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Everything posted by marykat71702

  1. LOL, I write my post before I look at the previous posts, and I basically said the exact same thing about Jordan!
  2. My thoughts on the night.... First dance: Drew--I appreciate the effort and enthusiasm, but it's time for him to go. Victoria--Umm, okay? It was more of Val picking her up and placing her in her spot than her dancing. And, of course, Val interrupts Bruno for a shout-out to Jenna <eye roll>. Victoria can go, too. Jordan--I don't like all the smoke. This wasn't my favorite dance of his. I pretty much agree with what Carrie-Ann and Len said. Watching his post-dance interview I was wondering if something was wrong with his eye--that question got answered very quickly. Lindsey--I don't know what to say about this one. I just can't connect with her. She danced it well, I just couldn't connect to the emotion. Frankie--He's definitely a performer. That was enjoyable to watch, even though it was a questionable song choice. I'm getting really tired of people booing Len. Second dance: Drew--NOOOOOO!!!! Don't ruin my memory of this dance! Oh, thank God--it wasn't an exact replica of the previous dance! I actually found it to be somewhat entertaining, even though there were a lot of technical issues. Victoria--Still don't get the leg thing. Over-scored because if anybody else had done the dance like that it would have been all 9s at most. Jordan--And, he's back! That was incredible, awesome, amazing, etc. It was an instant re-watch for me! Lindsey--To me it looked jerky instead of fluid. It was kind of hard to see some of the dance with the clothes/background being the same color. Frankie--Yay, finally--confidence! The dance did have some issues, but was happy to see him finally feeling a little bit better about his abilities. You have got to be freaking kidding me!!! Drew?! At least Frankie didn't get the boot, then I would have been really irritated! Predictions for next week: 1st--Jordan 2nd--Lindsey 3rd--Frankie 4th--Drew
  3. I found this episode......underwhelming. Maybe it's because I was hoping for some flashbacks of old and gone characters. The baby GIC honestly just kind of annoyed me. I did like Alex's vision of Izzy's life now, it seemed spot on.
  4. So much this! It seems like they are really going for the pity votes. Jordan's Quickstep and trio dance are ones that i will re-watch over and over again, along with Lindsey's trio dance.
  5. What a night! Individual dances: Terrell--Well, I was going to say that if he keeps going the way he's going he could be a surprise entry into the finals, but never mind. I did like that we got to know a different side of him. Victoria--I'm still meh about her. I didn't really feel any emotion from her dance. Drew--He's trying hard, but I don't feel like he's improving much anymore. Lindsey--I'm glad she's feeling better. It was a high-energy dance, but it seemed like she and Mark were out of synch a couple of times. Frankie--Unfortunately, this dance showed his shortcomings, it wasn't very smooth. I thought the 9s were generous. Jordan--Just, wow! I love the Quickstep, and this one was exceptional! Trios: Terrell, etc.--Well, darn, just when I was starting to like him, cocky TO came back. Can Erin drool over Rashad any more? I do like to watch him dance, but come on! Victoria, etc.--Underwhelming and egotistical on Val's part. The 8s were generous. Lindsey, etc.--Loved it! Did I miss something? how did this dance not get all 10s? Frankie, etc--I really liked this one too, but I did notice that Frankie seemed unsure of himself in a couple of spots. I lol'ed at the "no Carlton". :) I also liked how Len told him he needed to have more confidence in himself. Jordan, etc.--This was one for the record books! It reminded me of how much I love to watch Corbin dance. Boo, hiss! Drew should have gone home--I couldn't believe when he was called safe. Drew and Victoria should be the next to go. Tom was on a roll tonight!
  6. I think this was just a "time flies" comment, not meaning that Sofia is actually almost a teenager. But they don't have any chemistry... Richard and Ellis are Maggie's biological parents. I really hope they keep Greg Germann!
  7. First of all, it was a contemporary dance, and second of all--why are you so bitter? Frankie is entertaining and is doing well for a complete non-dancer. And what is your obsession with lifts? Not everyone is capable of doing them. It IS a creepy stalker song, Sting has said that it is, and he can't believe that people use it at weddings.
  8. I don't know why anyone was surprised since George Pennachio basically said last week there would be a double elimination this week. Who? And I for one hadn't heard/read anything about a double elimination tonight.
  9. Wait, what just happened?! Ok, picking my jaw up off the floor now... Victoria--I enjoyed this dance. She's kind of growing on me, but I still don't understand the whole "I can't feel my legs" but she can dance, walk, jump, etc. like that. Jordan--I loved it. I also like how he told Alan to keep his shirt on. :) Oh, my gosh, I am so shocked by the eliminationse , I can't remember what my thoughts were on all of the individual dances! Nikki--danced well, she's improving week to week. Then again, I was thinking before Len talked that it lacked pizzazz. Vanessa--thought it got a little shaky and out of step. Terrell--another one who's improving week to week. I really like his attitude now, he seems to be having fun. Lindsey--that was another very impressive dance! I hope she is able to stick it out and doesn't have to withdraw. Frankie--holy cow, he really came back from last week! I love his enthusiasm and desire to be on the show and put his all into it. Drew--same thing as with Frankie. This was one of his better dances, but he should be the next to go. On paper, Team Monster Mash should have wiped the floor with Team Phantom, but I think they had too much going on and weren't able to pull it together. Did Carrie Ann really say something about trying to fool the judges with identical costumes right before team Phantom went on? Team Phantom did a great job. Everybody was surprised by that double elimination--did you see Tom's and Erin's faces when they pulled out those cards? And then the Judge's reactions... Wasn't really sad, shocked, but not sad, to see Vanessa go. Would have liked to see NIkki for one more week. Drew should have gone home.
  10. First of all, I don't like how they tell people they are in jeopardy before they do their dance. It just doesn't seem right. I love a lot of Shania's songs, but hearing/watching her judge tonight was almost painful. Nikki--this was her best dance for me so far, but did she almost knee Artem in the groin during one of those lifts? I also feel like she was the one to cause him to go off-balance at the end. Drew--that was a hectic mess, but he is showing improvement. If he can learn to control the adrenaline and focus on the moves more than the acting part, he would probably do better. Nick--he was right, he was the worst dancer left. That being said, I appreciated his positive attitude and the fact that he still tried the best he could. Victoria--still not really connecting with her. I don't think it was a bad dance, per se, but it didn't feel like a Paso to me. Terrell--I may have said it before, but I think he gets the "most improved" award. He seems to be enjoying himself more and more. I enjoyed the Jive portion of his dance, but to use Len's words, there was too much faffing about the rest of the time. Frankie--Oh, Frankie, to see such joy and dedication and effort, and then to have a few blunders. :( Still hope to see him in the finals. Vanessa--I thought Quickstep wasn't supposed to break hold in the middle. Other than that, I thought she danced really well and managed the skirt mishap like a champ. Jordan--I always enjoy watching him dance, but honestly his dances are all kind of starting to look the same to me. I hope he gets a dance style soon that makes him have to do something different. Lindsey--best dance of the night. Kind of weird, but executed very well.
  11. Is this right? I thought I had read somewhere that they have "fill-in" judges for the dress rehearsals, and that the actual judges are seeing the dance for the first time during the live performance.
  12. Ok, on to the dances... Victoria and Val--it was fun, but I don't agree that they were totally in sync. What exactly is Jazz, anyway? Are there certain moves that are supposed to be performed like in other dances,or is it pretty much "do whatever you feel like doing"? Vanessa and Maks--seemed like there was a lot of waltz content, but I did notice she seemed off balance a couple of times. Lindsey and Mark--I liked it., she seems to be finding her groove. What the heck was on her head, though?! Drew and Emma--I think he gets the "most improved so far" award. I found their dance enjoyable. Sasha and Gleb--I just don't feel like she actually danced a whole lot, it was more like "step here, pose. Now step over here, pose". Not sad to see her go. Nick and Peta--He's got heart, and you can tell he's trying. I felt like this was one of his better efforts. Terrell and Cheryl--He's also improving, but I can't see him going much farther. Frankie and Witney--I love watching him, he seems to put his all into every dance. I hope he makes it to the finals. Jordan and Lindsay--He is an absolute gem! His dancing is incredible, and he just seems like a really down-to-earth, humble person who appreciates the chances and opportunities he's been given. NIkki and Artem--Not really cool to give them a song from a movie no one has seen yet, you automatically lose any sentimental connection there might be as with other dances/songs. That being said, I had no idea what style of dance that was supposed to be. Found out later it was jazz. Umm, okay?
  13. Is it just me, or is it kind of boring when they announce the first two couples in jeopardy and then say that everyone else is safe. Didn't they use to mix it up a little?
  14. OMG, let it go! A few people have pointed out that there has been a pretty even mix of male/female winners, and the male "ringers" got backlash just like the female "ringers" have. Heather was a different story--she was a backup dancer for Beyonce and was hired on Glee to choreograph, which makes her a professional in my book and as such should never have been on the show!
  15. He also had that trial where he lost a lot of patients.
  16. I have to agree with the other posters about Frankie's medical issues. He should consult with a neurosurgeon if he hasn't already. :(
  17. Derek getting eliminated sucks, I wish he had been able to stay a little bit longer. What does Carrie Ann have against him, anyway? Jordan was a delight! He seems like a very nice, humble person and I love watching him dance. Sasha still doesn't do it for me, for some reason I feel a disconnect with her. Terrell kind of made me like him tonight, he showed another side of him that I hadn't seen before, and I thought he danced well. It is time for Nick to go. He seems like a very nice person, but his dancing doesn't seem to be improving all that much. Frankie has an unbridled enthusiasm that is fun to watch. I hope he makes it to the finals. Lindsey's dance was very emotional, and I thought she did well. Was kind of distracted by the heavy fake eyelashes. I know--superficial. Nikki showed a softer side tonight. I liked it. Victoria--I still don't know how she can do what she does if she can't feel her legs. I thought this was her best dance so far. Drew's dance was fun, but I don't think he will make it much farther. Vanessa and Maks seem to have worked out whatever their problem was. It was a nice dance, but like with Sasha, though, I'm just not a fan.
  18. I love watching Jordan dance, but Len was right--where was the Charleston? I still can't figure out how Victoria does what she does if she can't feel her legs. Derek should have definitely scored higher than Terrell. I did really enjoy Lindsey's dance tonight, it was fun! Frankie is endearing. Is it just me, or did Sasha look pissed during the judge's comments? Nick looked like he was having fun, which is part of what makes it fun to watch. Vanessa dances very well, I can see her in the finals. Drew is improving. Nikki--I don't know what to say... Who am I forgetting? Not a good sign.
  19. I call BS on Derek's scores. If Victoria got 8's for a quickstep with no body contact, Derek's dance deserved at least one 8.
  20. Being a ringer has nothing to do with fan base, it's all about previous dance experience.
  21. Heather got a lot of grief because she was a backup dancer to Beyonce and was originally hired on Glee to choreograph. In most people's eyes, including mine, she is a professional dancer and as such should not have been on this show.
  22. Dang it, I can't find the post I wanted to respond to but it had to do with Len saying "what?" during his comments as if encouraging the boos. Unfortunately, I think he has come to expect them, and is waiting for them so that he can let them do it and then say what he needs to say after the booing is over.
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