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Everything posted by misgabi13

  1. It would appear that Larissa's evil panna cotta ways are rubbing off on him! The horror! Or that guy from years ago whose main claim to fame after MC was having a wholemeal flour for making raita in Woolworths (which I only remember/know as I found a container of it a couple of months ago in the back of my pantry! - well out of date!). I'm so pleased Simon's molasses was good enough to 'paint Gary's house with' and kept him safe. Tati's dessert looks like it escaped the 1970's but failed to bring its good friend the 'cheese cubes on toothpicks stabbed into an orange with it! Sandeep's rice pudding looked like he had forgotten to remove half the foil he had covered it with to keep it warm - made my teeth hum!
  2. My brain is refusing to process that fact! Also, watching George spit as he said 'Tessa and Tati' was truly hideous! I don't think Ben and Larissa should have been safe - Ben's pannacotta was liquid in the middle and his sorbet was the most disgusting colour! I wanted Simon to be safe but why on earth did he push to do a dessert that Sandeep (is that his name????) had never even heard of? At least Anoushka didn't suggest a layer cake! LOL Imagine the yelling then! Derek was also correct that there was no way her shards were 6 x 8! Unless she was measuring in inches. Still trying to fathom Ben in the top 10! ???????????????????????
  3. Curious episode! I was interested to see in stage one of the challenge (by watching all the background shots) that they clearly didn't get anyone to put their ice cream into the cones until it was their time to present to the judges. I would rather be told this than have to rewatch bits to see if I am crazy or not! Plus it makes the show more interesting! Loved that Tim is into the top 10 but also kind of pleased he didn't get the pin (although he one of my favourites) as the guest chef's dish looked far better (except for those GLORIOUS figs!!!). The team challenge looks hysterical!
  4. We will have to wait and see. It was the 'Craw' bit that did it for me! LOL
  5. DAMN! I've never been the biggest fan of Steph (ever!) but announcing her elimination was super quick and seemed a bit harsh! On the plus side, I am happy she is gone and Derek and Simon remain! I really don't like these elimination challenges that rely on reading 100 pages of directions and one stuff up results in failure - I would far rather watch them cook their own thing and be judged on that. Especially as the dough recipe was so 'secret' they just got given the dough! WTF! I am also really, really cranky that on a cooking show that so many people couldn't pronounce croissant!!! Gary and George kept saying 'CRAW-SONT' as did many of the contestants! Super jarring to the ears! It is 'QUA-SON' (mini-rant in my head over!).
  6. It was bizzaro world! Am ashamed to admit that for some of the contestants I just yell rude words at the screen! Kind of bummed that Simon is in elimination (same for Derek). I must be on team GO HOME STEPH!!!! Am beyond dubious about Anushka's 'honey joy' (ie honey coated cornflakes) working with goats cheese pannacotta! Steph's 'quenelles' looked disgusting! You have to wonder in what order they bring the rabbits up for judging - if Derek wasn't first then his deep fried ice cream was doomed! I have my fingers crossed for Steph to go home as she just annoys me!
  7. I must agree that I wasn't 'quite' as gleeful at her going as I thought I'd be. I think she lost all her confidence after stuffing up hummus last night. Although, whoever pointed out that she didn't toast her spices was quite correct - that means a huge lack of flavour. Then to refry with extra oil was a disaster waiting to happen. I also think Larissa dodged a bullet - both her dishes having issues and having to be changed is a worry - maybe she is goofing off with Derek too much! LOL So pleased to see Christina get a win - especially after none of the judges seemed particularly impressed when she first described the dish. I knew there HAD to be a sweet week but it is never one of my favourites! Also, when I think of sweets Heston isn't the first person that pops into my head (unless he is making gorgeous sweet things out of meat!). We shall see! I'm still baffled at how many people who don't really seem able to cook at this level are still there! Also, kudos to Maggie Beer, for battling on tasting those dishes with lots of chilli in them. I thought everyone knew how little chilli she is able to tolerate and thought they might have adapted them a little bit so as not to kill her!
  8. What a terrible captain! I felt really bad for Simon trying to do all those sandwiches himself (cooking the beef, pulling the beef, slicing the bread etc) whilst others spend over two hours each working on hummus, lavosh and a salad respectively! Then, when Tati was finally free and asked Anushka what she should work on she was told 'we have to finish the salad'!!! The bloody salad - that the judges disliked. I also think Tati would have made a much better frittata had Anushka not told her to add 'extra stuff' so it wasn't boring! Derek was an excellent captain and their food all looked delicious. I used to take Waldorf salad sandwiches to school back in the 70's - my mother was clearly way ahead of her time (although my favourite was really the date and walnut sandwiches she made!). I'm still trying to get my head around how you take so long on hummus, lavosh and a salad! Lucky they had Christina to pack those baskets and actually get some food out!
  9. I had it on in the background on the computer but was doing other things - I really dislike 'immunity challenge day'. It even sounded boring as I was listening to it!
  10. Hi Katisha, you could never upset me. I know many of you are not Tim fans but I've always liked him. Plus all that delicious caramelised goodness on that plate (plus added miso gloriousness), (plus, plus a rare steak!!!!) just made me drool (or as George would say I'm salivating) LOL I think it might have been one of those dishes that looked like meat and veg but was 'elevated' (or maybe been on a 'journey' in reality TV wank speak! LOL). I agree some did something a bit different but I don't think Jess' dish was as balanced as their comments said (she said the plums were bitter then added vinegar and uzu to fix that?????) As for Dee her coffee dome was quite wonky and she seems to have just put caramel on top of bits of chopped up banana - plus she got a really short review so we knew she wouldn't be back. Maybe it was the coffee and bacon combo which sounds disgusting (even though I love maple syrup and bacon on my pancakes!). I kind of liked the dumplings that 'should have been in split yoghurt and would love to try them and kind of liked Kyle's (again with that gorgeous caramelised cauliflower). Clearly, I just loved baked cauliflower! LOL I'm still happy that Tim got back in and am not looking forward to tomorrow night where Abbey gets a chance for a pin! On the Waleed going home front, I don't think he was that strong a cook and clearly had NO idea about artichoke. Poor Anushka nearly had a heart attack trying to get him to use the correct part of the artichoke! Plus: Steph got far too many talking heads!
  11. I thought the same thing Katisha - being hot enough to make you feel ill is not something I look for in a dish! I am dubious about the naff all comments for Steph's pumpkin dish - I think she grilled it with the skin on (after going back to look a couple of times) and burnt some pumpkin seeds but I don't think she really hit the brief of using the whole ingredient! Abbey will be insufferable! Looking forward to the ex-contestant challenge (mainly as it means the elimination challenge will be fairly quick and no 47 hour dessert nonsense!). As controversial as it is I'm still hoping for Tim to get back in! For all the contestants who said they 'hate' brussell sprouts it just means you are cooking them wrong!
  12. The guy who went home couldn't have cooked a more 'beige' dish! I can't remember anyone's names but the blonde who was in the final cookoff kept talking about not knowing if her 'popcorn prawns' were overcooked - and I kept yelling 'then taste them!!!!" Gorgeous restaurant! Loved a glimpse of Maggie Beer for next week - but then we get returning contestants - isn't it kind of early for that??? I predict a Tim win (which I won't be too sad about as I kind of like him!) but having to watch them all earnestly tell us why they should be back in the competition is always one of my least favourite things! Now I'm craving a seafood platter - would totally eat both of the 'safe ones'! Plus, we got bugger all Abbey talking heads - so go Masterchef!
  13. Apparently, she went into labour watching this! I think both 'captains' were awful but have my fingers crossed that Steph will go home (she won't but a girl can dream!). Abbey will be even worse now that they have tongue bathed her in how good the prawns were! Nothing was said about the 'winning' teams eggplant but it looked burnt and dry as! Not 'loving' this season! All the wrong people seem to be being sent home whilst people we have never heard a word from are still there. Yet, I will soldier on!
  14. Just started watching but Steph's face says it all! When Elena, quite rightly, pointed out that the other three dishes were Asian and the eggplant one was Italian she had a face that would curdle milk on her! Take some advice darlin! Elena was correct and you can't just hold onto 'what you know how to cook'. Don't think she is a team player! Seriously, resting bitch face pumped to the max and now not resting but furious bitch face!
  15. Thank you for clarifying that - it made no sense to me but then again I probably wasn't paying enough attention as the Tuesday night immunity challenge is my least favourite episode! It was a very odd challenge that made is necessary for us to watch yet another layer cake!
  16. Well, that is not what we wanted at all! Abbey continues to be painful in all the videos - smug isn't the word! I love Anushka but seriously, another layer cake??? Billie clearly had to appear in future years in her contract as she is not a good mentor and seems horrified to be there! Yay for tomorrow night and getting Elena! Wonder how pregnant she is given that she is just about to pop in real life now! How was the celebrity chef allowed to use macadamias once he had picked his ingredient (given that macadamias were one of the main ingredients)? Not that Anushka would have won! A bit cranky that instead of calling her out on the layer cakes the judges laughed about how long she would be doing it for! And, just in case it hasn't been said 'shut up Abbey'!!!!!!!
  17. I didn't know where King Street was either - even though I've eaten at Montrachet several times over the years. Then I discovered it moved a little while ago from Paddington so didn't feel quite so bad! I'm kind of sorry Tim went home - even though he did stuff up. There are so many people still there who haven't won a damn thing, been tasted, or even said a word! I will miss him. I don't know about anybody else but watching home cooks try and replicate a dish of that calibre after being shown it once and then not given a recipe is not my idea of what should be on a cooking show. I want them to be given ingredients and make something from their own head - always far more satisfying to watch. I also think it gives a better indication of the 'better chef/cook'. Save that sort of challenge for immunity - not elimination! Abby is still insufferable!
  18. There's not much on the internet except this piece - https://www.nowtolove.com.au/reality-tv/masterchef/poh-wig-55662 I was so torn tonight about which team I wanted to win but both had some of my favourites in it so was happy to just go along for the ride! Will see how elimination goes - but a tiny bit cranky Abby won't be there - what a terrible captain (and soooooo many talking heads). I was a tiny bit pleased that the guy who I didn't recognise (but may have mentioned he has an Italian girlfriend *snort) actually ended up making good pasta! Loved both the nonnas (but would have totally gone with the porchetta suggestion just to get a mini-masterclass in how she made hers!). At least the beef cheeks worked out for them though. Was a bit weird to have 80 diners and not a single comment from any of them!
  19. That was an excellent challenge and I agree they should do more like this in the future!
  20. So glad you said this Katisha.... I thought I was going mad that I had never heard of her! Saying that I would be all over those satays! As for Mandy and Steph .... I am exactly the same age as you but I am not a fan of either. Steph seems really proud now of being Macgyver and keeps being the headless chicken and taking not much responsibility. Mandy was just hopeless so not surprised she went home. This is the weirdest season ever - I kind of like some people but then think 'meh' they can go home. Not a real front-runner amongst them!
  21. Hi Katisha, I'm more concerned that I clicked the link and didn't recognise about 2/3 of the names! I also agree that Abbey seems to be blindly oblivious to her part in the relay fail - yet keen to pat herself on the back for cooking a good chicken. I would be sad for Monica if we had ever seen her before yesterday! Personally, and going against the trend here, I quite like Tim - but I think that is because he reminds me so much of my cousin! He also seems to be able to cook, which is a bit of a bonus! I really thought the cornflour in the gravy woman would be going home! Then again her potatoes looked frigging amazing (now I have to cook duck fat roast potatoes for dinner tomorrow!).
  22. Just watched tonight's episode and the correct team is going to elimination. As much as I like Abbey her whole 'I'll just make random things and let someone else sort it out' was annoying. The lamb dish looked amazing! No white chocolate veloute moment but the star anise misunderstanding came a bit close! This season isn't as 'must watch' as previous seasons - my favourites keep being sent home (watch out Abbey!!!!). Plus, if Anoushka makes one more 'layered cake' I will punch my TV!
  23. Hello all - I have missed you! What a strange episode tonight - a blonde that I swear I have never seen before, even more Derek guns and the judges praising to the hills the exact same dessert we are all so sick of (pannacotta, 'soil', microwaved sponge etc). Must admit that I was happy that Waleed, who we have barely seen but seems nice, made it! I must be in the minority that quite like Tim, but I was gutted when Dee left. So many people still there who don't seem to be able to cook but coast through. My main peeve tonight is WHO THE HELL has cauliflower as their most hated ingredient??????? I am also suspect of people being allowed to vote 'flour' and 'sugar' as a favourite ingredient. Anoushka effectively cooked the same dish that got her into the competition tonight. But I like her so might give her a pass. Good to see Derek's guns got some more screen time! Nigella and her glorious roast chicken on Sunday - Yay!
  24. I'm more annoyed they finished the show before we saw their 'happy ever after'. I wanted to see Elijah dancing with Hailey (spelt wrong I am sure) for their next dance and to see who was waiting for Klaus! I cried through much of it but no Davina and the totally wrong ending ruined the whole show for me. What a waste of Elijah!
  25. Apparently he has signed up to this: https://deadline.com/2018/07/tell-me-your-secrets-charles-esten-recur-tnt-series-1202423566/
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