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Everything posted by Mojoker

  1. You'd think if she has a mother paying her rent, and a rich boyfriend paying for everything else, she could afford to go to a manicurist who can give her some decent fake nails. What she was wearing at the reunion looked like she'd taken Post-It Note page markers and stuck them on her fingers.
  2. Someone with extraordinarily poor taste and judgment.
  3. I have a feeling that roam.com is literally someone sharing their holiday snaps and not really meant for the general public, but okay with the GP stumbling in and having a look. From that standpoint, it's not bad at all. If it were trying to be some other kind of site -- blog, commercial, etc. -- then, yes, it would seem a mess. As it is, it's only marginally worse than what Landon's got going on... for the moment.
  4. I've had a rat run across my foot in NYC, and a guy pee on my leg while I was sitting in Central Park reading a book. The last time I was there, it was the middle of a garbage strike. So... I had the same thought about Hannah's breasts not being quite what they should be for a pregnant woman when they first showed her naked (save for a thong) on the couch during the heat wave. There was definitely belly, but no boobs. I guess the thinking was that if everyone just talks about how big her boobs are, viewers will just think there's something wrong with their eyes?
  5. So it's no longer Roam? What a waste of all that free marketing she did on the episode tonight!
  6. This is what I got when I tried to visit Landon's website: This site can’t be reached www.roam-guide.com’s server DNS address could not be found. However, there is an unrelated website called roam.com which seems to be someone's vacation snaps. It's not bad at all.
  7. In the event of war, Landon's voice could be weaponized to deadly effect.
  8. Betty Draper did the same thing on Mad Men. She was getting ready to dump Don, then she found out she was pregnant. So she got all dolled up (as opposed to Jessa getting all skanked up), went to a nice bar (as opposed to Jessa's shithole bar), and screwed some random guy in a conveniently open office with an equally convenient couch. An admittedly upscale version of what Jessa did, but the same basic concept. So is this a thing? If I find myself pregnant and ready to dump/get dumped by my partner, should I be pulling out my nastiest lingerie and hitting up some local dive bars?
  9. I agree. When he was pawing her she started crying and said, "I don't want you." So I don't think she followed through with that whole thing.
  10. I agree, while I always like more closure than less, this episode would have also made a pretty satisfying finale.
  11. That bit about Elijah being invited to Shosh's party and keeping it a secret from Hannah bothered me, too. I also find it hard to believe that, in that situation, Hannah would have so quickly shrugged off that kind of betrayal.
  12. Am I the only one who took Jessa's puking last week and her comment about , "He wants to raise HER baby" to mean she was also pregnant?
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