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Everything posted by Monie

  1. With all the commercial breaks it is actually 20 minutes of Shill!!
  2. www.breakthrough.com/therapists/1441-find-a-licensed-professional-counselor-lola-clay
  3. If I remember right from the 1st episode they were in, he did not want her to lose weight...I guess he is a chubby chaser. He is pathetic! They are an odd couple.
  4. Lol... I got a huge laugh at how seriously he said "telescope"!!! and.... that poor little baby! He is absolutely adorable!!
  5. Did Shil mention for the 100th time that he is a "mandated reporter"? If any body needs to be reported it is Splenda Baby!!!
  6. it is really him getting through 20 minutes of air time since there is a commercial every 4 minutes!...ugh
  7. Yes I saw that....I think it was a hanging lamp, like a chandelier or something.
  8. He is a true creep...how he was able to attract his wives and procreate is beyond me!!
  9. Was the Kenya chick a two parter?? I am at work when the New Phil's are on so I have to try to catch it on Youtube.
  10. I agree....Amy is Amy bottom line. All the character's are individual and I think Amy would be boring if she was a sweetie pie. She is the resident smart ass. ;o)
  11. but was the Pizza really tampered with?? Maybe she ordered the Pizza herself.....and faked her anaphylactic symptoms. Who knows, she is very odd
  12. Did anyone catch "Young Wives Club" on OWN today? I think it was like 3 ep's long.
  13. I am totally not for Amy and Jonah getting together......but I think the new chick and him should date and have workplace tension ;o)
  14. Yea.....the car rolling was hilarious!! She is a very frustrating person. She def needs help!
  15. I'm watching this nut case right now!....good grief!!
  16. Yes...that is the best way for Brussels Sprouts...roasted in the oven w/ garlic powder and olive oil, salt and pepper...till a little crispy..YUM If I remember correctly, Anna has gotten in trouble at school...something to do with graffiti
  17. Hi Zahdii, Believe me I have thought of all of these issues you have mentioned....He is crazy about her! They have know each other since Middle School, but unfortunately because of friggin Face Book and started talking back and forth....when she came to town last year in Dec they met for dinner and he has been after her ever since. Don't get me wrong he is a nice guy and very polite I just don't like how he was planning their lives even before they started going together! And he just doesn't match up with her life style of Yoga, and spiritually.....she doesn't drink and he does! I just pray it wears it self out when she gets a taste of traveling for her degree w/ animals. He is a very good dad though, I will give him that and his girls like my daughter.
  18. she didn't really seem like she had a reaction....but I wasn't there when the guy's sister told her that. But, my daughter is very loving and sweet. He has a construction job, but the thing is I don't want her to go through getting this big education and not being able to be free to do what she wants after she graduates. And before they were even going together he was making statements like - "Oh we need to get you done with school, etc"....little comments like that - UGH! and she is so nice I am sure she is not seeing the red flags like I am! But she goes to school in another city in the same state of NM and she lives with my niece, so my niece is hopefully inputting some advice.
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