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Everything posted by Mojoker

  1. Thanks! Interesting. It would never occur to me to shop at J.C. Penney's, so I never realized the clothes weren't being produced.
  2. I'm sorry, but that was some nonsense on the finale last night. I think Michelle is a perfectly lovely person, and I'm sorry she and her husband are having financial problems. but she wasn't the best designer on this show. I think Dimitri's response to her win was perfectly valid. It was painfully obvious his collection was light years beyond Michelle's. It felt like a pity win to me.
  3. By the way, is there anything Ashley Jensen isn't in right now? We're watching her in After Life; we're watching her in Catastrophe; I'm watching her in Agatha Raisin; we just recent finished watching her in Love, Lies and Records. I live in the Chicago area and I fully expect to turn on the local news tomorrow night and see her at the anchor desk. The woman is ubiquitous!
  4. My husband and I just saw this episode tonight, and it sparked this exact discussion between us. It's a hard question to answer. On the one hand, I can see that Tony understands how Julian feels and recognizes that there's little chance that Julian's life will ever improve. That would seem to suggest that giving him the money was a kindness. On the other hand, where there's life, there's hope, and there's no reason to believe that Julian couldn't get himself together with the proper help and encouragement, so giving the money to someone in Julian's state of mind could almost be argued to amount to manslaughter. I can see both sides of it, and I can't decide what's right.
  5. Can anyone tell me when Dawn and Roy were married? We've watched every episode (we're currently nearing the end of season 5) and not only do I not remember seeing or hearing of them getting married, but I've searched episode guides and Google and can't find any mention of them getting married. It seems like Roy was being commitment-shy, then the next thing I know, they're talking about Dawn being pregnant and I'm thinking, "Wow, they seem pretty cool about an out-of-wedlock baby for the 1950s!" Then someone calls her Mrs. Briggs and I'm scratching my head trying to figure out when that happened. Anyone?
  6. We only see Meri for a few minutes at a time, from a distance. I can't imagine what it must be like to be up close and personal with her passive-aggressive negativity all the time. It must be exhausting.
  7. I'm sure she's shaken to her core. 😏
  8. I don't think they moved for any reason other than Kody got restless and decided he wanted to move. Based on all the wives' reactions to the situation, that's their take on it, too, but they feel like they have to go along. I find it heartbreaking to see the kids' helplessness at having their lives ripped apart again for no good reason at all. I looked at their properties on Zillow last night. They're no located in either of the places they were looking at on the show.
  9. Clearly not since they didn't buy the piece of property Robyn wanted. No they wouldn't. She behaved perfectly appropriately through the "divorce crap" and people are still losing their minds over everything she says or does.
  10. He didn't say only the spiritual marriages matter. And if Robyn hadn't said that she's the fourth wife and she knows her place, then a thousand people on the internet would't been screaming about her arrogance. She simply can't win.
  11. I don't hate Robyn, and I've never understood the people who strike out at her no matter what she says or does. She seems like the most sensible one of the bunch, and the one least likely to kiss up to Kody in all this madness.
  12. Robyn didn't say that. Christine said, "I'm the third wife; I know my place." Robyn said to Meri, "You're the first wife." Ironically, the land they bought isn't in either of the places they looked at on the show. Also, Meri and Janelle both have jobs.
  13. When Bethenny wasn't talking about her divorce, while it was going on, viewers (including people on this board) went after her for thinking her private life is so much more important than the other Housewives' that she doesn't think she has to share. So now, the divorce is over, and she's said some -- very few, very infrequent, very minor -- things about the situation, and people go after her for airing their dirty laundry in public. It's clear she can't win no matter what she does, or doesn't do. But when Bethenny says the few things she's said on the show, there's a chance that Brynn and her friends will hear about it. But when Jason shows up at Brynn's school and makes a big scene in front of Brynn and her friends, there's no question that Brynn's directly affected by that. Jason knew that Bethenny was a TV personality; he really dug it when he got to be one, too. So maybe he needs to think about that before he decides to be an asshole. What he does and says in public is fair game, and he knows that. This sounds slightly insane, I know, but, somehow, I feel that he and Dorinda kind of look alike. I don't know how to explain it.
  14. But there's a big difference between kids being allowed to set classroom rules and curriculum and kids being allowed to express an opinion about which of their possessions they can keep and which they must let go. Allowing them input isn't the same as allowing them to run the show. An adult is always going to have the final say.
  15. But Lu isn't old money. I actually appreciated the fact that the wedding dress she showed off on the show was her actual wedding dress. So many times I've seen these shows where they make a big deal out of finding the dress, and the "this is the one!" moment, only to later see wedding photos and find they're wearing something completely different.
  16. I'd say showing up to cause a scene at his daughter's school is the very definition of bitch move. http://pagesix.com/2017/01/31/bethennys-ex-husband-jason-hoppy-arrested-for-harassment-stalking/
  17. If he's harassing her in public, and in front of their daughter, I'd say that's airing his garbage in a damaging enough way. If he had a reality TV show to use t do it, I have no doubt he would.
  18. No, it wasn't. But, FYI: https://www.aol.com/article/finance/2016/06/22/still-have-your-old-happy-meal-toys-you-may-be-sitting-on-a-for/21400276/
  19. Bethenny throwing out her daughter's things made me cringe. I think it's better to involve children in the purge decisions sometime. Takes more time and effort for the parent, but teaches the child to prioritize and organize. Children may technically have no possessions, and few decision-making rights, but they're still human beings entitled to an opinion. The few possessions I still have from my early childhood would have definitely seemed like garbage to my mother at the time, but each small thing has, for me, a very important memory and meaning attached to it, even all these years later.
  20. Yes, except no. Brynn has no room, no toys, no anything. Beth has a lot of stuff that she has bought for Brynn. It can all be taken away if Brynn doesn't behave, if she abuses it, etc. As an adult my stuff if my stuff, even if someone gifts it to me. But I could take away my kids gifts at any moment and did as a method of control. Clean your room or I will donate your shit to charity (did it once and never had to again - that is powerful). Do your homework or I will take away your phone. I could do that because they didn't have shit. They didn't own a phone but I did and I let them use it. The thing that Beth did is the thing that most people I know do. You go into your child's room when they are not there and cannot throw a fit, and throw away a bunch of shit they don't care about. I went in every few months to get the Happy Meal toys that my son would get everytime my mom took him to McDonalds. They were shitty little toys that he cared nothing about, but he would never get rid of them. So I would go in and do it and he never even noticed. That folks, is the way it gets done. Those toys you threw away are now worth a fortune. Good luck on Dr. Phil.
  21. As I think about it, I think the "Because I can" comment was also a bit of a rebuke of Cameron even questioning his desire to buy something right away. It really isn't her place to question his plans. If she was showing the house to anyone else, would she be sayinng, "Do you really want to do this? Why jump into things? It's a lot of responsibility, you know. Do you think you're up to it?" So I can see Craig being a bit annoyed by her question and snapping back. Too many people on this show act like they're Craig's guardian. Most of them have a few too many glass walls in their own houses to be throwing stones at Craig's.
  22. I'd love to see some honest statistics about how many matches she actually makes and, of those, how many are still together after 5 years. The fact that she thinks the basis of a long-lasting relationship is a lot of greedy women dressing up like whores to try to be chosen by some marginally wealthy guy's dick suggests that those stats wouldn't be so impressive.
  23. The "Because I can" comment wasn't in response to the question of why he wanted to buy a house, it was in response to Cameron asking him why he wanted to buy one right away. I don't think it had anything to do with him trying to brag about being rich; he's the poorest of all of them. I think he's just developed a plan of what he wants to do, and a timeline for doing it, and he doesn't want to deviate from that. Patty Stanger needs to be bitch-slapped every hour, on the hour, 24/7. The pecker doing the picking has led to more divorces than any other marriage philosophy except, perhaps, for every other philosophy about marriage that the terminally single Patty Stanger espouses.
  24. I can take or leave Bill, frankly. It's going to be a long slog going through her entire tenure relying on the closed captioning to make out what the hell she's saying at any given moment. And I actually kind of hated this episode. The story didn't really stand up to even the suspended disbelief sort of scrutiny reserved for this kind of show. Bill's friends were kind of shallow and dopey (who doesn't check on a roommate who has the same few bars of music playing on an endless loop for hours on end?) and not nearly as freaked out about what was going on as they should have been. I mean, if I'd been turned into wood or obliterated by giant wood lice and then reconstituted, I think I would, at minimum, have a few sharply worded questions for some folks.
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