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Everything posted by Bunbun77

  1. Check out his "gainz". I need some brain bleach!
  2. I don't post much but had to come here to see if anyone else found Erin's Doctor as creepy as I did? When he first came into the room he touched her leg above the knee in what I suppose was a comforting gesture. I rewound it to watch a few times because it quick but was really strange to me. Then when he came back for the actual birth he stuck his tongue out at in a way that made me just feel gross. I get he's seeing a lot more of Erin than just her leg as her OB but something about it rubbed me the wrong way. I do feel for Michael. She really is a good sister. I recently became an aunt for the first time in June (he's the cutest baby ever ?) and my youngest sister (9 years younger) is due with her first at the end of December. My husband and I tried unsuccessfully for 2 and a half years to conceive and have recently decided to take a break from it and focus on our relationship after a very trying year. I can't lie, when I found out my little sister was pregnant it was harder than I thought it would be (not for long though, I quickly became ridiculously excited and will be going to her next ultrasound with her in a few weeks). I know she had a hard time telling me because of my situation, but I was also the first person she told she was pregnant something that made me feel honored and special. I told her I never want my feelings to take away from her joy. They are separate for me, my struggles don't take away from or decrease my happiness for her, her husband and my new niece or nephew. I suspect Michael feels similarly about her sisters and nieces/nephews. I will say I'm not as baby/kid crazy as Michael and have been back and forth about whether or not I want to have kids at all, another reason we haven't pursued further fertility treatments. I'm content in my life right now and the family I do have. I can't say I won't have regrets later in life, but life makes no guarantees either way.
  3. There's actually an option on iPhone messages to share your location. You hit "details" in the upper right corner of a text and there's an option that says "share my location", you can choose to share for an hour, day or indefinitely. It may just be an iPhone to iPhone thing, I'm not sure. My sister (she's 9 years younger than me and still young and hip) showed me and now we share our locations with with each other. I kind of like knowing she can always find me if I have my phone, but I won't be sharing my location with my friends like she does. ?
  4. Jer posted some stories on Instagram yesterday about the Dave Ramsey book, Total Money Makeover, that he received from a friend and is currently reading. He is looking forward to going into the new year with "a little more money knowledge". I haven't read any Dave Ramsey books but from what I know about him I can't imagine he'd approve of a $240 dress for an infant.
  5. She posted an example of her "cute aggression" face. I was also thinking of the face you're referring to.
  6. Auj's response to her "haters" from her insta stories. These two are so ridiculous. Ember looks like she's dressed for spring, not winter! She had some insta story last week where she said ember was not cooperating for pictures and wouldn't stop crying, she looked under dressed in those photos too and was probably crying because she was cold!
  7. @Maharincess, I'm right there with you. I really have no patience for people who use this for attention. One of my younger brothers died by suicide two years ago this month. He was attempting a career in comedy and frequently joked about it in his act and when we questioned him he would brush it off, saying he wasn't serious. My parents tried unsuccessfully to get him to see a therapist, since he was 24 they didn't have a lot of options. The last few months of his life we thought he was doing better, he was working out, had gotten a new job and seemed happier. Getting the call from my dad that morning was the worst moment of my life. I lost my mom to cancer as a child but this was a pain I've never felt (or at least didn't remember feeling, time does have a way of softening the hurt), maybe because as adult you fully understand the fanality of death in a way you don't fully grasp as a child. I felt that day and still feel like I failed him completely. I'm always asking myself what else could I have done? Would it have made a difference? There were a lot of issues and other factors leading to his death, but I don't think I'll ever stop asking what more could have been done. Like your brother, my brother is/was the funniest person I know/knew, he always had something nice to say to you and gave the best hugs. He was quick to tell you he loved you when saying good bye, he wanted people to know how he felt about them. To say his death has changed my family in a huge way forever is an understament. In the two years since most of my siblings have moved out of our home town, trying to get away from painful memories. We are all slowly learning to live without him. Holidays are rough, we aren't a complete family anymore. I also wondered if it was just my sensitivity to the topic of suicide but her tweet did not seem genuine to me. The magazine interview especially make it seem to me like it's all for attention. Tyler's videos don't help the situation, if my husband was in in-patient care for suicidal thoughts I would not be at a club getting wasted. I just can't with these people anymore. (sorry for the book, this made me so upset this morning)
  8. Does anyone else think Amanda's on something and Chase is her supplier as well as sleeping with her? I remember last season she didn't participate in a fitness competition with drug testing because she smokes/smoked pot, but I don't think that's what she's doing now, she's way too aggressive and easily angered. Chase seems shady as fuck and the preview showing Amanda and Asta arguing and Amanda storming out made me wonder what else is going on with her. I also hate watch this garbage.
  9. I agree about the young living pyramid scheme. The founder/owner is incredibly shady. I belong to some anti-MLM Facebook groups and someone recently posted this link: https://medium.com/@clarksmith2015/a-dangerous-mind-gary-young-9e730e322e47 He has a long history of getting in trouble with the law for practicing medicine without a license and Young Living has been repeatedly warned by the FDA about the untrue, unproven claims their oils are basically cure alls for all sorts of ailments.
  10. His stories about the OJ show were hilarious. They did seem to be posted during the middle of the night so maybe it's lack of sleep. He even asked his followers their opinion on whether not they thought OJ was guilty. Note the disclaimer he added about the results being biased based on his "demographic" ? He posted another story about the navigator council session he and Auj had yesterday. It "quite seriously changed the course of their future" and was a really really good.
  11. I agree. Unfortunate for these kids as their needs are clearly not being met by their "parents", but there is a huge burnout rate and social workers have way too many cases in our county and I'm sure it's similar across the country. My younger sister is in her 2nd or 3rd year with CPS in our county and it's an extremely difficult and demanding job. She deals with a lot of sexual abuse cases as well, and when you say horrific you aren't exagerating, some of the things she's told me are so horrible, I really do not know how she is able to do it. She's said that in the last ten years their case loads have doubled if not tripled according to coworkers who have been there awhile (not many stay past 5 years) and that's due mostly to the opioid epidemic, which like all across our country has exploded here in the past decade. My sister recieved a scholarship from them in college and has to work for them for 3 years or pay half back. She can't wait to get out of there and has considered just cutting her losses and paying them back. It's an extremely difficult, sad and usually thankless job that is not for everyone. When I'm with her I definitely don't complain about my own job.
  12. Finally a post with baby ember. Do tabloids come out on Mondays? Did they get a deal with one? I chuckled at the mention of unmedicated labor contractions some subtle shade thrown. Remember she gave birth naturally with no meds, not a c-section like Tori. For all you moms out there is mastitis really as painful as unmedicated labor contractions? I really have no idea.
  13. Totally agree with you @Shmoopaloop and @Celia Rubenstein. I've said before I don't have a child, but am the oldest of five and know Ember is not a "night owl" but just a normal baby that requires frequent feedings, nothing unusual. The complaints every time she surfaces on social media are very off putting. I'm in my 30s and am at a point in my life where I would love to have a baby keeping me up at night (especially in Auj's situation where she doesn't have to worry about money, her job, etc), but my husband and I have not been successful getting pregnant after more than a year of trying. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled next month so hopefully we will get some answers, but it's been very frustrating and disappointing to say the least. I suppose that makes me more salty towards them since they seemed to have gotten pregnant as soon as they found out tori and Zach were pregnant and felt like the attention on them was waning.
  14. 3:25 am feeding wearing makeup and a full set of false lashes. ? I wonder if she puts it on before or after tending to little Ember Jean. Seriously, she's wearing more makeup than i wear to work on a daily basis.
  15. Pictures are definitely coming! Complete with a flower crown (of course) and flowers from their garden. I wonder if they're getting paid for these or if they're for their blog.
  16. Auj posted this Instagram story yesterday. She is apparently suffering from mastitis. I've never had a baby so I've never breastfed but from what I've read it's a fairly common issue that usually resolves itself with continued breast feeding. That's not to say it isn't painful.
  17. I hope so too, but it's tagged in auj's post, right over the image of little Em. I'm not super insta-savy so I'm not sure if other people are allowed to tag a post you make, but I think the person posting has to make/approve the tags.
  18. I also just realized they already made her own Instagram page..... http://instagram.com/emberroloff Gotta start them grifting early on I guess.
  19. Hair is not red nor is it curly, yet.
  20. Seriously, it will be almost impossible unless the name somehow becomes popular, which I doubt. My name is a fairly common name, but the spelling is a less common variation and I had a really hard time finding my name on all that type of stuff. It really annoyed me when I was a kid.
  21. They have been quiet. Its been 24 hours since either have posted a video on Instagram and 18 hours since any activity on Jer's account (Instagram makes investigating/ stalking way too easy). I really hope she's isn't born tomorrow too, it's also my late brother's birthday, he passed away 2 years ago and his birthday is a hard(er) day for me and my family. He turned 10 in 2001 and I remember him being so sad that his birthday was shared with such a horrible day for our country. It was something he was bothered by the rest of his life. He had a hard time finding joy on his birthday after that year when he knew how much so many people lost that day and what it meant to our country.
  22. Here are the tats...I think they look fake too, especially the "always". So cool. ?
  23. http://instagram.com/audreyroloff Here is a link to her Instagram, I believe in order to watch her stories you click on her picture in the upper left hand corner (I actually follow her so they appear at the top of my feed ?). Her stories are always good for a laugh! I also figure it will let us know when she goes into labor/has the baby. She posts stories ALL the time, so if she suddenly goes quiet I'm betting it's baby time!
  24. Auj posted this in her Instagram story. Can you guys imagine them with five kids?! ?
  25. I came here to see if anyone else noticed this or if I was going crazy! I re-wound and watched it several times. Really sloppy re-enacting.
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