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  1. "What are you having?" "Vodka and sadness" Dani plssss 😂😂 Whew, how Naomi refrained from reaching across the table and slapping the shit outta Hayley, I'll never know. Jacob is not having BTG Murdaugh and his bullshit lol. Now we know why Party City went out of business. Leslie bought ALL the damn wigs. I know they hated to see her coming. 😂 I was not disappointed in the Nicole and Dani scenes. More, please. Smitty is far too kind. Your husband is an asshole, honey, please move accordingly.
  2. I laughed several times during this episode, including when Naomi asked Jacob if he 'told that bitch to go to Hell' when he told her about running into Hayley lol. I like spicy Naomi. Standing ten toes down on business. Speaking of Hayley, and Bill too.... I see why they found each other, they're both delusional as fuck. I'm excited to see that Naomi and Hayley convo today. I hope Naomi hits her with some truths, and tells Hayley to leave her damn family alone. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton could've moved anywhere else, had their wedding anywhere else but no, they wanna keep playing in people's faces. Run up, get done up, Hayley 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm also looking forward to Nicole and Dani scenes. I was so happy to see Nicole came to check on Dani, and that she now sees how sad Dani is. I don't think we've really seen Dani grieve her loss, just mostly her anger, and my hope is that Nicole will recognize that and help her move through it. It will also be a good opportunity for the audience to see their bond as sisters. I really dig the familial scenes.
  3. This season's storylines have felt....unrelentingly heavy. But there's only so much doom and gloom I can take in my tv viewing, and that makes me sad because this is one of my favorite shows. Prior seasons didn't feel like this, even with them blowing up Will and Angie last year. Things aren't going to end well this year either, between Raphael, Jeremy, Faith, etc. I'm tired of the trauma porn the writers keep inflicting. And no, I don't expect sunshine and rainbows and farting unicorns with this show but damn, can the actors and audience catch a break? What was the purpose of putting a body on Will like that, and a child no less? What was the reason? Why keep piling on the emotional damage without showing Will moving through the many, MANY issues he already has? I'm tired y'all.
  4. Martin is so very arrogant. His downfall will be deserved and delicious. Except for Smitty and the kids. Vernon and Anita never said they didn't believe in him, it's entirely about his secret coming out. Way to try to gaslight your grandparents there, MARTIN. 😒 Honestly, I'm not ready for an alcoholism story for Dani yet. I feel like we need more flashbacks of their married life together so I can connect to it. I wish she would take the opportunity, with Chelsea wanting to design her own stuff, to get back into modeling and build her own empire. Naomi vs Bill should be fun. I hope she goes for the jugular and then tells him 'I learned it by watching you!' Martin isn't even considering that Bill would blackmail him if he became president. He blackmailed the whole family just to get them to go to his wedding, he will definitely do it if Martin is president. He's not just arrogant, he's stupid too.
  5. I KNEW Joey wanted to get Beyond the Gates. And apparently, beyond Vanessa's gates as well. But they don't appear to be locked very tight anyway, so 👀🤭 The Tomas actor also does need a recast. He's certainly pretty to look at, but geez he is...not good. 😬 If they're going with this triangle, I predict Eva will somehow give away too much of this master plan, either in the afterglow of sex or Tomas will catch Eva and Leslie together. And I agree with others, the Ted actor had inappropriate chemistry with Eva for me. I remember someone even suggesting that maybe Ted hits on Eva and she has to tell him who she is. But I don't feel like that's where the writing is going, so when I say inappropriate, I mean there was too much sexual chemistry between them and that would make upcoming storylines have the wrong tone, if they do make him her dad. Just my take. I think the list of jobs that were outlined above so well by @drivethroo is pretty solid for storytelling purposes. We might even venture further out more often, like to Derek's firehouse or the beauty or barber shop. Ooh, if they show flashbacks to Anita's early career, I wonder who would make a good Young Anita?
  6. Right? The actress is doing a good job of showing that Eva really just wants to be part of a family. And all that positive reinforcement she gets from Nicole, while her mother puts her down, is gonna make Eva take Nicole's side I think. I'm still hoping we get an Uno reverse and Eva is Nicole and Ted's daughter. I think the actress would do a good job confronting Leslie in that scenario.
  7. Oh Dani. She not only had her family fooled, she got me too. I really thought she had come to some kind of terms with her new reality, and then she goes and breaks my heart. I want better for you, girl. I want you to build your own empire, and let Hayley sit and be mad because her husband can't stop talking about you. Speaking of Miss Hayley...whew. Nobody told her to go to the club for breakfast. Matter of fact, her own husband didn't expect her to go because when she came in talking shit about being ignored, he assumed she went to the diner. The staff ignoring her was hilarious. She had a lot of bass in her voice when she was talking to Dani but now she can't stand up for herself and runs crying to her daddy. I honestly don't understand her motivation. Who in their right mind would just assume wife #2 could move into the first wife's neighborhood and everybody will still just want to be her friend, no problem? I genuinely don't get if we're supposed to see her as naive or just dumb. I like both Kat and Eva, in different circumstances they would probably be friends. Yes, Kat is a spoiled princess but she also appears to be a budding businesswoman, so she has goals for herself. Eva also has goals for herself and we see she will be as petty as necessary. Kat isn't wrong that Eva is hiding something and up to no good, she's going about it the wrong way. Kat should use her social media detective agents to find out about Eva and get some proof. I wouldn't mind that it's Kat that ends up somehow helping Eva get away from Leslie. Kat is also right that after Hayley, the Duprees are being a little too trusting for my taste. Oh, Dani 😭💔
  8. "You had me at sewing kit" Sorry, whenever this movie is mentioned, you gotta always add that line lol. 😁
  9. I'm beginning to think Martin views this marriage as more of a business arrangement with benefits. He doesn't respect Smitty, at all. I don't feel any love from Martin towards Smitty and Martin is actively thwarting his dreams. I really need to see how they got together and if Martin had any actual love towards Smitty and just became this tremendous asshole over time or if he's always been like this and Smitty needed better friends to tell him to run.
  10. I wouldn't put it past Leslie/Sherry Carter to have done something to Mona to make her sick so she wouldn't be there. I mean, she already took out Laura via motorcycle, a simple 'food poisoning' or some such would be child's play to her. And yes, I knew she still wanted Teddy Bear. Because she's tryna hurt Nicole, who had nothing to do with what happened. It is almost ALWAYS about wanting the man for themselves. I am proud of Eva for turning her momma in. I have a feeling she's gonna be doing a lot more damage control regarding Leslie because it's obvious her hold on sanity is tenuous at best. Hey, Ted's Dr coworker! Have you met Dani? Y'all sure would look pretty together....
  11. Or turn into a meth lab. That's a big thing in my part of the country, folks using empty homes to produce meth, and then nobody knows until it's about to be sold and gets inspected and now the place is uninhabitable. 🤷🏽‍♀️
  12. I just have this feeling that Joey wants to use Doug to gain entry to Fairmont Crest. All those rich folks with bad habits and secrets? It's literally a gangster's paradise lol. Having Doug in his pocket gives him access to other people to add to his pockets. We might also find out he's related to/has relationships with other folks on canvas. He could have children that he wants to get connections for at the club. Regardless of what Joey's motives are, Doug is gonna need some intensive rehab. I'm starting to really like Eva too, and I can totally see her starting to connect with Nicole because Nicole is a lovely and warm person and very encouraging. Total opposite of Leslie. And, I had a thought about Eva's true origin...... I remember someone saying Nicole and Ted had fertility issues and that Kat was their 'miracle baby'....well, what if Leslie stole one of their fertilized eggs, and Eva is actually the daughter of BOTH Nicole and Ted??? 👀
  13. I wonder why it's only showing now, and if she can only do it on St. Patrick's day. Because Jay should've already seen her before now. So there may be some limitations to this power.
  14. I realize I'm about to be super dramatic but, this whole season has been off for me. And now between Angie's toxic ass tryna date somebody without coming to terms AT ALL with the Crystal situation and what happened with Will, and now the writers dragging Jeremy into this Raphael gang mess, it feels like they're just either throwing stuff at the wall or tryna be shocking just for shock sake. And I don't like any of it. I don't think I'm gonna watch the show in real time anymore. There's too much happening that I don't like storywise, and not enough of what I loved about this show. Maybe I'm extra cranky because I hate Daylight savings and I've been 'off' since Sunday. But I'm not enjoying these recurring storylines this season. 🤷🏽‍♀️
  15. I do see both points about the size of the cast. I'm hoping they settle into a rhythm with their A/B/C etc stories so that they're more grouped together on certain days, and we can get more familiar with all the relationships. Because I really do like that they have supporting folks getting scenes, like Mona/Jan/Leslie and Jacob meeting his new partner, Shaft. It does feel like world building to me. But I am wondering, as much as Leslie been showing up at the hospital, it seems like she forgot that Mona and Ashley both know who she is, and if they catch her there and Nicole sees her and thinks she's Sherry Carter, she gonna have a whole lot of explaining to do. Bill is so obsessed with Dani. WHY YOU LOOKING AT PICS OF HER, BILL? HMMM?? I don't think Hayley's gonna get that Italian honeymoon. Or, maybe she will, but catches her new husband stalking Dani online.
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