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  1. So far, I like Onya and Acacia. I want to like Kori and Lana, but I'm not there yet. Possibly Sam. I thought the amount on money on the Monopoly cards would have to be used to buy the materials for the challenge, or bid on them. That would have been fun. And someone has to say it - Lucky Starzzz is a terrible drag name.
  2. I didn't see any promos on tv, online, or social media, so this was a surprise. I did love the opening, and liked how the runway and challenges will be divided so the first couple of eps aren't quite as overwhelming, while not being the full 7/7 split. I haven't got any faves or non-faves yet, but the pun-lover in me is liking a lot of the drag names. I'm not a Katy Perry fan, so I just tuned out all of that.
  3. I really enjoyed this finale, and was a bit surprised it wasn't declared to be a tie. I am slightly familiar with Boyz II Men, not with Mario. But I loved how happy he was to share the stage with them, and he clearly believed he was a winner regardless. None of the panel annoyed me, it was good to see Rita back (and I won't mind if she takes the spot permanently,) and I liked the family cameos. Still my favorite show!
  4. I will now - I was trying to avoid spoilers until I got caught up!
  5. My comment was going to be that, despite this being my favorite show, I managed to miss the fact that it was back. So did everyone else it looks like! Obviously the right person went home, and the costumes were really excellent. So far so good!
  6. I would say, for any future "returning houseguests" of any sort season, Tucker and Angela are both locks. Wasn't expecting Leah to be so excited about seeing Quinn, so that was cute. The last bit of a season is always the most boring, so I may finish out this one On Demand.
  7. I would spend a lunch hour with Frankie for Filter and Dropkick Murphys. For that plus the headliners and Anthrax - a whole day. It would be a long day, but I'd do it.
  8. Jealous doesn't begin to cover it - have a fantastic time!
  9. Angela's going to fake-snot-bubble her way to winning this thing, isn't she? Still not sure why it had to be Joseph going up, but whatevs. Glad to see Leah finally start playing - I didn't know she was from Pittsburgh, so I have to root for her now. Quinn is playing badly, but at least he's playing. And I do like imagining Grodner's despair that Tucker is out and her options for Grodner's Pet are Quinn, Cam, and Joseph. Oh, forgot Kimo.
  10. The only good thing about Tucker leaving is imagining Grodner screaming and tearing her hair. The other "hot guy" (Matt) went out right away, and none of the other men left fit the profile. He really did grow on me, and I could even buy that he would be loyal to Angela, because duh, in an F2, she's probably the easiest to beat.
  11. Yeah, Tucker was the only interesting thing about this season, and he was growing on me. To be fair, the comps were better and more equitable, so there's that, but I can't stand Angela, and most of the rest are non-entities or annoying. Joseph for the win, I guess.
  12. Ooh, I will subscribe when I get home. There hasn't been much new on the ghost-show front lately. I think the usual suspect networks may finally be moving away from it. But it will be back, it's the circle of after-life.
  13. I have the first two seasons on dvd, the ones that came with the little puffer jacket covers. I was so excited when it was on Prime, but I don't have Prime. Been thinking about getting it, but kept forgetting to check if it was the original music. Well, I just ordered the full series on dvd, and the reviews on Amazon claim it's all original music. We shall see, but even allowing for the overlap of what I already own, it's cheaper than Prime. Fingers crossed. Somewhere out there, there was a website that listed all the music, I need to find that again.
  14. For the same reason they had Giuliani, Jenner, and Palin. The same reason DWTS had Tom DeLay, Sean Spicer, Kate Gosselin, and Bristol Palin. It gets people talking. Clicks, eyeballs, tweets, outrage posts all over the place. Attention.
  15. Meghan McCain needed a stupid, contrived, overly intricate hairdo, in addition to mentioning her father every 30 seconds. And as much as I loved James Brown, and Little Richard, and the other male Snatch Game impersonations, I want that to be forbidden. Good to see Chad Michaels once more. But this whole episode seemed kind of off. Actually, this whole season has been off. Not as bad as some of the recent ones, but off nonetheless.
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