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Everything posted by endure

  1. I liked the moderator too, much better than the guy who does the other ones, Kevin??
  2. The drinking and the smoking is mind boggling in this day and age. Honestly i think quite a few have the makings to become or already are alcoholics…. and not just a fun night out.
  3. Yep too much Lindsey with hair extensions, fat rolls and her slanderous BS insinuations, whhhhhhy do I even watch? My understanding is the reunion show is a two parter? No idea why this episode was on or why we would be interested in any of these former MAFS people, surely their 15 minutes was up long ago, nobody cares about them. My next door neighbours are more relevant than this and def just as interesting. I’ll watch the reunion show(s) for this season then I’m done. I just can’t devote this much time and effort to this drivel anymore when there is so much better on tv.
  4. Sombody needs to sue Lindsey for going on TV and saying or implying the stuff she does, Steven, for one, or Mark? And why do they have her on, they should be embarrassed she was ever let on the show. This show just loses more credibility by the day, what a joke. So the tell all after the tell all starting next week is a two parter 😕😳🤯 Sometimes shows show up after a few days on demand in my experience
  5. I’m kind liking it too, it’s def a a big step up from 90 Day Fiance so might just fill my vacant reality spot and still enjoy the snark 🤓
  6. I am four minutes in and bored to tears, how can people talk incessantly about nothing? Obviously God takes and controls total responsibility for their every thought, decision and choice and maybe that will be the focus moving forward. I did watch another video with clips from an upcoming episode where the girls are still talking like like two year olds. What i listened to here during four minutes focused a lot on this couple needing and taking breaks. I seem to recall that being an ongoing theme in previous seasons too. For a young couple who don’t often hold down regular employment this just gets tiresome. On a more positive note, nice to see Danielle not looking so thin.
  7. New season starts in July https://people.com/outdaughtered-returns-to-tlc-with-season-9-trailer-exclusive-7506806
  8. Shaq if you are going to go through life being such a self centered guy, you will never have a good marriage and you blame everything on Kirsten, at least she tried.
  9. What the heck was that nonsense with the divorce lawyer, give me a break MAFS, shame on you! Stupid fake show.
  10. You are right on and I bet production encourages and pays for the drinks when the crews go out. All kinds of indiscriminate behaviour goes on after drinking and they appear to drink huge amounts.
  11. Gary’s face hearing from Colin about Daisy, he looked shocked, dismayed, judgemental etc yet tried to pretend he was totally cool. He’s such a predator and wants to just stake a claim on anyone he desires, ugh 😩 Then getting Chase to tend to the ladies in the hot tub, obviously not his type eh. Talking about his hurt feelings with Lucy re his being snubbed by Mads was so disgusting and disrespectful. He should be fired for his behaviour and attitude toward coworker’s. Next week looks even worse, after this season I’m out. This seems to my year for dropping reality shows….. and it feels so good 😊
  12. I don’t get the show After Party that I’m aware of (Canada) so that is even more crazy there’s even more. I guess it’s easy and cheap to keep doling out more on the same season, but they’re just losing more and more credibility and def viewers. This seems to be my year to drop a lot of reality shows, they become a bad habit for me. This show is currently on my drop list 🙂
  13. Gina's mum considers Hank her grand-dog and insisted Hank was staying with her, I'm sure Hank is well loved and taken care of ❤️ We had a golden retriever, the dog was devoted to my husband and I equally and treated us both differently, definitely more playful with my husband and more loving with me, you're right we can't tell. We just saw scenes with Clint more. Appreciate all your comments!
  14. So typical of these reality shows and showing Americans as so totally uninformed, uneducated re other cultures, the guy arriving in Morocco to find a wife has no clue about the country, the culture, the religion? Same with the Sri Lankan young woman arriving in Columbia, was she expecting everyone to speak English, and did she really think her high school Spanish would suddenly make her bilingual enough? She seems way too timid and inexperienced to even leave her mother to do this. Not sure I like the Columbian matchmaker so far, he seems to make too many judgement calls. Susans first date was way too much but I felt like he thinks Susan is, which she may be but he didn't listen to her or believe her. He needs to realise she employs him for this service..... argh.
  15. Several years ago there was a dating show from the UK called The Undateables (I think?).... it was really good and all about people with issues or disabilities. Howard would be perfect that show. He is genuinely sweet and so wants to please, I hope he finds someone.
  16. If Gil watched the current season why would he even consider Dom and surely he has a ton of eligible women interested in him after being on the show.... more MAFS BS IMO 😕
  17. Is this the first season they have done this, I have not been aware during other seasons but may have watched the decision day then just assumed it was done and deleted any tapes assuming they were reruns.... it is def too much 🤮 Go away Nicole and take Gina with you and don't ever come back!
  18. If this show insists on being 'on' I would much rather see some updates of some of the old cast, especially the success stories. I too have had more than enough of this season, I personally don't have any regard for any of them, and the couple of cast mates I did kind of care about I'm totally over and done with now too.
  19. I totally get why Kirsten needs more closure from Shaq, she still wanted to try to make the relationship work and his breakup was very confusing, she def needs an explanation from him.
  20. What really makes these women unattractive and annoying to me is what braggarts they are, every one of them was tonight. Not sure if it’s how they really are or producer driven. You can be a strong, attractive woman and leave your big ego at the door.
  21. I might be in ~ first two episodes were OK so willing to give it a chance. I think the matchmaker already has Susan pegged as too picky so not sure things can proceed well there. She may just be a strong independent woman who isn’t willing to settle and might be happier on her own with her dog if he brings her more like her first date! But maybe there’s some hopeful surprises in store and not just boring annoying dates.
  22. I would interpret as one of those typical scratch your head in wonder moments thrown in there because we all encounter them all the time in real life and basically just go along with them? It def didn't make any logical sense lol.
  23. I was a little confused and may have missed something earlier in the series re the father's passing... I thought he was away on a trip. I def felt it (sadness) during the barn cleaning episode but it wasn't really clear to me then that Mike Hagerty, the actual actor had died in real life. Maybe I did miss something or maybe they wanted to somehow carry him through to the ending but glad they did clearly honour the father and the actor in the finale. 🕊️
  24. One of my biggest issues with reality TV is watching people eat and another close second that I often see on Pillow Talk especially is playing with feet, either their partners (David!) or their own ugh 🤮 Also was the exaggerated drink bottle scene with Kara & Guillermo a product placement?
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