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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. Stuff it, Grangela. For several seasons, you’ve been telling everyone that you could tote an egg in your beautiful uterus. You knew you were lying. I’m here for Larissa and Jess telling Colt and Debbie that they are trash, but the “broken heart” claims are a bridge too far. Dial it back, ladies.
  2. And he encourages it. It will serve him right.
  3. No this fucker didn’t use drinking as an excuse after what he said about owning your responsibility!
  4. Shut it, Chuck. You don’t care about Libby. Your motives all came out at the wedding: greed and jealousy.
  5. They can’t. Libby is two faced.
  6. So... as much as I can’t stand Jenn, Andrei definitely said that shit.
  7. Why is Debbie talking?
  8. Who are these people in the age of Catfishing and general internet scamming that accept social media friend requests from strangers??? Chantel’s brother is lying about how he met his fiancée, right?
  9. Lol at the idea that Chuck tried to handle Charlie. He let him make that whole speech uninterrupted.
  10. Wait, Daddy paid for loser Charlie’s wedding too??? Fuck this guy, and the rest of Libby’s trash family!
  11. These people are so fucking pathetic. “Daddy didn’t throw me a big wedding! It’s not fair!”
  12. I take it Dad Libby never saw an episode of Four Weddings.
  13. Bitch, it’s Kahlani’s parents money that you want to finance your family!
  14. I like the flower crown veil. That is all.
  15. Paul brought her to a shit plant to convince Karine that the USA is better than Brazil. Or as punishment for talking to a lawyer.
  16. Libby is a liar. I believe Andrei when he says Libby knew everything.
  17. Jess, don’t hug Debbie. She’s a fucking scumbag!
  18. And don’t forget fucking in their house.
  19. Abstinence only education.
  20. Binyam should have a baby with an Eithiopoan wife who won’t threaten to leave with the baby. Ari needs to make her own life in Eithiopia, not depend on Binyam for all her happiness. No one likes a barnacle.
  21. And Deavan. Remember, 2 kids, no capable fathers for them.
  22. I’m close with my sister, and yet, I stay all the way out of her marriage unless she asks me for an opinion - and it’s a careful opinion. Who are these people that need to be all up in married peoples business?
  23. Angela is a piss poor role model for her own grandkids. So are their parents.
  24. Sadly, yes. And we’re supposed to pretend like Jimbob and Michelle didn’t cover up Josh’s incestuous ways so they could get tv money, book deals, free trips, etc.
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