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babs j.

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Everything posted by babs j.

  1. I don't know if you've ever seen the news photo of Rosa Parks being booked but it packs a punch. She may come up to the shoulder of the policeman booking her but no more - this physically short slender woman with a large man behind her.
  2. It's better if you don't try to watch it chronologically - if the writers need Barry still to be in high school, he'll be in high school. I'm an early baby boomer so I'm probably around the real Beverly's age. There is a little bit of nostalgia for me - I remember seeing "The Day After", and I have been to Hershey Park, and some other things I have forgotten. It can bring up a few nice memories for me - and, sometimes, a few good laughs.
  3. I typed in my birthday and it was in the 300's but my brother's was 59 and he would have been. I'm female so no draft, my brother was 20 with a bad back and in college. I think he did have to go somewhere possibly for an evaluation, but he wasn't drafted.
  4. My DVR is set up to record only the new eps of the People'c Court but Thursday, when the last case came on, I recognized it. This may have been because of the wild weather we had Thursday - thank you, Matthew. Not anything like in some places - a lot of wind and rain and some power outages - thank goodness.
  5. I think most sit-coms take a few episodes to really get going - the audience needs to begin to know the characters and the situations. This doesn't seem to be a problem with dramas. As the saying goes -Dying is easy; comedy is hard.
  6. I posted yesterday - re Silver Raven's post about my father's WWII service. What he and the others there in the Persian Gulf were doing was building trucks to take materials to drivers who took those materials to keep the Germans from getting to the Caucasus oil fields. No combat but a necessary job - and, in 1994, a very nice medal from the Russian government.
  7. If you were in the military it doesn't matter whether you were ever in combat or not - and especially now that there is no draft. You gave a period of time in the service of your country. My father served in the Army during WWII. He was in the Persian Gulf - his outfit made trucks that carried supplies. If there had been an invasion of Japan he would have been part of it- and I might never have been born. During Bush the Elder's Persian Gulf war my father frequently pointed how cool it was - NOT. Not everyone in the military saw combat, even during an active war.
  8. I wonder if Judge M's daughter were the plaintiff in the first case if she would try to be so chummy with her - I don't think so.
  9. These days seems like saying "Thank you for your service" is like saying "Bless you" when somebody sneezes.
  10. I'm the same age as Candice Bergen and remember the original Murphy Brown. I really liked last night's episode and hope it continues to be this good. Candice Bergen and Donald Trump did actually go on a date - just one. According to her he wore a burgundy suit and drove a burgundy car. Good call on her part.
  11. I watch every new episode of The Peoples Court but, after a while, I decided I would not watch any animal case - which means I only saw the first episode Friday. I think the producers let some of the episodes go on so long just for the entertainment value - which, to me, explains case #1.
  12. I'm not very technically minded - still caught in the 20th century - don't even have a cell phone and I use the library's computer-but I have an answering machine. When I retired and was home all day, I found that most of the calls I got were either hang-ups or junk. And, being retired, most of the calls were trying to sell me insurance or stuff for aches and pains. Now I leave my answering machine on two rings and very seldom answer it. I do enjoy those automatic voices warning me that the IRS has taken out a warrant for me - got that Friday of last week. They'll never take me alive - that should liven up things at the condo.
  13. My DVR is set up to record only the new People's Court episodes but I could almost swear that I have seen case #3 perhaps last year. And could we please eliminate hot water heater - if the water is hot it doesn't need to be heated. It's a WATER heater - hot is redundant.
  14. I know from experience the older you get the faster your eyes change. The best thing about today's show - no dog cases.
  15. The writers of last night's episode seem to have forgotten that Erica has worked for pay when she was in high school.
  16. You Janky Suit - great name for a rock band.
  17. Every time they go to Harvey I thank the technical gods for the mute on my remote.
  18. Something I've heard many time - ignorance of the law is no excuse.
  19. I've watched every episode of Call the Midwife and I'm 99% sure that in earlier years when there was a service at Nonnatus (sp?) there were a few more nuns.
  20. When the book about Rosemary Kennedy came out I read that the doctor was late getting to the house and, of course, the nurses, being women, had to wait for the man and Rosemary's delivery was delayed which may have caused her mental problems.
  21. Sometimes when I'm watching Call the Midwife I flash back to Thelma Ritter's line from "All About Eve" - "Everything but the dogs nipping at her rear end". "
  22. Re the car wash case from a few days ago: The owner has to put in place a YOU MUST HAVE A TICKET THAT MATCHES YOUR CAR'S TICKET TO GET YOUR CAR and ENFORCE it. I wonder if he has lost any business because of the car being stolen.
  23. Maybe the painter in case #3 thought his legs would suddenly grow longer or he was going to use stilts.
  24. On Black Friday I don't go NEAR any retail store - not on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. That's one of the nice things about being retired - and even before I retired I didn't go shopping any of those 3 days.
  25. I'm pretty sure that in it was mentioned that Pops had a place in Florida to escape the cold.
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