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Everything posted by Eln5

  1. According to IMDB adult Deja is played by La Trice Harper, who does look remarkably like the actress who plays young Deja.
  2. I thought exactly the same. Not only were they not in any scenes together they were never in the same frame at the same time. They were both at the meeting, but they showed them separately. I was really looking forward to this episode to see them interact but now I wonder if they even filmed their scenes at the same time.
  3. That part with the British guy cracked me up. He got all flustered when Josh told him also not to touch the book. Then Josh smacked him on the back like a total dude bro when he was leaving and I thought he was going to knock him over. Agree with your your comment that he is not just a pretty face. Although I could see the one female genealogist blushing while she was talking to him, as I think I would have done too.
  4. I’m so on the Drew train and hope this is his year. That was a hard hit that Ryan Stratis took to his shoulder, I hope he wasn’t seriously injured. Even still, any shoulder injury can be extremely painful so I’m sure that wasn’t how he wanted to go out. If you google Travis Rosen he gives an update on his recovery, and he was most definitely seriously injured. He needed surgery and his ankle was broken in multiple places. Maybe they need to re-think those landing pads, it appears they were way too unforgiving. Too many ninja’s looked like they were limping after landing on them.
  5. 40 minutes in and there is literally nothing I've liked about this episode :(
  6. This drives me crazy too, but for a different reason. They lay out their case in such a synchronized way, where each one of them takes a turn speaking, that they would have had to rehearse it beforehand for it to come out so choreographed. How would they know who would talk about which part? (This drove me crazy on NCIS too, every time the team would brief Gibbs in front of the monitor they would each talk in perfect lockstep with each other, like it was a play they had rehearsed ahead of time.)
  7. Hey, they're like Camp Dinner Bell. Those people were fine until they showed up. Edit: Posted at the same time as Armchair Critic. Great minds :)
  8. No harm AngelaHunter. It gave me the chance to explain that I wasn't affiliated with them, and most definitely not one of the above mentioned moderators from over there infiltrating this nice place :)
  9. I don't have any skin in this game, I wasn't trying to promote anything, just thought it was interesting. Point taken though, I wasn't sure about posting it to begin with, so I've deleted my original post.
  10. I wish I could give the writer's that kind of credit, and I hope they have some kind of plan. But I have such a bad feeling that they are just blindly following the comics and all of this speculation is going to be for nothing, since they will just do what the comics did. I think Kirkman's had an iron grip on this season. I hope I'm wrong and they surprise us, but I'm already worried.
  11. This reviewer wrote an open letter to Scott Gimple, and also sums up my feelings perfectly: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/open-letter-walking-dead-producers-article-1.2588251?cid=bitly&utm_content=buffer2679d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=NYDNGossip+Twitter
  12. Eln5

    S06.E15: East

    I agree with the Morgan sentiments here. When Morgan was first coming back it looked like he was going to be this new and improved stick wielding ninja Morgan. He could have been such a great character and I was really looking forward to seeing what they would do with him. I get what they are trying to do with him, but it makes me really not like the character at all and I won't miss him if he never comes back. I don't know why the writers couldn't just let him be great. I'm still trying to figure out the route from Alexandria used by Carol and Rick and Morgan. Carol left Alexandria and approached the bad guys from the driver's side of the truck. When Rick and Morgan drive up, presumably also from just having left Alexandria, they are approaching from the other side. I guess we're to assume they took circular routes? Seemed odd that they wouldn't have driven up from the same side since they all left from the same place.
  13. Speaking of that other guy, I just couldn't understand why he didn't go right to the police to report that someone tried to kill him, and almost succeeded. I guess it is hard to judge someone in that circumstance, having never been in that situation, but I would have thought the police would have been his first stop. He had no way of knowing if the guy would come after him to finish the job. It was brave of him to come forward and testify, I think he really sealed their case with his testimony.
  14. Just heard the news that Garry Shandling has died, at age 66. My first thought was of this episode with Jerry and how close they were. I've been a fan of both of them since way back. Such sad news :(
  15. Why is that one with the gun so freakin angry? Jeez.
  16. Oh my God, yes! It is so distracting watching her talk, I can't get past the contortions she does with her mouth to get that accent out. When she was on Talking Dead she was speaking fine with her regular accent, so clearly that is something she is doing on the show. Everyone who says she is a bad actress I do agree with, although I think it's the way she is talking that is giving that impression.
  17. "Kid asking girl how she knew." And girl giving no answer at all, just a blank stare. Yup, the Fear the Walking Dead formula in action.
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