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Mr. Miner

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Everything posted by Mr. Miner

  1. Potato sack races on the beach? GTFOOH!
  2. Best part for me was when Theo barked and then walked around the circle seven times with his daddies.
  3. I've always thought this show could go on without Teresa or any of her family, at least give it a try. I'm just hate watching Teresa at this point. I don't need to see the torch passed to her fucking spawn.
  4. For a while now Candiace has implied that the GEB's and Ashley were colorists. Last night her cast mates weren't colorist, it was the audience. Candiace is just upset that her vile fucking reads on people took more criticism than Robin putting her finger in Ashley's face. Candiace ain't shit!
  5. Schwartz is Sandoval's simpering little pussy!
  6. If I'm Joe and Melissa I'm sending Tre a Thank You card for not inviting me to the stupid wedding.
  7. You know Mac's mom is sitting up in MI with a big smile on her bitch face.
  8. I think he's a scumbag and I hope he and his scumbag wife live happily ever after in their little fart bubble.
  9. I'm Team Kyle! Carl, Lindsey and Danielle can all FO!
  10. Wendy's dress? I thought she lost a bet or something.
  11. I wish he would take his struggle off of my TV set and take his girlfriend with him.
  12. Apparently they are feuding over Sandy not getting Lee's blessing to fire Camille.
  13. Pastor Cal will be visiting next week with condoms and lube and somebody better be having sex.
  14. Apparently another weird thing Airris does is he likes to gobble his meals over the sink.
  15. The bed situation is like Real World, They'll be having sex in front of each other. Carl is still a douche, he's just a sober douche now. I can't stand Lindsey!
  16. I don't love Sandy, I don't hate Sandy. I don't care that she threw her wanker chief stew under the bus. I've said more than once that the best thing Sandy ever did was fire POS Hannah.
  17. His "blow out her back" comment is out there now, maybe he's afraid he can't back it up?
  18. If I was Melissa I would have been relieved to not be part of or invited to that stupid fucking wedding. Teresa might be the biggest POS garbage human on television.
  19. Chris does laundry once a month? I guess that's why he wore a tank top and swimming trunks to bed on his wedding night. And probably why he only sex three times in a prior 18 month relationship.
  20. Frank's girlfriend is a very old looking 33 year old. imo!
  21. So, how is Danielle going to pay for the dialysis treatment she requires the day after Johan blows out her kidneys with his big dick?
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