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Everything posted by arrowhead

  1. Thanks for pointing this out. I see a lot of replies everywhere about the counseling they did or did not have and people also talk about therapy as if it's the panacea of resolving everything. I too have told people to seek professional help at times. But the two times I reached points where I followed my own advice, have not been very successful (couple different circumstances and few therapists). What they offered, although I tried, was to me very off and ineffective later from what may have helped me. Eventually I crawled out and worked myself through and I can say I'm good today but don't look at the therapy as a great or even helpful experience. Perhaps others have better stories, I'd be curious. To me it feels almost like something we say to family, friend, people to take it off our mind when we feel powerless to help, but I still have to see some great result example related to counseling. So I agree with you about the forced instantaneous forgiveness approach but I also am not sure about any imposed therapy either. There's just no perfect answer... Now that they are grown, I hope the girls each finds her way to resolve and feel at peace about themselves, be it through therapy, focus on life or what ever works. I do agree that right now they may feel very uneasy and re-victimized by the attention, but let's hope that the shedding of light and pouring of support help more than it hurts.
  2. I thought it was later implied that he also had an affair with the (family friend?) lawyer he later hired and that the intern was possibly his daughter (... I may be totally off though; huh)
  3. New girl is a bit much now... seems to over-act all the time, it stopped being funny for me.
  4. I stopped watching because of Kitty also. Which episode did she leave in, please? I'll start rewatching after that, see if I can still get into this show. Thanks.
  5. ... and a boring one at that when you add Kitty in - don't like or dislike her, just makes me completely tune-off her scenes, not sure why. I fell asleep again half way into this epi... New season seems very disjointed. Last call was soooo sobering, especially when the next thing said was about being vigilant about police being targeted. I liked that part.
  6. Although I think the sitter has been a bit much (overacting perhaps...) I did like her in this episode. Achh.. as bad as I agree it is, for some unexplained reason I like watching this show. I like the cast's overall interaction as well as the not too deep cases. Maybe because it doesn't take itself too seriously or because there is no season arc (which seems to plague most serials recently) or, I don't know why, but I liked each episode I've seen so far. For backdrop I like the mundane family dramedy better than some tedious season-long or series-long mystery that wouldn't go anywhere (looking at you Castle, Monk, Mentalist, Grimm - worst of all, etc). Of course ratings are bad; has it been announced it's cancelled?
  7. I did some research and don't find any examples - got any details? Interesting. Where does he advocate, sounds like something to check-out. Christmas at Cartwright's wasn't great but was sweet enough. Liked the little girl, refreshing to see a good kid as most children in these movies tend to be on the bratty side. So far this season is underwhelming, I think last year may have been better over all.
  8. I like Kirk Cameron, liked his acting since he was young. What has he done to stir such contempt?
  9. Mr Miracle - what the heck was this movie about? For all the talking, talking, talking, blah, blah, blah I didn't get any plot, was there one?? The "good" characters were very annoying and really bad actors. Well, all actors were bad actually and strange looking - bad hair, wardrobe, etc. Mr. Miracle does this really strange thing with his eyes and forehead and sakes his head weirdly - that does NOT count as acting. The commercials were better than the movie. Blech
  10. I don't know if it's the show or what but I cannot get into this at all anymore and I fell asleep during last three episodes, especially this one. When the new girl comes on screen my brain completely tunes her off. Don't get what her purpose is, does anyone know if she's a character in the books? - thanks! I gave up a couple of interesting shows along the way for this one and now I got no TV on Thursdays; heh. Too bad because I like the actors and even some of the guest actors, e,g, this week's Mamie.
  11. "I wouldn't want my mother to kill your mother..." "I wouldn't want my mother to kill your mother!" ...he, he
  12. I found this episode really, really boring. Not sure if I even got the plot because it didn't keep my attention. And the weird girl has to go, she is too annoying. "you went down the rabbit hole"... blah, blah.. "I'm not doing that again" blah, blah - so much over-acted drama. I'll have to change channels each time she speaks. I hope this show is brave enough to kill-off some of the main cast and that she is soon gone.
  13. The child is not part hexenbiest/ part Grimm. I wasn't talking about the magical royal baby. I'm talking about the baby of Adalind and Nick ... come on, you know it's coming!
  14. Utterly tedious plots continue - Juliette coma/amnesia, Renard lusty obsession, what's her name getting powers back, royal baby drama, royals pointless crap, trouble (eh), everything spice shop, now loss of grimmness, and soon baby hexengrimm drama - so much convoluted pointless stuff. I liked the first season with focus on WotW, cool Grimm weapons, some mix of vile and nice/funny creatures and intriguing unveiling of Grimm powers. After that, the arcs are going nowhere and all the build-ups have no point and are of little consequence in the end. Not much must see stuff...
  15. I didn't like it. Except for Eli's daughter making a appearance again, I thought the whole thing was too dark and dreary. LG "drama" grates. There are some things I love about this show and some that I hate. Tonight had everything that I hate in it - Fin being a jerk, Peter intern cliché, LG crap, Kalinda crap, Alicia's hectic constant .. phoning. Bleh.
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