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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I like the look of Mr. Mercedes basement lair lots of different types of computer parts although there should have been more desktop computers and fewer laptops. That is what you would expect from someone who works retail at an electronics store. There is no way Mr. Mercedes could have built that remote control in his basement, it was too compact and professional looking. Maybe they will tell us why Mr. Mercedes killed all those people, so I can stop sympathizing with him.
  2. What's happening is not very interesting, ways to make it more interesting is to pretend the guy in the hood is Cora's husband or Cora's husband's father. I am sure that the detective's ex-wife realizes that the only reason he went for a talk in the woods was to find that dead body. She should be thoroughly pissed.
  3. Might be something similar to this yarn tree.
  4. I almost feel that the person they are showing to be the "Mercedes Killer" isn't the real "Mercedes Killer". The "low-tech", non-specific, randomness of the killings doesn't really fit well with tech savvy Barry. I wonder if Barry figured out who the Mercedes Killer was and is trying to lead the Detective to the real killer. But if that was true, it would mean that the real "Mercedes Killer" was that lady who said her car was stolen.
  5. It probably wasn't a death bullet, but a suspended animation bullet. He should be dead if they embalmed him for his funeral.
  6. I want them to start a Mr. Mercedes forum entry, but I don't know how to get them to do it.
  7. I was wondering if Misaki was something special, I thought I saw her eyes change a couple times when she was being shown.
  8. I was kind of joking, I would have preferred a plot where Cora had to constantly listen to the a-hole's practice that song in their garage while she was next door trying to get high and they were harshing her buzz. Then have some incident where the band members attack/(possibly rape) her when she went over to tell them to keep the music down. I am not feeling the kidnapping/brainwashing storyline unless it was done by an ultra-conservative Christian group trying to remove her sins.
  9. I tend to hate when the scientists who the only people in the world that can finish something before a disaster happens spends all their time doing soldier/James Bond stuff instead of working on a solution. At least this show finished the sciencey solution before the scientists went all James Bond. Something tells me that something is going to go wrong and the real solution is going to be Tanz's 160 person rocketship. You think Tanz is ever going to tell Liam that Liam did not kill his professor. It would be hilarious if that government guy was killed because he was a member of the hacker group RE/SYST and not because he looked at the wrong file at work.
  10. It was so obvious, why didn't I see it before, somebody knocked Cora over the head and brainwashed her to kill the first man she saw after hearing that song. Why do we need 5 additional episodes? Kudos for them having a life-sized crucifix.
  11. I am the other way around, I prefer the dominatrix, the wife seems boring. I don't know why he would put in the effort to win her back. The only thing Pullman ever talks about is plants. He knows the scientific names of all the flora and is constantly obsessing about their health. A man's got to spray what a man's got to spay! If his wife would have kicked him a couple of times with her bionic knee, he wouldn't have to visit a dominatrix.
  12. I was thinking that Herr Star might have been testing his hypothesis that a woman might do anything a man would tell her. Proving that Jesse commanding Tulip to go to sleep wasn't that big of a deal.
  13. How to fake the size of an asteroid, vary the intensity of Infrared Light. Determining the Size of an Asteroid
  14. I think the asteroid is man-made and probably has it's own propulsion system. They probably determined the size of the object by it's brightness, which can be faked. I think John Noble and the Russians are creating this scenario to steal tech from Darius Tanz.
  15. I think they want to use the gravity tractor method (Gravity Tractor) and pull the asteroid enough to miss the Earth, not use nuclear weapons. The Pentagon's plan was to crash a satellite into the asteroid which might have broken it to pieces which might have rained down on the earth. The stolen Uranium was to power "The Salvation", a different spaceship that will take 160 people to Mars after the asteroid threat has been averted.
  16. I almost think that Jessica Biel isn't Cora, but Phoebe (the sickly sister). They keep showing flashes of an outgoing blond girl who keeps saying things like "Come on!" while walking towards a door and showing that strange wallpaper pattern..
  17. I was thinking they could just have the companies/divisions that created the parts for the EM drive send back their specs, they were going to have to make a larger version anyway. They had 2 prototypes made on short notice, I am sure the companies are standing by in case they need a third.
  18. I was thinking they could just have the companies/divisions that created the parts for the EM drive send back their specs, they were going to have to make a larger version anyway. They had 2 prototypes made on short notice, I am sure the companies are standing by in case they need a third.
  19. Why would inmates play pranks on someone who wasn't sentenced to prison yet, that person might actually go free and then they could pay other inmates to make your life a living hell. Why play pranks on someone who might be an insane violent murderer.
  20. Did Eugene get his "TRACY" tattoo in "Prison/Hell" or "in real life"?
  21. Since Dominic Sherwood and Sarah Hyland are dating, the show probably forced Sarah Hyland to be on the show to improve their ratings. She was probably already just hanging around the set waiting for her man.
  22. I am putting all my money on that this has something to do with her sister.
  23. I knew she was a Revenant, I think they mentioned it when Doc was trying to hire her when she was working at that bar.
  24. Maybe he didn't want the baby to grow up to be a "Mama's Boy".
  25. Why didn't the girl android say anything, was she so afraid she chose death?
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