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Everything posted by endure

  1. For a religious person he (Kody) has a lot anger and hate, maybe he needs to lose his last wife and get a real wake up call. I gave up that it was manipulation to just keep the show going on his part a long time ago, there was a lot more going on than that with him! He is such a narcissist which explains some of his behaviour but maybe some other mental health issues too, who knows what? His thinking is very grandeur, angry and delusional imo. I agree Robyn has to be struggling, she has already supposedly been in an abusive relationship. I'm no doctor and have no right to diagnose anyone but he could have something like NPD, narcissistic personality disorder, who knows? It's just odd that he has changed so much. I just wanted to add the link that I found when I put in his traits that mentioned NPD https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/narcissistic-rage
  2. I wonder if Meri just doesn't want to give up being on the show? If she were to walk away, she is probably done?!?
  3. I agree there is a lot of what appears to be contradiction or spin or..... maybe it's just poor editing, filming @ different timelines etc too? But it''s always hard to keep things straight when there's a lack of honesty. I know when Kody first started changing from a total idiot to a madman I wondered if it was just manipulation to keep the show going. But of course way too much has happened since. I would imagine they all still have an interest in keeping the show going, so def there's that too. YES! An independent tell-all would be telling and should be an essential part of all these reality shows 👏🏻
  4. I saw a post on Reddit of Kody's supposed new ring, I found it online at David Yurman's site (I have no way to verify if it is) https://www.davidyurman.com/ca/en/mens/rings/petrvs-horse-pinky-ring-in-sterling-silver-with-18k-yellow-gold-14.8mm-R15844MS8.html?dwvar_R15844MS8_color=ZZ&dwvar_R15844MS8_size=7&dwvar_R15844MS8_metal=S8&glCountry=CA&glCurrency=CAD&utm_medium=search-paid-pla&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=20220523_ca_evergreen&utm_content=product-feed&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7JOpBhCfARIsAL3bobc3pZXyHkCsLEAIEKGHd9HkgxksJZVF6TnmpRsrvUlWYHuN2DJzockaAmG_EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  5. He used to complain about it being exhausting going from one house to another but he hasn't been doing that probably since Robyn arrived by the sounds of things coming out, he doesn't have a real job that anyone is aware of so agree it just doesn't make sense that he hasn't had time to be lovin' on Robyn lol. He is too crazy.
  6. Like Kelly and Molly, I think they have been broken up for a while and just came back to do this spin off.
  7. When I first started watching the show in the very beginning and not knowing what to expect, even then I was surprised by their independence but I do agree it heightened over time as he spent less time with the individual wives. Maybe being in a polygamist relationship demands a certain level of independence. In Robyns case I don't see it, she seems very needy and totally reliant on Kody and others to maintain her daily living. I agree by his absence and their growing independence financially or in general def made them realize there was no reason to stay.
  8. I think Kody chose his first three wives not realizing they were smarter than him and not so easily manipulated by him and he adjusted somewhat but then when Robyn came around she was needy, dependent, and totally worshipped and obeyed him the way he always wanted his wives to be.
  9. Here's an article comparing Kody to Darth Vader!
  10. I do think as I posted that the wives gained more independence and confidence which ultimately helped them to move on. I think the children and the wives were just so alienated by Kody even though he would tell a totally different story ha ha. I just found this article, apparently Mykelti has now seen the light too. He's a madman! https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/why-kody-brown-relationship-mykelti-212905789.html
  11. Anyone think maybe Angela was told to tone it WAY down or did they do a lobotomy on her, she has been surprisingly subdued since her earlier self.
  12. I don't think any of them will help out Kody financially. I do think that Meri, Christine & Janelle have always been more independent than Robyn. And because of the show even more so by becoming influencers (yuk), they are more financially stable and encouraged by fans too, it has also brought them the confidence to know they don't need Kody for anything anymore and their kids are mostly grown now too.
  13. Yes and that is the reason I wish that Kody would bring home some pretty new wives lol. AND he could gain her respect too lol. They really are hilarious to watch I gotta say!
  14. I'm just not sure about her, she talks too much behind his back to her sister and everyone else, she has such a double standard. And weren't they living in her parents home in Utah before and after he arrived? He couldn't work then and nor was she but I guess she must have had a lot cash saved up and maybe the rent was reasonable? The more I see her, the less I like her. I also thought they were already estranged but I honestly don't know. You just never saw them together anymore on pillow talk and he is never on her instagram anymore.
  15. I think there are too many flashing, moving ads interfering with posting on here sometimes!
  16. Kody was so hoping to have sex with Janelle. And why did he bring up his shirt like he was soooo dressed up.... and more than once! Hoping Janelle said g'night to him at the door and just enjoyed the free dinner!
  17. The article is online in a number of places, it is unfortunate I agree.
  18. It IS so baffling but don't forget it is Kody saying that about Robyn losing respect for him..... but still Robyn says equally strange unrelatable things all the time. It's like they are from a different planet and I think Robyn is just full of real insecurities and Kody is just all about himself. And I think they are desperate to hold onto the show. Obviously they watch back the footage and they still can't see themselves. I doubt anyone can relate to them.
  19. Only based on what the article said did I say that, I personally don't know anything about anyone. His wife made the claims about their relationship.
  20. Absolutely not I have no idea, I read and posted an article from online. You are the one with the flawed assumption.
  21. I agree that possibly Mari wouldn't be invited, didn't Christine kind of end relationships on that episode when she left Flagstaff for Utah? Here's a photo of the platform at Red Cliffs, but not during their wedding
  22. Meri's brother just died very recently and she is apparently deep in grief so possibly didn't attend. Here's a photo in this article of Janelle at the wedding. https://people.com/see-which-sister-wives-stars-came-to-christine-brown-wedding-exclusive-8348829#:~:text=Janelle Brown was in attendance,were absent for the nuptials.
  23. I really hope Christine & David have an awesome marriage and relationship. I didn't realize his first wife committed suicide and it sounds like she didn't have a good marriage. But who knows the whole story there and if he could have changed because of that experience. I also wasn't aware that he has eight kids of his own! Sharing two links blow.... https://iitnotablealumni.com/david-woolley-first-wife-margaret-suliin-woolley-died/ https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/christine-browns-fiance-david-woolley-reveals-family-details/
  24. Ha ha ~ at the rate TLC moves - more like a couple of years! I think the dress is fine for an over 50 yr old woman.
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