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Everything posted by Jonesy

  1. I mean I guess it is possible--though I expect half the episode will be Dean and Cas in Purgatory.
  2. So press release for episode 9 says Dean and Cas are working together--obviously in Purgatory. Yeah, I thought so...some were saying Cas wasn't in this episode. That made no sense.
  3. Yeah with Cas not saying him being killed would bother EVERYONE like a few on here mentioned--no one is universally loved, not even Dean or Sam because we have a split fandom for sure. Just that Cas along with Dean and Sam all have big chunk of fans who love them and that killing any of these 3 off would alienate a big chunk of fans against ANDREW DABB forever--and would be a totally crappy idea to do to characters that all have suffered so much crap well over a decade. It would be a kick in the face to the characters and their fans. That said think Dean and Sam are safe--while looks like from what Misha said...Cas certainly seems like toast.
  4. Well guys I hope i'm wrong because that would be a crappy Cas ending. I will admit what the exact sad ending is open to guesswork. BUT Misha was talking not just about his ideal ending but also where he knows the story is going. And he said it's really, really sad(not that Cas was just sad)--and really cool. That to me is a clue because Misha always had wanted Cas with heroic death...he would think that cool while also being sad. I mean could it be Team Free Will is split up and Cas is Heaven's sheriff like in the end of season 5...maybe. But right now i'm expecting a Cas death...hope i'm wrong and Dabb doesn't blow it. About Dean, still don't see him being screwed over or killed in the end--think he will be fine.
  5. Is ANDREW DABB going ruin the ending of the show for a big slice of fans by killing CAS off in the finale? YES. I think it is entirely stupid to kill the boys or Cas off after all the suffering and crap they took over a decade. And would stain the legacy of DABB for sure and make him dirt for the chunk of fans who really like Cas. And this is from someone who likes what DABB has done for the most part--which I know makes me a minority on this particular site--lol! Anyway I think Dean and Sam are safe from death with their version of peace BUT Cas is toast. Why do I say this?--because IN CHICAGO MISHA LARGELY GAVE AWAY CAS'S SAD FATE...ALMOST CERTAINLY DEATH. One of the peeps(Nightsky) from Winchester Family Business was at Misha's Chicago fan event and reported on the event and even got some video of it. I watched the video multiple times(it's on their site) to get Misha's quote on what happens to Cas and here it is: The question to Misha asked by Nightsky, "What are your thoughts on Castiel's ending on SUPERNATURAL?" Misha answers, "It will be funny...everyone will laugh--that's not true! I have an ideal version of how Cas, ah...ends--I took 2 Tylenol PM last night(which I never do) and could not go to sleep. I was sort of tripping on Tylenol PM, playing out sort of my ideal version of Castiel's final moments on the show...and I was crying(I was crying!) or I was having a reaction to the Tylenol PM--one of the 2. BUT I think I know where the story is going and I think it will be really cool and really REALLY sad." Misha emphasized the second REALLY big time--indicating Cas's end is really sad. Misha also thinks it is cool--and he always wanted Cas to die in heroic fashion. What else would make Cas's end so super sad? Dying and saying goodbye to the Winchesters I think clearly. I mean he could lose Jack to death and that would devastate Cas as would losing Dean forever but I don't see that being probable. Cas is by FAR imo the most probable to have the sad death--one that made Misha cry thinking about it. Maybe this isn't totally set since the script hasn't been written yet by the way Misha was talking about it seems pretty sure and I think Misha said "Cas Death" clearly even without saying the word itself. Maybe DABB will wise up and not do it. Very, very likely Cas dies though.
  6. Yeah, Misha looks to be safe from missing any SPN filming. Good for him on getting this behind him.
  7. Yeah you never know but at least from what i've researched full functioning recovery takes about 3 to 6 weeks...and i'm sure Misha got a top doctor in Chi Town. And also he'll be able to walk most likely after just one day it is said. my best guess is Misha won't miss much at all...and even if it's not all smooth Misha should imo be able to move around enough to film even if he needs to lay off some fighting or running. That said he also be hardly affected at all. But yes you never know. Well, we will see soon enough. My best guess at this point is Cas will end up in his normal amount of episodes...maybe one less or so at most. Kind of telling Misha also answered a question about Cas's ending and the ending--implied in that was he fully expects to be involved. Best laid plans of Mice and Men and all that...but we'll see. I'm optimistic at thos point.
  8. Maybe but according to this one fan--they knew Misha had already planned to do the surgery during December and this announcement of doing the surgery this December wasn't a surprise timing-wise. Makes sense to do it when have 3 weeks off because of filming hiatus.
  9. Got some further info--some fans said Misha had earlier told a bunch that he had been planning to do this in December...so this is old news to some of them and Misha has been planning this for a while.
  10. I googled Hip Replacement Recovery Time--first thing I got says most able to walk within same day or next day...and a full recovery resuming all normal activities takes 3 to 6 weeks. So from this seems probable Misha won't miss any filming, most likely.
  11. Yes with 3 weeks off for SPN's schedule...Misha might not miss any of his scheduled filming.
  12. What episode are they filming now--does anyone know? Seems like Alex is back in whatever episode this is--pics with him around crew and one where around Misha. Whatever episode this is--probably the episode where Jack is back since he's hanging with Misha.
  13. About Dabb and the 30% liking the ending--he was joking(badly perhaps)...he admitted so later. He said he wants to please as many as possible but knows he won't please everyone in the diverse fan base.
  14. I see what you are saying--for me it can go either way...sometimes the gut is right, sometimes thinking on it longer is more on target. We'll see but I think Jensen honestly thinks it's good now--it'll be up to everyone to decide for themselves.
  15. Do I think we have finality--yes...Dabb has said as much. But Jensen's initial dislike he put down himself to having a hard time to show ending...and maybe not initially liking the specific. He says he likes the ending now once he thought about it and also getting his head more toward the show ending...i'll take him at his word. All this said I think any finality can be undone if they revisit the show with a movie or whatever.
  16. Jensen did not say the ending is final and disliking that--he said his disliked it because of the finality of the show being done. Then he came to grips with it and likes it.
  17. The ratings aren't specifically because of SPN, Cas or whatever--all CW is down...SPN was still strong and fourth out of whole CW this week.
  18. Don't see this at all--they are in no way hiding SPN because of Dabb or any reason. CW has been fine with them.
  19. Thanks for clarifying what you mean on episodes 19/20--now I get what you are saying. So let me use your template and give my guesses on where we are going: I think it comes down to the boys and eventually Team Free Will 2.0 versus Chuck and what his grand writing plan is--it is a fight for who gets to the END they want...the boys or Chuck. Obviously I think the boys win BUT they of course don't get EVERYTHING they want. I agree that Cas is back on Team Free Will 2.0 fully by episode 10 after Dean's prayer in episode 9. I agree that's NOT a destiel moment but I do NOT think it's about Chuck forgetting about Cas. For one Becky already reminded Chuck about Cas mentions together with the other things which Chuck already added AND I think it's more simple--Dean remembers Cas is part of the family in the end. So we have J2M together at this point and Chuck planning on other side by episode 10. You could be right that on Chuck's side that he is trying various plots to get to his preferred endpoint...including weakening the boys. About Michael...not sure--is he like the au Michael and anti-Chuck or is he Chuck's main big bad? About Team Free Will 2.0--I think they will scrounge for a plan to tackle God when right now they have no idea what to do...plus they get others to help beyond them and Cas. BUT problem is a lot of allies will end up gone ala Keven, Ketch--with Jody and Bobby...will they survive? I will go out on a limb to say we get real Bobby back...why? Because he and Jody have a connection and Jody is back that episode...plus another from the dead character also comes back(Eileen) this episode. Could be AU Bobby but do think they will say goodbye to real Bobby before we go. The key for what the boys end up doing is the return of Jack--not just because of Jack but because that brings the big players to the fore--Death and The Empty. Now it seems to me they bring a plan to the boys to take Chuck down. Death has claimed he/she could reap God and The Empty is where God is suppose to have no power(But how about Lillith then?)--regardless these are two ancient powerful beings who are talking to Jack for a reason. I'll say Jack comes back episode 15 for final 5 episodes and the boys get their final plan to take on Chuck. Does it deal with Sam's shoulder wound connection to God? Think that is a part of it--but also think The Empty and Death have different angle to attack Chuck on. Also think Amara might help out with her affinity for Dean and disdain for Chuck. Would sending Chuck to an au solve things--not sure. He'd still be in the multi-verse and how could he be locked there--maybe because of his injury...but If Sam needed to go there and Dean went too--how is that a version of peace? Locked in an au with angry Chuck. Maybe Chuck gets locked into The Empty--but does that really mean Sam needs to be too? Not known. I do agree killing Chuck would destroy the Universe...it seems Amara needs to go where Chuck goes to keep the balance. It does kinda make sense that Cas and Jack are in our universe with or without the boys in the end--my clue here is when at SDCC Jensen said we should have a SPN sequel with Cas and the angels...Jared agreed and the CW Prez joked let me see that script. So this may allude to the fact Cas may lead remaining Angels on Earth replacing Hunters and creating peace for them. In the end can see boys stopping Chuck and staying on Earth OR maybe going elsewhere--I think for sure they live and now i'm guessing Cas and Jack live too.
  20. Perhaps since it's against Chuck now but I still say it's one of the reasons he's always had a thing for Dean(and the key is Chuck is a writer who loves his character Dean totally taking off by himself)...that and also because Dean is the cool one.
  21. Just a thought why Chuck has such a thing for Dean--every writer loves it when the character flows so good that the character writes itself...ala Dean and his free will.
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