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Everything posted by rogvortex58

  1. All these arcs feel so meaningless. Facilier. Candy Killer. Not even Gothel’s endgame for the coven will matter in the final two episodes since she’ll be gone by then. kinda wish they’d stop stalling and get to the stuff that’s going to affect the rest of the season.
  2. I get that he’s not perfect. And despite his short comings he’s been a trusted ally and part of the inner circle, as established in previous flashbacks. But after this stunt, I was just embarrassed for him. That said, I also understand that timeline wise, it’s still early days for him and Henry. So it makes sense that this was a growing process for the two of them.
  3. I never thought it was possible, but the Jolly Roger was full of idiots in this episode. The storm only came because of the treasure they took from the sea, for some fake adventure Nook wanted to give to Henry. Which means the only danger they were in was the one they created themselves. And all because Henry wanted to be part of some story to live up to his family’s legacy? what was it Mufasa said? “being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble”? That’s the big difference between Henry and his family. They got into adventures and did good because they chose to do what was right. Not to prove something to themselves. seriously, Nook. nice try. But Killian would have done it a lot better. And Henry, stop trying to be Charming or the savior. Just be yourself.
  4. To be fair, I think Tiana is in this episode. But only as a supporting player in Tilly’s more important storyline. which shows where the writers are in their priorities.
  5. Happy to see Alice and Robin reconnecting in their cursed personas. It’s one of the few relationships I’m actually interested in seeing getting a happy ending. Well, them and Knight Rook, obviously. I’ve always liked Zelena. But can’t really get invested in her and Chad since I know nothing about their story.
  6. Because being Queen is her happy ending? How vain can she get?
  7. No one told me. I just guessed it. But someone confirmed I was right.
  8. I don’t know. They seemed to manage just fine for those 8 years before the curse was cast.
  9. New enchanted forest will already be occupied though. So even if they leave Storybrooke they can’t go back to Tiana’s kingdom.
  10. Question: Will we get to see Once Upon a Time‘s original Hook again before the end of the series (with or without Emma)? –Katie Ausiello: As you may have surmised since emailing this in — given this slew of confirmed returns — Colin O’Donoghue will be playing two roles as the series winds down, the actor shared during our visit to the set. In fact, O’Donoghue said that the before our arrival marked “my last day dressed as a pirate,” for a scene with returning leading lady Jennifer Morrison. “It’s a lovely little moment,” he smiled. “Anyone who’s a fan of Hook and Emma being together will get a kick out of it.” Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on 9-1-1, Arrow, Riverdale, Stranger Things, Fear TWD, Empire, Once, Scandal and More | TVLine
  11. So lame. The dark one is going to hide behind a fake badge and arrest one of the coven’s victims for wanting revenge? What right do any of these people have to judge Hansel? The hypocrisy never ends.
  12. Makes sense. Maybe they’re only going back to Storybrooke to tell everyone else they have to leave. If the town is in danger then they’d have more of a reason to go there than simply go back to the realm that was their home for 8 years.
  13. No surprise. This show started with a green screen wedding. Kind of fitting that’s how it would end. And I bet the shot of the wedding will turn into the book Lucy is reading, just like it did with her father.
  14. So of all the possible allies she could have chosen to be by her side, she chose her sister. Wow. They have come a long way.
  15. I bet they won’t even explain how Regina was able to wake up Zelena, but she can’t do the same for anybody else.
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