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Everything posted by endure

  1. Wow I'm really feeling the love between Everton and the cake sitter..... then even she said it chemistry and passion etc etc
  2. Late again and I've missed the first half hr of the show, will watch the beginning at the end lol
  3. No surprise to me at all, she is obviously a major attention whore. 💗💗💗
  4. It's not you, it has two different names on the forums lol. Hopefully I remember to watch tonight. OT ~ I'm just checking out Match Me Abroad, it actually is not bad ~ so far, the episodes are less than an hour (streaming).... but too early to tell. Anyone else watching?
  5. Yep, and just when she thinks she’s doomed to being an old spinster along comes ole Debbie’s used to be a cop young son 💘 and with Mama’s approval….. moving right along!
  6. Ewwwwwe Veronica and Jamal?.... hope not ever!
  7. But I really think she also kind of used Ossama to get on the 90 Day wagon.
  8. OMG Danelle is so darn manipulative! No it's not even about Taylen Danielle LOL
  9. Absolutely, he made it loud and clear prior to her meeting up with Taylen where he stood on the matter, she totally ignored and disrespected him. I'm sure she has crossed many other lines with him too. He can do a lot better than her if he so chooses.
  10. If Danielle knew her husband had a 'jealous issue' and she did what she did she is even more despicable than I already give her credit for - wow! But she still justifies her actions. I will just say my late husband had an issue with jealousy, it is a horrible issue to have to live with, and I would go out of my way not to rock that boat.... it's not a trust issue IMO it's much deeper routed than that, more like guilt feelings in some perspective.
  11. Oh Jen not even surprised you're so fickle, ughhhhhh..... (It is Jen, right, Rishi's old gf?)
  12. Yep Jen you're old lol.... now stop the blubbering, it's making you look older
  13. Me too done with it for so many reasons - it's all become too repetitive and it's just not the same fun watching anymore. I will miss the snark with you awesome people, but hopefully we'ill meet up again on other forums. Hopefully something new is coming up! ❤️
  14. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nicole is trying to secure her future on the show as either a couch opinion person or some other role, she just tries too hard, too much, all the time.
  15. Gina talking with her friend about what a great catch she is and comments about her future ….. “who will be the lucky man?” And then the camera pans over to her dog lol.
  16. I can't believe Shaq is boxing, hasn't he said he has protected his head injury throughout his life.... so boxing?!?
  17. Gina should bake a humble pie and ask Airris over to share it!
  18. So they could take them off on camera I think and why do they need to give them back? Airris is such a dipstick.
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