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  1. Yes, he literally said, "great-grandfather," but it was more like "great, uh (hand motions indicating many greats) grandfather." His body language implied an uncertain number of greats.
  2. I did not notice Claire! Jamie is standing towards the back of the cannon, with his hand resting on the wheel.
  3. Did anyone else think the title card was Frank and Bree looking at a picture of Jamie?
  4. Your knowledge of this era is impressive! Just about everything I know from this era, I learned from Outlander or Turn (not high school). I had never heard of Lafayette until I watched Turn (great show!). Claire didn't grow up in the United States, so her knowledge is from Uncle Lamb, Frank and Bree. To me, that is crazy impressive (if not super convenient.) Just saying there's no way I would be of any help to Jamie other than, "The Continentals eventually win."
  5. Not poor direction at all. Excellent direction!!! Clues were dropped, but that's all. 1. Two men (who are not Rob Cameron) were inside the house. Bree pulls the mask off of one of them, and the camera focuses on his face. Why? 2. Rob yells out a name ... just one name. Why? These questions are left unanswered. Intrigue! Yes, if you've read the books you know some of the answers, but only because you read past this part. At this point, you didn't know any of this mattered.
  6. No, you're not! The only reason I knew anything is that once I read about it in Bees, I used the search on my Kindle to try to find all the times he appeared in the book. The only reason I was certain it was him was that as the van is driving away and Rob gets out of his car, he yells the guy's name. Even then, I wasn't sure what he yelled until I replayed it with the captioning on. THAT is how much of a "blink and you'll miss it" moment it was for Book readers.
  7. I really don't think you're "supposed" to know any of this. I think if you read the book and noticed ... bonus. I seriously don't think you are going to miss out at all if you didn't. Percy Beauchamp was just introduced for the first time, so you are definitely not to supposed to already know who he is. He is both Lord John's step brother and his former lover, but I really don't know if those details really matter ... other than to establish that they have a history. The Beauchamp part, as far as I know, is still unresolved in the books. "Who was the robber at Bree's?" Please tell me you are only aware of that because you read the book thread, because if you are curious just from watching that scene, I have absolutely know clue what you saw :-) (and I'm even less observant than I thought!). I think they are looking for gold or trying to find more clues about the gold. One of them comes back in the 9th book, "Go Tell the Bees that I am Gone," but I don't think there were really any clues that that would happen. Who knows, maybe I just missed it. I only read books 7-9 one time, and there is so much information.
  8. I’m pretty sure this is the first time we meet Percy (Lord John’s step-brother). Between her husband, the Harvard History Professor, and her daughter, the Boston born and raised history major, I think we are supposed to assume Claire knows more about American History than the average person. I do think it’s a bit unrealistic that she remembers as much as she does. It’s a bit too convenient at times 🤣
  9. My understanding is that the show got the green light for Season 8 well after Season 7 was all planned out. Because they thought Season 7 was going to be the last one, they chose to end with the same ending as Moby. When they did get the green light for Season 8, they said, "Ok, we're doing Bees." I might be wrong, but I thought I read that somewhere.
  10. I am absolutely thrilled with this!!! This story was really spread out in the book and, dare I say, dragged out a bit! The one question I have is, will Bree find Frank's letter? Blink and you'll miss it was right!!! I froze the image of him staring at the van driving away and asked my sons if they thought it was the same actor. They said, "Definitely!" I was having trouble seeing it, but I thought it had to be. Otherwise, why bother pulling off the mask of one of them and focusing on the face?
  11. Totally agree! It's not the charge or the brig, just the fact that 33 was ordered to get them on the ship. The kids are ... kids. Every time Jod tried to do something, the kids would object or argue amongst themselves or say, "But I want to ... " They don't know what they're doing, and that's to be expected. They're kids! But this is serious, and Jod does know what he's doing. Sometimes he really needs them to just do what they're told (he can explain later), and this was the best way to make that happen.
  12. Between Ezekiel Richardson and Percy Beauchamp, we are 100% into the plot I didn’t know I was reading until “Bees.”
  13. I was NOT looking forward to this part. Thankfully, they didn’t show anything or really even explain it. The look of horror on Jamie’s face was enough for me!
  14. Really? I don’t remember Jenny having much of a story. It’s been awhile since I read the book, and I’ve only read 7,8&9 one time. There’s not much I remember except major plot points, so I’m honestly very curious 😊.
  15. Ok, Roger and Buck's story in the book is about to get really weird ... if they include everything. Does anyone know if what happens to Jerry is explained in "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows?" I haven't read anything other than the 9 "Big Books."
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