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  1. I cringe at her scenes....
  2. He creeps me out. Poor Annie. There's something VERY off with him...
  3. Absolutely!! I was thinking that too, presentation is great, but for just starting up, they seem to have gone overboard because those did not look like basic packaging supplies....by any means. Omg, I've got to stop drinking milk and reading these comments at night! A random turd on the floor, hahaha! In all honesty, it grosses me out thinking what else is/was on those floors while they package orders. Maybe they think the pet fur and stray turd residue are just an added bonus and touch of love to their presentation?
  4. I honestly just choked on my milk and peed in my pants a little. Holy shit. All about the presentation, as we watch her shove that stuff into that box and wrestle it shut!
  5. You are so right! Unfortunately, there are some people in our lives that no matter how much we try (therapy or whatever) we'r never going to be able to change that. Farrah and Deb are that case. I am by no means Susie Sunshine 24/7 but I CANNOT stand people who are chronic Negative Nancys/Neds. I know people like that, one that I work with and I swear, the constant negativity sucks the life out of everyone else around, myself included. I find myself getting bitter and bitchy the more I am around it. So, if Farrah grew up having to be surrounded by Debs crazy behaviour/moods, it's no wonder she behaves the way she does around her! But, I also agree with you, she needs to own up to her actions because I've definitely seen her berate others outside of Deb in a disgusting and uncalled for manner. She gets some slack having grown up around Deb, but she does not get a free pass.
  6. I'v never been a fan of Farrah, but as of lately, i like Mackenzie WAY less than Farrah. Farrah has been much more likeable, imo, now that there is distance between her and Deb.
  7. Yup and yup (agree).
  8. Hahaha, i just lol'd at that! I could overlook a lot of things about her BUT because of her almighty bitchiness, i just can't.
  9. That "beautiful vintage kitchen" was ugly a.f. IMO. And also, IMO, that chick is one selfish BITCH. I kind of want to bitch slap her through the tv....
  10. Agreed....100%! That's absolutely an opiate high....she looks like she's about to nod off and her eyes are even more souless and dead than normal.
  11. Agreed! I think he has come a long way and in my eyes, he is a real stand up guy!!
  12. Haha, yeah this was absolutely a momemt of "They are NOT laughing WITH you, Jenelle. They are laughing AT you." Fool. And do the damn house chores! And LUIS will ALWAYS be the father of Stella...leader of the Coven, regardless of how many babies you are grandmama too...
  13. TRUTH! Way more than vibrate to excuse behavior like that!
  14. Ok Dr. Jenelle. Because you have SO much room to give ANYONE advice on psychiatric medications. Silly me, i forgot who i was talking about for a second....
  15. Haha, i agree! She has some irritating princess entitlement attitude that really rubs me the wrong way. I prefer him over her. She seems really moody too....
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