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Everything posted by brillia79
S10.E05: Cut From a Different Cloth
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
Jackie’s “easily offended.” Meanwhile, Teresa and Dolores are harping in the comment Margaret made about the 21 year old. There’s some major projection going on with those two. -
S10.E05: Cut From a Different Cloth
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
It’s laughable watching Teresa and Dolores talk about people who can’t let things go... Lolwut, bitch? -
Uh oh, Emily. He’s already tapped out.
S10.E04: Jamaican Jailbait
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
That’s fair. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be in reality tv. -
S10.E04: Jamaican Jailbait
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
But Jackie’s kids didn’t do that. Jennifer’s kid did flash his money clip. It was in poor taste. Jackie’s getting the “bitch eating crackers” treatment. People don’t like her so everything she does is automatically the worst kind of wrong. We have no indication that her sons didn’t feel special at their party or that she’s “reverse-partyist” for not using stolen money to pay for a Super Sweet 11th party. We’ve got parents teaching their kids that it’s ok to steal from people and that when caught, they are the real victims. We’ve got an overindulgent mom who teaches her kids that they can buy friends, and that money/gifts replace quality time. Jackie dropping an Amazon box on the ground doesn’t even rank in the Top 10 Parenting Fails on this show. The Giudices and Aydens are cleaning up in that category. Jackie’s kids won’t become serial killers because mommy doesn’t love them enough to handcraft gift bags, order a 4 tiered basketball cake, and rent out a venue to host a party. Like her house isn’t nicer than the pink eye infested party room at Chuck E. Cheese. At the end of the day, Jackie’s kids aren’t behaving like brats on tv, and her boundaries work for her family. No one else on this show can say the same. Maybe if some of the other cast mates established healthy boundaries, we wouldn’t see so many poorly behaved kids who are overly involved in their parents drama. -
S10.E04: Jamaican Jailbait
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
So is throwing lavish parties for your kids when you’ve committed bankruptcy fraud. Or flashing a money clip to impress others at a kids birthday party. Or pretending you threw a lavish vacation, knowing Bravo footed the bill. -
S10.E04: Jamaican Jailbait
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
And viewers got lavish: Melissa just had a 40th birthday party and this episode had everyone going to Jamaica. Everyone on this show gets easily offended, and their displays of joy are fake as fuck: Tre has a hair trigger violent temper and holds grudges for decades. She’s been pissed ever since her brother didn’t marry someone she hand picked for him. She also instigated the whole Jennifer mocking Jackie thing as payback for Jackie calling her out on her ridiculous “wives control the husbands” commentary. Dolores was offended by Margaret on behalf of Soggy Flicker. She’s so empty, she doesn’t have a stand-alone reason to be offended. Siggy... spent an entire season being offended about a cake, being called Soggy Flicker, and tried to launch that whole “Margaret is an antisemite” campaign. Jennifer: Still offended at that article Jackie wrote. An article where she complimented Jennifer’s kids. It isn’t just Jackie. The problem is, none of these ladies has any self awareness. The flaws they see in others are their very own. Frank doesn’t seem to respect “females.” Not lawyers, wives or mistresses. -
S10.E04: Jamaican Jailbait
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
Yup. The kids were fine, except for the few with entitlement issues. Your kid isn’t gonna be scarred for life because they didn’t have a party at a trampoline park or because mommy only had pizza, cake, non-artisanal favors and friends over for a birthday party. As far as the kids on this show over the years, Jackie’s are the only ones who seem well adjusted. And maybe Dolores’s daughter who tapped out early on. -
S10.E04: Jamaican Jailbait
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
The only kids I saw complaining were Jennifer’s kids, who were being rude. The other kids were playing and having a good time. Was more heart needed? For who? -
S10.E04: Jamaican Jailbait
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
Dolores is tragic. She spends her days making bad excuses for terrible people (Tre, Chauvinist Disbarred Frank, and Unspecified Doctor Boyfriend) who give her nothing in return for her blind loyalty. There really was nothing wrong with the birthday party Jackie had for her kids. This is what birthday parties used to look like before parents started using them to keep up with the Joneses and everyone started stressing out over making everything Pinterest/Instagram perfect. While Jennifer was bragging about fancy birthday parties for her kids, I kept thinking that other kids come to the parties less as friends and more as opportunists. I bet there are few actual friends in the bunch. Jennifer has hosted fancy parties for her daughter who is now the odd man out among her classmates. If Jennifer weren’t so terrible herself, she’d know that her kid flashing a money clip with a hundred dollar bill in it was inappropriate. -
Not wanting porn as a profession for a hypothetical child I don’t have doesn’t mean I think being a porn actress makes a person amoral. And if others are entitled to think that way about a person, I’m entitled to judge them for it. People can’t judge others while insisting on not being judged themselves. Especially when there is little difference between fucking multiple partners for money vs fucking multiple guys for Gucci. Or a chance to live in the United States. People are susceptible to STI transmission outside of the adult entertainment industry too. HIV doesn’t care if you’re being filmed and paid or not. And there’s a whole lot more people with it who aren’t porn actors than who are. I don’t think the porn industry is kind to women. There are ways to address that without calling the actresses amoral sluts. All that does is let me know that objections to porn aren’t really about protecting the women.
Some might think doing porn makes a person immoral. Others might think seeking a “come-up,” expecting a parent to prioritize buying you designer shit over taking care of their children makes a person an immoral lowlife.
Seeing Anny’s pouting/nastiness whenever she can’t go shopping for Chanel and caviar the way she wants us to believe she did in the Dominican Republic, I have zero issues envisioning her mistreat Bryson if she has a kid of her own. She’s 100 percent “That Bitch.” So while I do think grandma’s questions about birth control were very personal, I suspect grandma knows a scammer when she sees one. I’m also not here for Anny judging grandma as having no morals for being a porn actress. What the fuck does Anny thing she was doing when she was banging a broke stranger who made a pit stop while on a cruise? Or when she was modeling cheap, ill fitting lingerie before sexing up her 20 second fiancé in hopes of securing the empty money bag known as Robert? The only difference between Anny and Granny is that the cameramen left Robert’s room before she slept with him in exchange for money. Work on yourself, babe.
True. I’m always more bothered by people who bring fly by night fiancées into their homes with their kids. I will say that being an able bodied man is not the same as being a general contractor qualified to turn a she-shed into a livable space. He could really fuck it up. I’m annoyed at her sniping at him when it was foolish of her to assume he could do renovations. Or wanted to do renovations. I’d be pissed if after taking an international flight and entertaining Tania’s friends in NYC, I came back to a home that wasn’t livable. Like Deavan level pissed.
Just got home and fired up the DVR. Where is Bryson’s mom?
S10.E03: 40 and Fancy Free
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
Right? Must’ve been some female attorney or judge that led to him getting disbarred. Frankie is a fucking creep. -
This “sexy” music tho...
Because like Robert’s friend said, she’s a gold digger. One who is bad at her job. I do believe though that Robert promised her a bunch of stuff he had no intention of delivering on. Most of the men on this show do that.
These two aren’t going to work out.
The finest Chanel has to offer.
If Tania is such a go-get-ter... why is she living in her mom’s she-shed?
I saw that one. One of the men was suuuuper creepy. More so than the typical weirdos looking to buy a young bride.
She’s not using his name in any videos. Just like Cesar and Maria
Girl, the clothes you are wearing now are not “elegant.” But he could’ve at least taken her to Rainbow.
S10.E01: Sex, Lies and Video Debates
brillia79 replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
Obviously Tre with her bad temper and cheating husband who calls her a c*nt on the air makes for better drama than Melissa sneaking out to Burger King to take a shit. I doubt I’d watch a Melissa spin-off because I don’t want to see a manufactured music career. And if I wanted to see the trials and tribulations of running a vanity project clothing store, I’d watch the 1st season of Keeping Up With The Khardashians. But in 2019, I don’t want to see a Tre spin-off either. It would be full of her nursing old grudges, undeserved excesses, complaining about how unfair it is that she and her husband were convicted, and maybe some yoga.