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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. Yep. That’s another one who doesn’t want to work.
  2. People who live with traditional gender roles haven’t changed that much from 1950. It’s why the a Duggars are still a thing. It’s why Libby’s dad raised her to be a manipulative princess. These are things occurring right now in 2020. I don’t follow traditional values. I’d still be ashamed of a work-shy husband who likes to spend my father’s money. Libby doesn’t care as long as she gets her cut.
  3. Colt, Debbie and the cats come first. Jess will come in dead last.
  4. Colt. You never caved in to Larissa. Not even once.
  5. In my day (ok, my day is now), traditional values means your husband is responsible for the family finances after the wedding. Andrei is no traditional man.
  6. Libby and Andrei are thee worst! Enabling Dad is close behind.
  7. Sure Deavan. The condom “slipped off.”
  8. 1. No Andrei didn’t want her family to attend. He gave them 1 months notice on purpose. 2. Her family already attended the wedding. They don’t need to go to the 2nd wedding or Christening. His family haven’t seen the baby yet.
  9. There goes her one egg...
  10. Colt will never have a healthy relationship as long as Debbie is around. And because he’s nuts.
  11. If being a famewhore were a crime, Stassi would be guilty along with the rest of the cast. Consensual sex? Not a crime? Knowingly falsely accusing someone of criminal activity: Crime! Knowing your accusations will be taken seriously because of your white skin? Racism! Sucks to be Stassi. But at least Lisa likes her... oh, wait...
  12. Not liking Faith does not change that Stassi is a racist. Deflecting by bringing up Faith’s consensual sex acts with other cast members doesn’t change it either. Nor does deciding that Stassi’s little attempt at cosplaying Carolyn Bryant isn’t really racist anyway. Being disgusted that Bravo didn’t act on your time table doesn’t mean they were wrong to get rid of Stassi when they couldn’t bury her actions anymore. And it’s less to do with their moral compass than it is to do with her being a financial liability right now. They are securing their bag. She fucked up. It caught up with her. If they thought she was worth it, they’d be keeping her on. They don’t see it for her. Oh well. The Titanic was great at compartmentalizing. Until it sank. Something about too much water spilling over into other compartments. Shrug.
  13. I’m sure she’s got a klan to back her up and bolster her career. She’ll be fine. Fun fact: outrage mobs and “cancel culture” exist among Fox viewers too. Lady Antebellum, NASCAR and any head of a health department who suggested wearing face masks in public might have some thoughts on that these days.
  14. It doesn’t really matter what you think of her, but you’ve pretty much already said it. There is nothing Faith has done that makes it acceptable for the cast of Vanderpump Rules to her as a criminal and call law enforcement on her. Certainly not having consensual sexual with another adult. Black women have been killed by police for merely sleeping in their homes or playing video games with their nephews. Using the police as a personal hit squad to settle a score, and laughing about it later on is evil.
  15. All of this. Stassi is not the victim here. Least of all, the victim of a “witch hunt.” She’s a sociopath who thought it was funny to frame someone for a crime/endanger someone’s life to bolster her pathetic little girl squad. Her getting called out for her phony Black Lives Matter tweets isn’t a witch hunt. It’s being held accountable. It’s also very premature to assume her life is “ruined.” She’ll do her racism apology tour and end up on Below Deck or maybe Southern Charm - they don’t seem to have a problem with racists and rapists. Its no surprise to me that she’s trying to use the power of White Women’s Tears to rally her fans. It’s exactly what I’d expect from such a basic woman.
  16. Isn’t this just code for unemployed?
  17. Wait, I wasn’t paying attention... is this girl pregnant? Is her Eithiopian bae the daddy?
  18. Jordan is not on the travel ban list and is generally safe, but it borders Syria and Iraq and travel to the border regions of the country is not recommended. I guess she wants to travel and he likes Jordan? Otherwise, I don’t know.
  19. I hope that’s why. The other explanation is super creepy.
  20. I feel like we all need to be on that path. All this money these men get scammed out of. Where’s my cut?
  21. Yeah these two aren’t gonna work out.
  22. Whew chile! The lack of self awareness is strong among this crew!
  23. This can’t be the same woman who brags about the hundreds of yahoo boys that want her.
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