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  1. I agree her voice was the same, but she reminded me a bit of the Greyjoys. I think it's a good reminder that even in societies of extreme patriarchy, there will always be kickass women carving out spaces for themselves. A bit like Alys too. I think it's also a reminder also to show people have always poked at Lords and inherited status. And not everything in the world need be life and death. She was happy enough to mock him a bit and tease him. Take the Westeros lord down a peg (because Aegon JUST referred to Essos people as goat effers). BTW, Tom was a MVP this season. His whole arc has set him up for a comeback. Or redemption. I certainly feel for him more. Whereas Ewan was a bit one note alas other than that one scene at the high council when he challenged Aemon in high Valaryan. I find him charismatic and handsome as anything but there's not much depth at this point. He is EEEvil.
  2. Also Lannisport has money and resources.
  3. After sleeping on it, I kind of wish the producers had avoided using Paddy and the other actress. One of the powers of GOT is that other than Jon, when a character was dead, the character was off screen. I missed Ned and Robb (but not Catelyn). I missed all the wolves and Hodor. I think it was lazy to bring back Paddy especially. Yes he was great! I loved him. He made a feast out of playing a weak, kind man! Who does that? Paddy! And they need to be like they were with Cersei in later seasons and sideline Olivia Cooke. She wasn't needed as much so don't use her. Use the time to develop characters who will matter. Rhynaera frustrates me but it does ring true given she was raised in peace by a father who wanted peace above all else. It's hard to shake off your early lessons. It makes her a flawed leader which can make for good television.
  4. Final thoughts for tonight. I did love hearing the Stark theme and the Lannister theme as both armies march. And a glimpse of a much younger three eyed raven. And Matt Smith flirting with the actress playing Alys and with Emma. And saying Winter is coming in high Valeryian. Can the writers please develop Rhaena & Baela? Pleeeeease. The actors are being paid! Use them.
  5. I read the book ages ago so no spoilers from me. But what I like is that there is a ton of room to change that plot. As Rhynaera pointed out, the histories may write about Allicent a certain way. But I can see wiggle room for the writers. The book readers read one history...but the show is what really happened. Haelana has never been exact in her visions. Aemond may be dead in the God's Eye...or believed dead. And a wooden throne...which bloody Aegon? From what era? The conversation between our current Aegon and Larys hints at many versions of Aegon...future Aegons? This show is frustrating in that the actors are solid and individual scenes are good. But there is zero momentum.
  6. It started so well but Allicent ruins all scenes. I did love that Daemond had a vision. And we finally had payoff. And that Ser Simon was loyal enough to send Rhynaera a raven. But I cannot believe Rhynaera would tolerate Ulf like that. Yes Dany put up with bad manners. Tyrion had Bronn being a shite. But Rhynaera is just taking it when he needs a sharper reminder. I am not at all invested in the sister hunting the wild dragon. I wish more time had been spent giving her a personality. Any personality. Because it can be done. Poor Tyland! Ha! That actor is gold in both roles. And that sea captain was wonderfully vivid. Whatever her name is. I actually love this expansion of the universe a lot. More of this, less Rhynaera gazing at the horizon. It's not Emma's fault. They can deliver the big scenes. How they watched Daemon. And last week in front of the dragon. But given Rhynaera just let 100 plus relatives burn to death (does that make her a kin-killer?) it's a bit rich they hesitate to use the dragons now!
  7. I agree with your thinking. She can't be a queen at war without getting her hands bloody. She did the hard thing. I don't know if she actually feels bad for what happened. She has a decent poker face. I don't know if Rhynaera is good at sizing people but I think we have been shown a few examples of her reading people fairly well and then making very bad calls. Christian Cole...good soldier but bad ex! Very bad ex. She managed her marriage well and seemingly with respect. She didn't kill him to clear the way for Daemon. She sees Daemon for what he is. But other people? Not sure she handles other people well. She's barely had a conversation with Corylis on the show. He is her FIL! Maybe the writers could do less staring at the horizon and more letting these characters talk. For example would it have killed them to write a scene with Eamond and Haelena talking? She's had three major traumas and I think he would attempt to comfort her. But no, we get Alicient floating.
  8. He looked like he was holding on to a saddle. Two wooden sticks. I don't think those saddles come on and off like a horse. She's not stupid. She just needs riders and is willing to let a lot of people die to find them. I vaguely prefer her as a leader but she's not especially kind or good. Remember how she killed that boar to survive? And lied to her close friend about having sexual relations, and lied to the realm boldly about her sons? She's a survivor. And if she needs to kill 100 people to find 2 riders, she will. Just like Christian Cole killed 100s of soldiers with his trap. I think they knew what to do as well. Knew how to run or where to duck and I assume dragon keepers were there for the kids. Daemon probably did what Rhaenyra did--called the dragon but didn't try to claim.
  9. Seriously, this kid! He cornered Daemon into doing the "right" thing. I hope Daemon appreciates his cleverness. Oscar honored his oath and spoke truth to power. And negotiated a moment of justice. In like 10 minutes! Love that kid.
  10. I have always felt the ability to bond with a dragon was more about opportunity than blood. I think the whole blood ties is just Targaryen PR and hubris. Anyone with the guts to try might succeed. Dany's situation as always is exceptional. She hatched them via blood magic. Rather negative blood magic too.
  11. No hats off. It was stupid to insult him so overtly. Better to have quietly recalled Otto and then dropped the hammer. And the Aemond we have seen thus far would have been smart enough to have done that. I think it has been established that Dany's bond was unusual. To have three dragons at her command was unprecedented. And being fireproof too. Also it appears that while dragons may pick a new rider, humans get only one dragon ever.
  12. That actor is a joy in the role. Much needed comic relief. Freddie Fox also brings a bemused wryness to the show. Aemond may be overplaying his hand but he's smart about calling back Otto and leaning on the Hightower side of his family. Aegon is getting a redemption arc via physical suffering. But he IS still a rapist who betted on child fights. Overall the pacing of this ep was really off. The riot felt like a rehash of the Season 2 riot on GOT but with lower stakes. Matt Smith scenes dragged. The flashbacks are annoying me now and I love Paddy but this felt like a waste. And Alys with her owl felt too Hogwarts. Much too cute. I did like the implication she sped up Grover Tully's death. Jeyne is just the right level of polite bitchy. She is done with her houseguests. Seasmoke picking its rider was beautiful but I wanted to see him get on. I also wanted more time with him so we could appreciate the moment.
  13. There's a chemistry there. She's not afraid of him at all. I think he is curious and intrigued by her lack of deference. But then she cares for his hands and tries to help him sleep. Like a good nurse/doctor. Then again, Daemon tends to snap. His first wife didn't seem afraid of him. Nor did Rhynaera until he choked her.
  14. I suppose Otto could return. Aemond certainly knows the power of staying silent. I kind of hope Haelena gets to play a bigger role. The fact she is always lurking makes her possible player. But again we have another female dragon rider with seemingly zero martial skills. Only Baela with her aggressive father and assertive mother seems to have any training. With Rhyners gone she may be the new quiet badass. All the Blacks trust and value her. She sensible and brave. If she can avoid being sidelined by pregnancy, she could be a very effective war leader.
  15. I liked seeing the Freys and the Riverland lords. And how in some ways they have forgotten what a dragon can do. It's also interesting that Rhynaera is just now realizing she needs to get battle ready. One thing I appreciated about Arya was her 8 season journey to becoming a skilled fighter. I can't believe that none of women dragon riders bothered to get some martial training! As if the dragon was enough. I like seeing her do research but it feels a bit late! I am also tired of Daemon tripping out in Harrenhall although it is showing his ability to be patient. He doesn't execute people for being straight speakers. It would be interesting if he actually IS being poisoned. There's so much food in his scenes.
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