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Everything posted by cameron

  1. I always think that crickets make a lot of noise - that's why I am having a hard time with the expression.
  2. Grew up in Baltimore, and have also lived in Ca, Illinois, Southern Ct, and Alexandria Va. and have never heard that term used before this show. I wonder if its a more of a regional term as different area have terms for soda, etc. Either that or I have lived a very shelter life.
  3. We're in the same age group. Where are you in the Mid Atlantic area?
  4. Interesting have lived in Ct, Md, and Va and have never heard anyone used that term. Must have skipped my generation. Going to have to call my grandson and chat him up on the subject.
  5. Brunch babes use the term " Crickets" a lot. Must be associated with the Michigan area that they are from. Really not familiar with the term besides the one associated with the insect.
  6. Please get that dummy Subra off this show. He is too much.
  7. Hair aside, she also acted like a drop out from Woodstock. Maybe she thought she was being cool, not so.
  8. You could actually see some of their neighbors, who I bet were overjoyed to see a camper parked in the driveway.
  9. I would have been just as brutal to Subra as Dorian. He always looks completely lost in the kitchen and really tired of his saying how he can cook anything. Whoops, tortilla hit the floor when he dropped it.
  10. Actually the chef in Joe's restaurant that was doing the cooking demo used a stainless steel pan to cook the fish in. Looked like All-Clad that has a dark gray finish on the exterior of its pans.
  11. I guess that I'm the only one that thinks Subra is useless in the kitchen. Walks around in a fog dropping things and cutting the ends off the potatoes. Really. Watch every week hoping that he gets the axe.
  12. I actually that she was a way too old hippie with that hair. She needs a major haircut. Woodstock is long gone!!
  13. Wish someone would show Chelsea how to properly wear a hat. If she is looking for a trendsetting look, she has missed the boat.
  14. Also like how they show her driving over the Limehouse bridge which is way out of town and not on the way to downtown Charleston.
  15. Lucca's eye makeup is so over the top.
  16. Also surprised that they took out Fabi.
  17. Thought it way over the top phony.
  18. Wow, hope this puts them out of business for ever. Never could understand how they were operating with Stop Work signs posted.
  19. Regarding the Ft. Pierce family, why did the grown kids even have a say in what was being bought unless they are financially contributing to the pot. Sounds like a lot of made up drama for tv.
  20. Time to cut the apron strings by both the parents and children. They are grown and should be living their own lives.
  21. Did you notice how tight he wore his pants.
  22. Her cheshire cat grin would drive me crazy!!
  23. Durango Colorado couple heading to splitsville if you ask me. Couldn't agree on anything and he was certainly overbearing.
  24. Still think that Evan was a producer driven plant. Even Spike Mendelsohn when he appeared on Top Chef wasn't this arrogant.
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