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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Tyrone definitely wasn't in the water when the explosion happened, the explosion caused the cop to shoot his brother who then fell into the water causing Tyrone to jump in after him. It is possible that you might need to be in the water to soak up the power. Tyrone's brother and Tandy's father were also in the water and probably not dead yet, they didn't receive super powers.
  2. Is anybody upset that Tandy came to Tyrone's house to steal his mother's badge under the pretext of caring about Tyrone's dead brother. If Roxxon Corp. is as bad as Tandy thinks it is, she could have gotten Tyrone's mother killed because they think she is helping Tandy. Tandy could have easily cut her way in through a side door with her dagger without compromising innocent people. I wonder if Scarface Cop got a super power as well, he was as close as Tyrone and Tandy were to the Roxxon Rig explosion. Maybe the Voodoo Lady was talking about Tyrone and the Scarface Cop when she was talking about the fate of New Orleans and one has to die.
  3. I liked the way they got out, while completely eliminating the possibility that the hitman was still trying to finish his contract. I thought they were going to do something with the coffee and all the exposed wires, but they still would have to stop the hitman. The minute I saw Niall Matter, I knew he would have an important part in the story.
  4. I am glad that Sarah Shahi has been turning up the sexy in the last 2 episodes. I think they need it if the show is to survive. I don't like her love interest, they shouldn't have made him her therapist, it seems like he is taking advantage of her situation, when she was and still seems to be at her most vulnerable.
  5. Episode 2 is much better episode, the fight scenes were better edited to make them more exciting. In the recap, even the boring fight scenes from episode one were edited to look exciting. The CGI scenes are very good as well.
  6. If Cassidy used his soul, I wonder if he would be willing to leave it there, since everybody else seems to be willing to do anything to get their's back. Would the Angelville crew just allow Cassidy to leave. Expect a hitlerious arsefarce to ensue next episode.
  7. I wonder what Cassidy had to promise in return for Madame L'Angelle to give him the Love Potion?
  8. If the Internet is down, but the cell phones are still working, couldn't they have figured out a way to transfer the video. I wonder if something is going to happen to Grace's phone before the video will be transferred.
  9. He said he wanted to be like a tiger, so maybe they were "stripeidy". stripeidy - 1) something that reminds you of tigers. 2) They're GRRREAT!
  10. I am surprised the that Eugene has a file, since he really shouldn't be in Hell (yet?). Hitler should have had a filing cabinet.
  11. How can you can you call it rape, Bryce gave her the thumb's up (kinda). Just kidding, it was rape.
  12. I thought Jesse got the box from the shipping/mailing place. I think Cassidy was in several plastic bags dumped in the back of the truck. I wonder if Jesse remembered to poke some air holes in the box, I wonder if that is necessary? I still don't believe that Jesse killed the psychic's brother it just seemed like he passed out.
  13. You can watch a special sneak peek of Wynonna Earp Season 3 on SYFY this Monday, July 16, 11 p.m. http://www.syfy.com/syfywire/catch-a-special-sneak-peek-of-wynonna-earp-season-three-this-monday
  14. Here is a slightly spoilerish picture of Holmes and Watson walking down the street. http://pixhost.to/show/120/75582231_hqcelebcorner-008.jpg
  15. Until we know exactly what type of crimes Ruval is commiting, we can't really say how he fits in with the rest of the criminal organization. Is Ruval a competitor (drug dealer) or does he make their jobs easier (money launderer, gun runner) or is he neutral (human trafficker).
  16. I would have been happier with half of the reiterations, covering just the highlights with a little real world time thrown in to break up the monotony (I have never be fond of groundhog day scenarios). I was a little disappointed that their fight at the end seemed just as sloppy and difficult as their fight at the beginning with the exception of the dagger throw at the end. You would think with all the dagger throwing practice, that the final run would have been a walk in the park for Tandy.
  17. A jog in a bog would be a slog, read about it in my blog.
  18. Seemed like the entire episode was pretty much filler, although it seems like Tandy acquired a useful skill. They gave the rest of the cast the day off.
  19. I liked the episode, but I didn't like that the kid got paid to return the things that he steals from people. Do Private Investigators really just pick locks and go anywhere they want or are there rules?
  20. You probably didn't like the female character because she just walked right over and kept on going, when her friend, the guy that was in love with her, died.
  21. Do you think there is a frog on a log in that bog.
  22. Could be better, a lot better. They could have edited the fight scenes so that they were more exciting, by removing frames to make them more fluid and faster. The best fight scene was the the little girl fighting the little boys. I thought the lady jumping out of the window to follow the other woman was also well done, since it was unexpected. The show seems not to mind killing women and children. They shouldn't telegraph the deaths so much to make them more unexpected and shocking. The dialog was predictable and the storyline didn't seem to have many twist and turns, except how badly she fought against the guy with the tattoo, good thing she got him drunk first or she would have really been through. After a couple of years of recovery time she will be ready to take on the rest of the tattooed murderers.
  23. The Mod & God in a dog on a hog scene was nice and all, but do people have free will, does God already know what is about to happen, can Satan's interaction add a degree of uncertainty to the situation that might allow Tulip to indeed kick God in the "Nads".
  24. I am not sure why so many people want the Vice-President to become President? People vote for who they want to be President and typically don't have any say who is Vice President. As long as the President is of sound mind and body, I don't understand why anyone would feel she should be replaced.
  25. Does Desna still own that high-end nail salon from last season?
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