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  1. I think logically, everything you said is correct. Missy would realize that Sheldon was grieving in his own way, as she has seen many times. But because Missy was grieving, she just couldn't see it. She was so consumed with her own grief that she couldn't see it. I was actually surprised when Mary told Missy to go to her room. Under normal circumstances, sure. But Missy's behavior was not extreme. I thought Pastor Jeff could have said more. In the Big Bang Theory when Sheldon asked Georgie to come to his wedding, Georgie mentioned that Georgie was the only one who was there for Missy after George died. I thought it was a nice moment at the funeral when he put his arm around Missy and then when he said people were laughing because they loved him. He really was there for Missy.
  2. I was a little disappointed in MIssy's story. Her grieving was 100% authentic. She didn't understand that people grieve differently, but no one really bothered to talk to her about it. At the funeral, I loved it that when she was hurt by everyone laughing at Meemau's jokes, Georgie said something that helped a little, but she was still clearly upset and confused by Sheldon. I just really wanted to see someone talk to her and help her to at least realize that Sheldon wasn't unaffected by their dad passing.
  3. This is absolutely a common myth, but Limbo is not (and never has been) an official teaching of the Catholic Church. If you want to read about it, here is the link from the Vatican website: https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/cti_documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20070419_un-baptised-infants_en.html But this is the relevant information: The teaching of Limbo was "never entered into the dogmatic definitions of the Magisterium" "in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992), the theory of limbo is not mentioned. Rather, the Catechism teaches that infants who die without baptism are entrusted by the Church to the mercy of God, as is shown in the specific funeral rite for such children. The principle that God desires the salvation of all people gives rise to the hope that there is a path to salvation for infants who die without baptism (cf. CCC, 1261)"
  4. There were definitely Catholics who were taught about Limbo, but it has never been an official teaching of the Catholic Church. There was also a time when Catholics were also taught that anyone who was not Baptized could not go to Heaven, but officially the Church says that we don't know but hope that they can be saved by the Grace of God. I wish the Church would go a step further and admit that they have no business definitively saying what happens after we die and that God can do whatever God wants to do. I've always been a bit put off by humans claiming to have that authority. But I'll try to get off my soap box and remind myself that Young Sheldon is a sitcom and a show that I enjoy and that I should try to stop taking those things so seriously :-)
  5. Many Christians do believe that the unbaptized will not go to Heaven, but the Catholic Church does not teach that. Although, I supposed it's possible that Mandy's mom didn't know that.
  6. Me, too! I love this show. I really do! It is absolutely better than most of the shows on TV these days. Sure, there are parts that don't perfectly mesh with me, but overall, I love it!
  7. I think they definitely downplayed Mandy’s reaction. Most parents I know it would’ve been absolutely livid! I thought the baptisms were unrealistic - at least the Catholic one. I don’t know any priest who would baptize a baby without first meeting with the parents. Most priest would want to have a couple of different sessions with them before the baptism. But, Young Sheldon is a sitcom, and in general, the seriousness of everything was downplayed.
  8. I don't know that they retconned it. Sheldon has never been a reliable narrator.
  9. I would be willing to bet they didn't have a choice. From what other TLC reality stars have said in interviews, once you sign that contract, TLC has the right to film those moments if they want.
  10. Mariah and Micah and Berry are often telling Ethan that nothing's more important than family and that they love their family and they'll do anything for family, and all season it has just really bugged me. When does Olivia become "family?" As Mariah goes on and on about family, Ethan finally says to her, "I'm a little confused, because where does Olivia fall into that?" Mariah responds, "Um, I think we all know?" Yes, I realize they will never consider Olivia to be family, but I'm glad Ethan finally said it. I'm curious as to where the conversation will go next week.
  11. Yes! Of course Olivia tried to deal with it all before they left for Europe. Who would want to be trying to explain all of this to Moriah during a trip to Europe. Why would Olivia hold the music “hostage?” What did she have to gain be doing that? It’s just sad that Micah would even think that.
  12. I'm guessing they were reading glasses. He's at that age when you start needing them.
  13. What happened? Why did Moriah not have hair? My satellite cut out for a couple of minutes, so I missed her story.
  14. Nice! But I really want to see Wes Chatham!!!!!
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