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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I remember when the guests rebelled being on the dock not understanding the danger....The OG took them out on a tender and they returned wet and scared.
  2. Sunny definitely runs her son and daughter's lives. Not saying good or bad... just does.
  3. Alyssa is on CNN more...and last night for hours discussing the town halls. In the previous Ana interviews on CNN she is in Florida in front of the ocean or in front of her pool. Ana's choice...she is just in a different place about her career now, imo. Her fun, her husband, adventure, travel, being on The View...nothing wrong with that. But - is Ana really a Republican these days or am independent. We have 2 R's on the show and are estranged.
  4. I really wish Ana would warm up to Alyssa. She has always ignored her. And I thought Ana was rude presenting the elephant to Alyssa saying "and you get the elephant because God knows...it's a work in progress." Very insulting, imo. Ana has her very specific Florida republican issues we hear about on the show but Alyssa is the Republican on the show about broader issues and info...and also the one much, much more on CNN than Ana.
  5. Jack did not do anything special with the best caviar and most expensive caviar. His stupid pancakes were not good either. Gee, ask the primary what he had in mind.
  6. LOL - Sunny does love her entourage even if the mop the drool guy was her godson. She happens to have more than these 2 dogs, even little ones like the others, but had to make it all about herself, jmo. The others were trying to make it a fun competition of doggy cuteness.
  7. It bothered me Sunny was so dismissive of Swift and her accomplishments and generosity. She was offered tickets a while ago and she and her daughter had no interest in going, she said on the show. And...Sunny said she thinks Swift maybe plays the guitar this week. I no longer get Sunny let alone having a dog drooling guy to follow their dogs around, WTF?
  8. Leave it to Sunny to bring 2 with her husband along with a mop the drool guy. WTH? A mop the drool guy too?
  9. Perhaps some jealously from Kelly that Mark and Deja had fun shows together?
  10. It does bother me Fetterman needs to dress the way he does.
  11. Ok, I am as old as dirt and the panel came out and joyful Whoopi proceeded with the first topic. Eventually we received a few sentences about Rosalyn Carter?!!! Then Whoopi pretends to be interested in making her being interested in another topic a joke. I've never missed Joy more. Or Barbara Walters.
  12. Ok, been thinking about this...Teresa presents herself as a financial savant and her daughter saying she needed to come by daily. Rather needy, imo. And when she and Gerry were "chatting" she could not stop agreeing before he even finished his thought! Over and over, again. Kind of like, yes, yes, whatever you say...it is so wonderful! I get you, no need to continue... And how do we measure her day trader financial experience into a huge success?
  13. Yes, and then the people pleaser Gerry will break down sobbing.
  14. Odd they did not discuss religion when Leslie is wearing The Star of David. Oh, and the ring was not that gorgeous either.
  15. I think Sandy is morphing into Lee this season. See no evil, know no evil. "I was unaware that was happening, no one brought it to my attention..." Especially the interior, which Sandy normally picks on terribly. But also the chef...I don't think Jack is anything special other than a good cook...but his choices and plating leave me cold. Not his artistic plating, or special french toast , or beef cheeks (lol). pizzas or beautiful fruit or charcuterie plates, etc.
  16. Let's see here, on Friday they will have HT's (maybe) and VYD (maybe), a million commercials for sure, and discuss ALL those subjects with the Dr? Thank heavens for Triumph. The show really needs more fun. I loved the dancing dog this week.
  17. So tired of Whoopi laying on the table. She is soooooooo bored. And boring. I ff forward during her pontifications lecturing us.
  18. I am so confused why Teresa was not there. What did I miss?
  19. Sunny always comments on her kids accomplishments. They are very accomplished. Whoopi is so into making it on her own but never mentions her daughters or grandkids accomplishments. That none have done and Whoopi supports them. Except the brat grandkid on a reality show that was awful. I think she is the last person to chat about working 4 hours a week or 40. And speak for her spoiled grandchildren that.....do what?
  20. I was uncomfortable with Sunny seemingly to think her children should not marry until 30.
  21. Color me shocked, shocked I tell you. Whoopi did not lecture Hillary about polls and how useless they are. I don't think Whoopi understands about women's bodies let alone her own.
  22. Sara was wonderful today and her compassion for Tyler. Even something Whoopi can't do... Tyler has a whole studio in his name. Whoopi just has a building. Yet it was so odd she was so proud of that yet it was Sunny and especially Joy comforting him.
  23. Joy thought nipple bra stupid. Whoopi, would not listen.
  24. I think they are very happily married. Perhaps even, yikes, discuss the temperature, or meal ordering. I think she deals with the temp with blankets or pjs...they are well suited. And she could say I'm running a little late...please order me some muselli or whatever. I think their squabbles are for fun. Or pretending to hand out candy in a little doorway (not in the penthouse) with 2 dozen trick or treaters at any given time on the street.
  25. Whoopi drove me crazy today. First, about KK's nipple bra. She definitely defended it without saying why really except for women with mastectomies, and for climate control. On Kim's instagram she says the bra has "faux nipple for shock value." And donating 10% of sales as a one time donation to "a global network with thousands of businesses and environmental organizations working together to support people and the planet." On and on about when it is hot you will look cold. Source: Hollywood Reporter. Whoopi bothered me she was so excited about this and KK's wealth and dismissed most women (even those trans or with mastectomies) do not want to wear a bra with had nipples and dominated and dismissed the others. Then she later totally took over explaining directing for a woman talking for Coppala.
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