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  1. She's 61, a year younger than me. She is the reason I decided to stop coloring my hair. I love the gray she lets show!
  2. Hey, I learned two words today. Michael used the word "chiaroscuro," which means light-dark. Later, Daniel used the word "paillard," which is a dish made with a thin, pounded piece of meat. Also, Lauren's dress looked Grrreat!
  3. Love this Progressive Insurance commercial, "That's a whole rabbit." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifTrWzb_NU
  4. Ok, I'm gonna need to see this! 😄
  5. Every time Claire turned her back while talking to Jordan, I thought for sure she was gonna get chloroformed!
  6. Wasn't her hair much shorter just last week? Grows fast! 🤣
  7. Steve Ford, former Y&R actor and son of President Ford, did a really good job today reading his father’s eulogy for President Carter.
  8. I love that commercial! Also love cats and a Jaguars fan.
  9. Well, Mariah did look around, confused, like she felt a disturbance in the force. Nick asked what was wrong, she said she wasn't sure. This was after Ian left.
  10. Yeah, I liked the first commercial where the statue went "Woo." But the rest are getting tiresome. Would've been funnier in the latest one if they had the dog go "Woo" instead of the gingerbread man. And Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
  11. Anyone else wonder when Claire said she'd changed her mind about working with Nikki, if she might still be in cahoots with Jordan?
  12. Thank you, Miami Dolphins! If you don't live in or near Florida you may not be aware, but we have been redeemed after this weekend. 🤣
  13. Victor couldn't find another Big Blue Plate? Isn't Diane the one who broke it?
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