odd. Waiting for a People exclusive I understand, but those other sites? They don’t care. They’ll print anything. I still smell some kind of plan/strategy or an agreement not to discuss. Usually law school acceptance is a huge deal. Duggarland is busy elsewhere. I’m thinking it will hugely hurt their brand once they discover silence is not always golden. Oh to be a fly....
  7. I just can’t quote properly tonight.... But I have questions. Did Derjerk do well enough on his LSAT’s so he got accepted? How? Maybe he studied at Cross Church for peace and quiet. But wow. That time “alone” is over now. Does he even understand that there are study groups he should attend that may include women? At odd hours? How do they not expect this to be mentioned on the show? Is this a possible beginning of a redemption arc to get him accepted? Most universities keep a very close eye on prospective student’s social media accounts. High school kids that are looking for colleges are constantly warned about the content of their social media. I hear (but I haven’t looked at his twitter) but I hear he made it private. Even so, there are plenty of articles out there that are pretty damning. Nevermind Jill. But does he understand how near to impossible it is to study with toddlers in the house that have missed him when he was gone? At least I think they will notice his absence. He’ll have to go somewhere quiet to study. What wis Jill going do, go with him to the library where there are girls for the next 3 years and constantly bug him? What happens to Jill now? Her headship has a new priority that will not allow him to spend time to attend Dugger functions. Lawyer professor are know to come down very hard and sometimes embarrass students that are not prepared for class. Maybe they they just think it is classes and he is done. But as we all know, the real work starts after class. Studying, research, and massive prep for the next class. Why has there been no twitter-Insta bragging about his acceptance? To me this sounds like a massive recipe for disaster. When he comes home, Jill will probably think his school day is over.when he comes home and she can have his attention, like when he worked. I smell serious trouble brewing. Most law schools don’t allow study online because the class involvement is needed. I could be wring Still, to me, something about this whole situation doesn’t add up.
  8. This is what I can see happened: Josh was different and it was allowed as he left home and went to DC. Then disaster happened. Josiah was different. He had a personality and dressed to match. JB and ME couldn’t have another different child or Josh 2.0. So they tried to stop it in its tracks. Josiah gets sent to ALERT. Now Josiah is a Dugger boy clone. And is no longer happening.
  9. After watching that video, my secret hope is that Si can reclaim some of his spark with this relationship with Lauren. Or at least feel comfortable enough with her to relax and unwind. I would just hope that he has found someone that he can be Josiah with, if possible. I guess all discussions of his orientation preference aside, it would be nice to see him return from wherever he was sent.
  10. How is it that Derick can talk about (even rumored) going to law school yet his children appear to be destined for the Jill “yay...umm” SOTDRT? Just doesn’t add up.
  11. Derick in law school..... I just had a flash forward to crazy future Twitter rants “backed up” by his new found expert legal knowledge. Why do I get the feeling that if he does make it through, that his goal is to “defend” himself and his beliefs? On a side note, I’m a CPA. To obtain his license, he would need to go back to school to satisfy the extra accounting credits needed to satisfy the education requirement. It could mean a year full time (depending on the state requirements). Some people usually get their Masters in Accounting, which also qualifies. Then he will need to satisfy the experience requirement, which could be 2 years of public accounting or 4 years of private, but his private work may have to be more than staff level and cover a variety of financial areas. I’m not sure how much Wal-Mart would count, if any. On top of that, there is the exam itself. Let’s just say I passed, but had to take it more than once (or twice). I prefer to call it a test of endurance . How long can you study and take it until you pass? Because if you don’t pass within a certain time frame (18 months ish?) you lose your passing credits for the parts you passed and need to retake them. It had has been many years since I went through all this and the laws have changed, but I think I’m pretty close to getting it right. Makes sense to me why he might try another field. Really can't believe I just said that something he possibly did or thought made sense.
  12. Congratulations @Gweilo!!! Best wishes! Gideon is a cutie!
  13. No problem @Jynnan tonnix, I hear sox and sandals are all the rage in fundyland!
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