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Everything posted by rogvortex58

  1. Tilly. Rogers working to get her out of jail could parallel Hook trying to free her from the tower.
  2. And if they can’t get the OG cast back what excuse will they come up with to explain why Emma and Snowing aren’t there?
  3. Why does he even care about her? There’s no explanation yet in the flashbacks. Unless she’s the guardian and he’s just been using her this whole time. Which honestly wouldn’t surprise me.
  4. I hope not. Because that’s the story in the comics where Bane breaks Batman’s back.
  5. I like this. Because we get this episode with NewHook, followed by an Alice centric. Both story lines have been seriously lacking. Wish they could have made Rose a regular. And considering everything Gothel has put them through, I hope that they have a part to play in stopping her.
  6. Makes sense. Maybe she thought the outside world would corrupt her.
  7. There was. But they were only in one episode and then left. Regardless, I still feel there are some familial relationships worth rooting for. Hook and Alice being one.
  8. I like Tiana. She has a lot of sass and great lines. Also really hot. But story wise, this sounds total filler. I’m also not that impressed with Detective Crocodile. The real Killian never needed a curse to become deputy. He just slept with the boss. ;)
  9. Awesome finale! Concluding the series with the heroes sending a message of hope for the Galaxy. Proving that the Empire can be beaten even on one planet. Exactly what a Star Wars ending should have.
  10. Still not entirely sure what Gothel gets out of Lucy being awake.
  11. Seriously, Zeus. Don’t let your standards drop by letting him in. Let him stew in the underworld for a couple more centuries, like Milah did.
  12. Ok. So the Sanvers break up spoilers are legit. The source said Alex wants kids but Maggie doesn’t. That last scene with them in ep2 kinda confirmed it.
  13. Bet they won’t even bother explaining who has legal custody.
  14. Except, if we’re talking timeline. Henry’s family comes to help him with his Cinderella problem before Lucy is even born. That’s gotta be at least a good 10 years. Unless time moves differently in this new relalm.
  15. That just opens up a whole debate about which Killian deserves to be with Emma more. Now I can kinda see it from FutureKillian’s POV since he’s already been through a lot. But poor PresentKillian is going to be separated from Emma for a long time.
  16. Bad continuity. Henry is wearing a green sweater when he greets Lucy at the door. Then the sweater changes when they’re in the apartment. Unforgivable. Have Adam and Eddy no decency?
  17. Wait. Future Hook is a time remnant? Like Savitar in the Flash?
  18. The irony isn’t lost on me that like her previous victims Regina would be unable to consent to a relationship when she is cursed as Roni.
  19. Most of her story lines dominated the show. Split Queen for example overstayed it’s welcome in S6. And then there’s Operation Morongoose, trying to find the author to give her a happy ending. She also has more centric episodes and flashbacks than Emma ever did.
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