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Everything posted by Monie

  1. But....she said she is gorgeous!!....on what planet?!
  2. And flirting and getting into bed with Whitney!!
  3. Maybe he is good in bed...🤤or something else!? Ugh!!
  4. I totally agree about Coach Mike... I can't put my finger on it either why he bugs me so much! The same for that Dr. Sophy! I feel they love the applause and attention just like Shill. Humongous egos!!
  5. You can't beat Todd's "tude"😉...and his little snarky look...love him!
  6. Shill is a big name dropping gangsta now that he has a Friggin podcast...he thinks he is so cool! Like I've said before he is not going away!
  7. And of course it is completely the parents fault!! STFU Shill!! Arrogant jack-ass! Oh goody a new topic for him to mention constantly!!!....his Friggin podcast!! Shill is not going away!!
  8. And of course it is completely the parents fault!! STFU Shill!! Arrogant jack-ass!
  9. And the woman they were focusing on "acted" so surprised! Shill really gets off on talking about Plastica's skinline!
  10. UGH!!! Shill must be getting a cut from Phizer!! I absolutely cannot stand that Big Pharma Dr.!!!
  11. Good grief Sabrina, STOP playing with your hair!!
  12. Yes...it was boring as hell!! Then we got the "why isn't anyone paying attention to me" look from Shill when all of the idiots were talking over each other! And the Shill worshipping audience feeds into it...which totally feeds his frikken ego!
  13. Shill, can we possibly have one show, just one show where you don't mention your family?!! ?
  14. My aunt's house had a couple of outlets on the floor in her den...she had table lamps plugged into them...her sofa was in the middle of the den
  15. Shill must have called the National Enquirer's office to see if they had any referrals he could have on his "shit-show"!! He needs to refer Robin to them!!
  16. I don't trust anyone that works for Big Pharma!!$$$
  17. Yea...she looked pretty rough today?...I always used to think she was an attractive woman. Why did she think she needed cosmetic surgery?! "Dickmatized"...LOL!!! She is definitely one of those idiots thay has to have man, no matter how bad he is!
  18. Watching today's show about the meddling Father ...Shill just told him that he thinks the Father is a condescending know-it -all!! Wow all I could think of was...Takes one to know one, huh Shill!!
  19. You just couldn't do it Shill could you!!...You simply cannot get through one show without mentioning MySonJay's publishing company...?
  20. I'm watching this right now in OWN...Shill is pissimg me off beyond beyond!! He is the most arrogant A-hole there ever was!
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