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Mr. Miner

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Everything posted by Mr. Miner

  1. I nodded off for 5 pages of replies. Wha Happened?
  2. It just dawned on Yazan, he’s dating a drunk skank.
  3. Thanks! Don't see many housing complexes like that where I'm from.
  4. Feeding it? That house Brianna bought it looks like it's connected to a whole block long row of houses?
  5. I can't stand Ari or Bini. I have an equal amount of disdain for both of them.
  6. Karl, all of your pants are big girl pants you disgusting cow. Leah posing like she’s intelligent and those fucking fingernails are grossing me out. 🤮 They all gross me out!
  7. Would it kill Bravo to film this primary being fed to the sharks? 🦈
  8. And she's looking "more stupider" with each infidelity.
  9. TLC might get to film a stoning? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. Tonight I am a choreographer/rapper/producer/ physical trainer.
  11. Looks like it was a rough flight for Tim’s mom. Sheesh!
  12. I guess we just have to take their word for it?
  13. Jenny is too! She retired way too early and was living on her daughter's couch. Deavens's first clue should have been the monogrammed jerk rag Jihoon had clipped to his belt.
  14. That was BD two seasons ago. Josiah and Kate were bunk mates.
  15. Apparently, if they will bring this fucking asshat primary back. It must be real hard to find guests to film for this show?
  16. He also said he would have gathered up the drugs and headed to the nearest Phish concert. 😎👍🏻
  17. I mean, who doesn’t go anywhere without a satchel full of paper straws? 🙄
  18. I haven't watched yet, but if this is true, I hate her already.
  19. I would have voided her recording contract at the first sight of a tissue square.
  20. YaZan was driving and the heir to the Oh Henry candy bar fortune was walking down the street wearing her bra as a top.
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