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Everything posted by ExMathMajor

  1. Way to psych me out, ANTM. I just knew Adam was going home based on the previews. I'm glad I get to look at him for at least one more week. Agree with Keith's winning the challenge being the thing that put him over Will. Still think Will should have won it though. Sorry Raelia went home but seriously...she's going to be just fine. If she's not working already she will be soon. Hopefully with better hair. I'm not a fan of weave at all and hers was really bugging me all season. I'd bet a lot of Chantelle's demeanor, such as it is -- I too am not getting the villain edit -- comes from growing up with vitiligo and dealing with other people's shit around it. I love Shei and want her to win. I know she won't, but I hope she does. Next week looks very interesting. What will Will the Giant do in Seoul?
  2. The best part of this show for me was the reminder that yes, kids, HIV/AIDS is still a thing, and as silly as it may sound to say, "No Glove, No Love" is still a valid statement in 2014. I was saddened to learn how many people Miss J lost to AIDS. Tied to that: THANK YOU. I came of age in the 80s -- I was part of the ORIGINAL MTV Generation -- and I was like, which 80s are you referring to, Tyra? The 1780s? Because I am old, I can say that this: is completely incorrect. First off, that was KID. Play is a separate person. Secondly, Miss J was not wearing a true high-top fade. The shape was more trapezoidal than rectangular. Perhaps, but it does make her too immature for this competition and frankly for much of life. Yeah, you can be sad, but at some point you have to wipe those tears, put on some concealer, and get your ass back to WORK. And I'm saying this as someone who was all ready to root for Mirjana, blaccent and all, before she/the producers started this silliness with Denzel. I do think she's gorgeous and I hope to see her modeling in a few years when she's grown up a little. As for the rest of these hamsters, the only one I'm still kinda-sorta rooting for is Shei. It's a competition, she's a competitor, and that's that, no bullshit. Too bad she probably won't win because Tyra's GOT to have a boy win this year. Thing is, both Adam and Will are beautiful -- got to agree with Tyra on that one -- but they're both at the extremes re height, am I right? So that leaves Keith, who has been boring me to tears most shoots. I keep forgetting when this damn show comes on...
  3. Figures that the only one I was coming close to liking got booted. That said, I couldn't believe he and Adam were going to compose a song for panel, and I really couldn't believe it when they actually played it at panel. All I could think of was "WWJD?" (What would Janice [Dickerson] do?) The "love suite" of Keith/Kari/Denzel/Mirjana? UGH. I said I was too old for this show and I meant it, dammit. I guess I'm kinda-sorta rooting for Shei, since she seems to have some sense and isn't half bad at modeling. But I agree with those who said the winner's probably going to be a guy this season. I'd be fine with Will taking it but I think it's going to be either Denzel or Keith.
  4. I've been too old for this show for a very long time now but the opening scene of this episode -- with Kari and Mirjana kissing while the boys hollered -- confirmed it. I should have done a Carrie Bradshaw and taken my tired old fart ass home but I stuck around for the entire episode. Seeing Romeo go home almost made it worthwhile. (Last word on him: He's an ass. Buh-bye.) On the one hand I think Tyra's judgement of Lenox was a bit over the top but on the other hand I don't understand how after 20 cycles anyone going into this competition wouldn't know the deal. WhatEVER Tyra and Co. make you do, you do your best and you ask for more, dammit. All the cycles are online in some form so even if you'd never heard of ANTM before getting selected, I'm assuming you have a few weeks to get/buy/steal a CLUE about what you're getting into. Ugh. Unless I'm mistaken, isn't Raelia a virgin too? Yet somehow she was able to act sexier than most of the girls. The love quadrangle is working my last nerve. Whoever called it The Real World is dead-on...and that's a show I had the sense to stop watching a VERY long time ago. I now like Shei (second only to Ben) because she called it out for what it was: unprofessional and completely unnecessary.
  5. No way did this show need to be 2 hours. Talk about an amazing drinking game. Every time someone says "it's a big decision" or "divorce"...DRINK! Halfway through this, listening with one ear, I started wondering what outcome would have to happen for me to be completely surprised and to not think these last x weeks of watching were a complete waste of time. And for one heart-stopping second I thought Doug would give it to me as he sat on the couch with Jamie. "I've made my decision...You're a wonderful, gorgeous person with a lot of potential. I think you'll make some lucky man a wonderful wife someday." Alas, it was not to be... I'm glad Jason took what seemed to be a significant leap of faith. That said...was anyone else surprised that it took until the last two episodes to get any kind of insight into his past relationships? Prior to that I didn't remember hearing anything about how this had contributed to his guardedness. Oh wait...maybe that's because they were spending so much time on how JAMIE'S past contributed to her guardedness. I completely agree with this. That said, relationships like hers and Vaughn's play a HUGE role in helping you learn about yourself and about what you really want. In that way, the story of her and Vaughn's marriage tanking so badly may end up serving as a cautionary tale in more ways than one. Ultimately, and despite my still feeling as though I dipped into the slimy end of the reality-show pool, I wish all of these participants the best of luck. I doubt I'll be back for a second season of this, though.
  6. You're better than me. I was thinking Kari should beat Tyra's ass. Especially if she had gone home with that look. Now that said: At this point in the game nothing about the "Ty-overs" (WTFF??) should surprise anybody. Chantelle's going on about not wanting to lose her hair was stupid. She should consider herself lucky that she got a new weave to take back to Canada with her. Besides looking 1000 percent better with the new haircut, that little shimmy Ben did at FCO? Adorbs. I think I might finally have someone to root for now.
  7. I forgot this show was on earlier in the week...late to the party again... I'm going to assume they scrubbed the shit (literally) out of those LA metro stations. Or is it really that clean? It reminded me of certain European cities' subway systems I've been in...and the marked difference between them and New York's, Chicago's, etc. So Yu Tsai is this season's Mr. J? Okay. I'm still not really liking or rooting for any of these people by default. They're going to have to make me root for them. Some people (Romeo) are already way, WAY back in the pack. Others might have a chance with me. I was hoping Mirjana would be cool because she's bringing that special Eastern European flavor of bad-ass but next week's preview isn't looking too promising. I've got relatives whose names contain apostrophes, and relatives whose names are phonetically spelled. It's usually one or the other though (unlike L'Meese).
  8. The only person who didn't completely piss me off this episode was Cortney. Vaughn's mom comes a distant second. Jason: I'm starting to sound like a broken record but I'll say it one more time and then I'm done: He had NO BUSINESS going on this show with the way his life is right now. Not only that, I don't understand why the producers even picked him. Surely he wasn't the only cute young Brooklyn (?) firefighter/wrestler type auditioning? I'm not even going to get into his not opening up; there's no point. Monet: At this point I'm just mad she's still making an effort. If I had any kind of sympathy for Vaughn I would have had a problem with her "compliment" to him being "You have a lot of potential." I would have considered it condescending...if there weren't at least a little truth to it... Vaughan: I can't believe I didn't pick up on this sooner: If you are a man who's grown up in a time and a culture that says that men like you are rare gems and that women will fight to get you, of COURSE you're going to think you don't have to compromise...because you DON'T. There will ALWAYS be women needy enough and desperate enough to put you on a pedestal and give you every single thing you want without you having to put in more than minimum effort. I completely agree with those who said that he checked out very early on; I also agree that he'll probably never be satisfied, which means he probably won't get married (again) until his 40s at the very least, if ever. Jamie: I agree with everyone who said she was just looking for an excuse. I really wish I could feel sorry for her but...honestly...she's another one who should have never gone on this show. It's getting to the point where it's difficult for me to watch her or to hear her talk. I just want her off my screen. Doug: Goddammit, Doug. I don't blame you for needing a cigarette but lying about it, and lying in that way...that was a punk-ass move. And then to promise something that the vast majority of human beings can't promise...another punk move. Your living with your parents I can completely understand because shit, this has been a rough few years economically speaking plus you're living in one of the money-suck capitals of the world. That isn't what's making me question your maturity level. You acted like a punk this episode. You may think it's out of love, but it smells like desperation. Not cool at ALL. Dr. Cilona: How much are you getting paid to sit there and offer crap advice? Oh wait...I have to go to that OTHER board to get an answer? Yeah, no.
  9. This show stopped being serious for me years ago but I still find myself rooting for one or more people each cycle. Guess I can't help it...I still manage to get sucked in by a good storyline, even if it's completely manipulative and fictional. I know perfectly well they're fucking with my head, but I'm along for the ride anyway. So that said...it's still too early in the game (and too early to remember names) but I'm trying to keep an open mind. They are all famewhores by default...I hope some of them turn out to be serious about the work involved, and are willing to learn. I too am happy to see Miss J back. Also, I liked Cory last cycle; I hope he sticks around. However, Tyra seems to be showing her age this time around, and not in a good way. I found myself thinking I was getting a glimpse at Cycle 50...
  10. I completely agree. From Jason not telling Cortney his mom's name, to Jamie telling her relatives not to call Doug uncle, to Vaughan's entire attitude...show, you've lost that reality feeling and it's gone, gone, gone, whoa-oh-oh-oh... I maintain that Jason had no business going on this show if his mom is that sick. If she's not interested in participating, I don't blame her one bit. Same with Cortney's family. Hell, if my sister did something like this I'd have a hard time being on camera too. I was trying hard to have some sympathy for Jamie ("Auntie Gorgeous"??) but her shame and embarrassment about her family and upbringings got to me after a while. I found myself wondering how often her siblings get to NYC and how she describes them to her friends. I also wondered what her siblings would think after seeing this show. Also, Jesus-Pete...that view from the deck! Vaughan has officially worked my last nerve. I doubt even Sleeps-With-Bible woman would have been good enough for him. Assuming any of these couples stick it out, I'm betting they won't last past Christmas, if that.
  11. It's definitely not just you. After this episode I said to the screen, "Jamie, if you don't take him, I will!" even though technically I'm old enough to be his (very young) mother, lol. Also, I realized that even though we're not quite as close physically and communications-wise -- I talk to my mom maybe once a week and my dad maybe once every two weeks and my sisters somewhere in the middle -- my family's very close in the sense that we're always there for each other. I like that aspect of Doug's family. Jamie could be missing out on a real opportunity to know that kind of love and security. (I saw that little spoiler at the top of the thread but am ignoring it...) Next month marks three years since my cat-friend of 15 years passed away. I haven't gone this long without some kind of four-legged companion since I was 7...and I'm not in any hurry to get anything bigger than a fish anytime soon. Now that said: Completely agree, and that's how it should be IMO. Monet doesn't need another reason to walk, but that snide comment Vaughan made about her dog is a pretty good one. I really can't find much else to say about them except I hope they get some kind of redemptive arc at some point. Finally, Cortney and Jason are still cute as hell. I can't imagine what their babies would look like though.
  12. My sister and I were predicting how this should end. Doug and Jamie: Should divorce, but keep dating to see what happens Cortney and Jason: Should stay married a little longer Vaughan and Monet: Should divorce and never see each other again, not even for sex Re Doug's family "situation": For the first time I actually feel a little sorry for Jamie. From what little I've learned, her upbringing has her simultaneously longing for and fearing closer contact with a (potential) mate and his family. Perhaps more than anyone else she realizes that this is a reality experiment and that the experiment is going to end at some point so she fears getting too invested. Maybe I'm just old (-fashioned) for even mentioning this, but have either Jamie or Doug's mom heard of the phone? Surely there's some point in the 24-hour day when they're both awake at the same time and can talk to each other for 5 minutes or so. Alternately, as someone said above, they could wait until the 5 (?) weeks have passed and then perhaps Jamie can get to know Doug's family better.
  13. I completely agree with you. I like seeing black couples and other couples of color on TV too. However, I don't agree that these two would have been a successful pairing based on what you said in your first paragraph. Under different circumstances they might have dated for a couple of weeks, but that's about it. God help me...I keep thinking about the black woman who slept with her Bible and whether SHE might have been a better match for Vaughn.
  14. Scene: Frat party/bar/random social event/random corporate event Cast: A horde of white people, a man of color, and a woman of color The people of color are on opposite sides of the room. Their respective friends manage to bring them together in the middle of the room. Friends: Man of Color, meet Woman of Color! You guys should totally get together. You'll have lots in common! ^^story of my dating life through much of my teens and 20s^^ I'd like to think the researchers were a little more intelligent than that, but even if they were, I'd bet it was a producer decision to go the "safe" route and display couples of matching colors. When people (regardless of race) say they prefer an "old-fashioned" mate, I often think of Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
  15. The experts were only able to create (or select) 3 couples who would best fit the experiment. We don't know whether or why they couldn't find more. Maybe the good doctor above can elucidate... I wanted to co-sign, high-five, amen heebiejeebie's comment about arranged marriages in the context of culture. Watching this show made me want to look up documentaries on modern arranged marriages the way it's REALLY done, preferably in sociocultural situations in which the women aren't property. I used to work with a young woman from India who had two degrees from prestigious schools, could hold her own with her fellow (mostly male) engineers, and was in an arranged marriage. The most I ever heard her say about it was that "it is what it is," it made sense from a practical perspective, and Westerners make too big of a deal about it. I was too polite to ask if she was happy with her family's choice. Anyway, yeah, I'm in too...
  16. The only reason I watched this was because my sister told me to...I've never been a huge fan of dating/mating reality shows in general and as an older woman of color I never really thought I was the target demographic for those types of shows. That's my story and I'm sticking to it... So yeah, I had no idea that Jamie had previous reality show experience. Even if I hadn't known I wasn't inclined to root for her once I realized how stuck she is on the Cinderella fantasy. I realize that Westerners are largely programmed on this fantasy and all of the participants are buying into it to some extent but to me the "success" of these unions will have to depend on how quickly they can let go of that fantasy. I think StayingAfterSunday broke it down (the reasons why most people get married) really well. The wedding is just one day, while marriage is the rest of your days (ideally). I knew Doug's moles were going to get attention -- I kept looking at them too -- but honestly he seems like a really sweet guy and I'm afraid this isn't going to be the best experience for him. Vaughn also seems nice but he's exactly the kind of man I've long avoided: the one who's overly stuck on traditional gender roles. Monet says she likes a take-charge guy but I'm wondering how long that will last. Unlike me, she can't say, "I've already GOT a father, thank you very much!" Without knowing the timeframe re taping etc. I found it really strange that a man whose only parent has lung cancer would go on a reality show to get married to a total stranger. Jason seems like a sweetheart but this really doesn't seem like the best time, you know? Also, it's very telling that Cortney's family isn't down with this. That said, I hope they're able to make it work out. Really, I hope they all make it work out past the four weeks. One more thing: Are they really expected to have sex?
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