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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. 2 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

    Sandra was just referring to Eyebrows' tribe, her against Tai/Debbie/Hali who is the physical threat among the four, if she is gone, only 1 is strong in that tribe=Brad.

    Agreed.  The rest of the tribe probably might've preferred the strong man, Brad, but since J.T. would never go for it, better to go for the strong woman in Sierra.

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  2. 46 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I feel like I'm weirdly becoming a JT fan/defender after pretty much hating him all through Tocantins and HvV. I don't know just thinking more on it and I just don't think this was that bad of a move. And I find it stupidly petty that Malcom still seems pissed at him. 

    Well, it was, and I would be, too, if I were he!  He was as good as safe before J.T. opened his stupid mouth!  He went out through no fault of his own, as has been said more than once on the episode thread, but through the fault of J.T.!

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  3. 53 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

    Yeah, the first perfect game ever played!

    Yeah, then.  Followed by a tribe that ended up not liking or trusting him as far as they could throw him.  And now a tribe who trusts him even less than the Heroes did.

    40 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

    Unfortunately, Survivor Nerd John Cochran is there with him.

    Uh . . . Jeremy Collins?

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  4. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I think you put more thought into JT's moves than he does @KimberStormer!


    48 minutes ago, Nashville said:


    Desperation to defend a favorite or rationalize for him or her when you just can't admit or accept that he or she did a dumb thing or had a smart idea, but went about it or executed it in the exact wrong way, and thus instead blame others for his or her downfall.  I get it.  I absolutely understand it.  I've had loads of favorites on this show for whom I've done that after they've had their positions worsened or their games ended by their own doing before I finally accepted it was their own faults.

    But he was dumb, and he did go about trying to toss Sandra in the wrong way.  There's no way around it.

    2 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Actually, Brad did burn J.T.  How so?  Because J.T. told Brad to push for Sandra's eviction.  If Brad had any intention of supporting his relationship with J.T., then Brad should have (a) recognized his ally J.T. had a specific reason for targeting Sandra, and (b) adjusted his (Brad's) strategy accordingly.

    By not doing so, Brad actually did immeasurable damage to his own game:

    • Brad has undoubtedly alienated J.T. by ignoring J.T.'s plea for support.
    • Ditto for any of J.T.'s allies.
    • By doing so after J.T. took a HUGE risk in directly communicating with Brad at TC, Brad has also probably signed J.T.'s death warrant for this season.

    Meh.  He has plenty of allies with whom to work, anyway.  He doesn't need J.T.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, himela said:

    What I missed: Did Hali know about the idol?

    Yes.  She was there when Tai told the tribe about it.

    Well, I enjoyed this episode.  Yes, I liked Malcolm, but the Tribal Council was indeed one of the craziest ever.  It was something that really kept everyone on their toes, so I approve.

    I just hope that it doesn't done every season.  Perhaps every few, and likely only with returnees, not newbies.

    While I'm not a huge Sierra fan and still wish she hadn't come back, I don't think she was taunting Malcolm with the kiss.  I think she was trying to give him some comfort.  A pat or stroke of the shoulder might've been better, but I had no problem with the kiss.  And I give her some reluctant props for reading the room and realizing she was nuNuku's target well before J.T. confirmed it to Brad.  (She seemed to know it while Brad and Debbie kept trying to assure her that that wasn't the case.)

    Speaking of J.T. . . . wow.  Colossally stupid move on his part.  Yes, Sandra is his main target.  But he really, desperately needed to chill out, let the Sierra vote ride, and not say a word.  Sierra would be gone, and he'd still have Malcolm around to help him get rid of our two-time winner.  Now he's more than likely public enemy number one.  He was already potentially that, but he just cemented it.  I'd already known that I'd wanted any of Stephen, Erinn, or Taj to win Tocantins.  He went and proved why in Heroes vs. Villains and pretty much vindicated my thoughts here in Game Changers.  If he goes sooner rather than later, it'll be his own damn fault, and I won't complain.

    Sorry, Malcolm.  Your only mistake was allying so closely with a desperate double-dealer like J.T.

    Nonetheless, it was a great episode for me.

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  6. On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 10:29 AM, LadyChatts said:

    I find it odd she assumed she was Nuku's target even before the whole blow up.  Something was funny with the editing there.

    I think she legitimately suspected it on her own.  She seemed to have picked up on it while Brad and Debbie kept trying to assure her that she wasn't . . . until J.T. basically ran his mouth to Brad and confirmed that she was.  If this is the case, then reluctant kudos to her for reading the room when the rest of her tribe wasn't.

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  7. 9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    Perhaps the whole poison thing was just a scare tactic and no poison is actually involved.

    Gabi was starting to cough at the time Chad gave the antidote to Abigail, so I think that was indeed poison that was constricting her lungs.

    5 hours ago, Barton88 said:

    Is anyone ever going to call the cops on psychopath Deimos, or is he going to continue to get away with kidnapping, poisoning, and crippling everyone without anything ever being done about it? And we're supposed to somehow believe that he'd be a "wonderful father" to Nicole's baby. 

    Seriously.  Today's episode pretty much wiped out any possible redeeming qualities Deimos might've had in him.  Putting the lives of two young mothers at risk, neither of whom had ever done anything to him (well, Gabi did a slight thing, but nothing that huge), was beyond disgusting.  We may need a "crazy" villain for a show like this, but there is a line, and he crossed it today.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

    Right, but as I said, eliminating challenge strength for NuNuku makes things worse for JT, who is on the wrong side of the numbers there.  If keeping NuNuku strong is the priority, either of the other tribes losing is better than NuNuku losing.  If that's really his plan, he should be helping NuNuku, like Michaela helping Michelle and Zeke last season when they were on the wrong side of the numbers, in the hopes of keeping the Millenials strong at the merge.

    Hmm. . . . Perhaps.  But it's just as likely they thought that if they're focusing on challenge strength on nuNuku, they'll likely vote out Sandra or Jeff before J.T., at the very least.  Not an unreasonable assumption to make.  And I think without J.T.'s move tonight, that might indeed have happened.  But now . . . he's public enemy number one.

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  9. 2 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

    It is pretty amazing.  Still, she should have listened to Hali tonight.  It's only Brad's bad decision-making that kept Sandra from being idoled out. 

    Bad decision-making by not doing something to help J.T.?  Hardly.  I actually don't even think she was ever in consideration, at least not by the time Tribal Council arrived.

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  10. If there's any credit she should get at all for this week, it sounds like she was the one who suggested Malcolm for the boot.  That, and she scoped out what had been suspected by the tribe -- that she was Nuku's target at Tribal Council.

    She still hasn't been all that visible, but what moves we do see her making do at least appear to be decent, reasonable ones.

    I still wish any other woman had returned other than she, though.

    • Love 6
  11. 1 hour ago, KimberStormer said:

    In fact we know he did burn him and JT is totally screwed by this choice of Brad's.  If they'd voted Sandra JT would be sitting pretty.  Now did Brad have any reason to know this?  CBS literally won't let me see the episode again, it just keeps showing me ads over and over and over, so I can't check the scene, but I recall him speculating at camp that JT would be working with Malcolm and would want to vote Sandra.  Which suggests he has a pretty good grasp on the other tribe's dynamics.

    Even if Brad did know that J.T. was trying to work with Malcolm, that doesn't mean that he (Brad) wanted to, as well.  If he saw him as a threat to his game rather than an asset, it was his right to remove him from the picture now that the opportunity had presented himself.  As far as I could see, Brad, Sierra, Debbie, and Tai had agreed on one thing: keeping the original Nukus as intact as possible.  Over on nuNuku, J.T. is the only one who falls under that category.  Aubry, Sandra, Michaela, Jeff, and Malcolm do not.  Any one of them could've been targets for decent reasons.  But he and the others settled on Malcolm because out of the original Manas, he very clearly is the physically strongest one.  So get rid of not only another Mana, but get rid of one who can help them win challenges, and thus make it harder for them to do so with him gone.  Malcolm fit the bill, so I can see perfectly why they all thought that he had to go.

    Just because he screwed your favorite with his decision, it doesn't make him dumb, and it doesn't mean he burned him.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    This.  From Malcolm's day after vid, it sounded as though he had every intention of working with JT.  Why JT felt the need to tell Brad about them voting for Sierra is beyond me, and that started the whole chain reaction.  Brad looks out for Brad.  He'd have no problem dumping JT if he felt it was going to hinder his game.  JT pulled the same bone headed moves in HvsV, then tried to immediately back pedal and justify why.  He might have actually been successful getting Sandra out.  Now, he's totally turned the target on himself even more than it already was.  He proved where his loyalty was tonight, even if he didn't vote with them.  

    This.  All of this.  Brad didn't burn J.T. for shit by voting Malcolm out.  He didn't even know J.T. was working with Malcolm, and he himself wasn't working with him, and he clearly saw a chance to hinder a tribe's chances at winning challenges, so why not get rid of him?  The only burning that happened was J.T. burning his own damn self because he got a bit too desperate and overeager to get Sandra voted out.  J.T. screwed himself over tonight.  Hands down.

    4 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

    I don't think any of that would have happened.  They would surely have played the idol, they wouldn't have played it for Brad in any case.  Mana knew that JT wouldn't vote for Brad and that he held a swing-vote power in this tribal.  They had an idea it would be Sierra from long before tribal started.

    The target was always going to be on him on NuNuku.  Who cares if the target is "more" on him, the vote is still the vote.  He was the odd man out.  Malcolm would have been willing to play with him, sure, but so what, that's two people, and that means no people because why on earth would Malcolm stick his neck out for JT without the numbers?

    There was only one thing that could really go wrong for him here and it happened because Brad is dumb.

    Yes, nuMana thought that Sierra might be the target.  But who was the reason they knew for sure that she was?  J.T.  He went and confirmed it to Brad.  Brad wasn't dumb AT ALL to want to protect her.  He wasn't dumb at all to get rid of someone whom J.T. saw as an ally, but he saw as an enemy and as a threat.  An ally for one person might be an enemy for another, and that was how Brad (and Debbie and Sierra and Tai and, judging by her vote, Hali) saw Malcolm.  Not their fault for ridding nuNuku of that muscle.

    It's J.T'.s fault, and no one else's, for just helping to make their job easier.

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  13. 1 hour ago, KimberStormer said:

    I didn't think it was bad at all.  JT wanted Sandra out.

    Yes, it was.  All of the defense you continue to give him, @KimberStormer, will NEVER convince me it wasn't a bad move.  He should've just waited to go for Sandra like Malcolm knew they had to do.  Just wait till the first time they go to Tribal Council without another tribe.  He just had to let the Sierra vote ride and not say a word to Brad.  Mana never knows the true target, Tai sits on his idol (or plays it on the wrong person), Sierra goes, Nuku stays intact, and J.T. gets another shot at Sandra without anyone being the wiser.

    As it is now, it's clear that all eyes are on him all because he had to prove to Brad that he's still loyal to him.

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  14. 1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

    I'm starting to see how this boot list is going to happen.  Unlike the woman kicking ass at the merge like I was hoping, looks like Brad and Troyzan are going to run things.  They get rid of Ozzy early for threatening their alpha status (him talking repeatedly this season about being a provider is going to end up being his downfall).  Idol plays and maybe a rock draw may explain some of the order.

    I agree on Brad, but I haven't really see Troyzan run anything yet, while Brad definitely has.

  15. 1 hour ago, Noreaster said:

    If you're referring to how others claim that Adam always picks the guys over the gals, it doesn't really hold true if you look at the history of the show.  Adam has advanced plenty of women.

    Yeah . . . no.  Seasons one through six, sure.  Seasons seven and on, he's been very much "bros before hoes."  Since then, only very few women on his team have been advanced over men.  They usually have to rely on being paired against other women to even have a shot.

    For the record, I, too, thought Mark outperformed Gaby.  But I think Adam would have picked him even if he hadn't outperformed her.  Because . . . Adam.

    • Love 1
  16. Did Jennifer Landon's acting somehow devolve after ATWT?  That acting she did as Hillary was atrocious!

    Chloe is still calling Holly her little girl.  She's not, lady.  She's Nicole's little girl.  And she's still not grasping that she, not Nicole, set this all in motion.  And Eduardo's an idiot to be helping her.  And are they thinking of pairing them up?  That's almost as random as her pairing with Lucas!

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  17. 19 minutes ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    I'm glad the show listened to their "better angels" and chose not to show her meltdown, but it was a little jarring from a television editing perspective (especially in the always fast moving battle montage segment) for them to quick cut back to Gwen and Alicia in their chairs, almost crying after they'd just announced Aaliyah as the winner...

    Speaking of montages . . . sigh.  One step forward, two steps back, Show.  No Battles put up there.  Just another montage video:

    Sorry.  No montaged Battles going up on YouTube.

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  18. 28 minutes ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    Gwen went with the teen w/ the sizable Youtube following over the dreamer from small town Alabama. Who must've had a (not shown) mini meltdown when no one stole her. It seemed like that shook Gwen and Alicia a little bit in their reactions.

    Yes.  According to someone who went to the taping, Savannah barely held it together long enough to say her final words to Gwen, and then completely broke down after she did.  It crushed her.  She was almost inconsolable backstage.

    I can't blame Gwen for choosing Aaliyah, though.  People with YouTube and other online followings typically do well and go far in the Lives with the right amount of support.  She must be thinking ahead to those rounds.

    • Love 3
  19. 9 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    Song choices tonight were poor across the board.

    Sorry, but I completely disagree.  I thought the first was probably the best song choice.  This was another night of not-too-good song choices, but I at least found one that kept my interest the whole time.

    Johnny vs. Sammie: Incredible performance!  As @Dots And Stripes said, they both worked so well together.  They seemed to be having a good time and had the voices, chemistry, and stage presence to match.  I couldn't take my eyes off them.  Because of that, I have to agree with the unanimous decision by the coaches that the stage presence had to be the determining factor.  On that note, I think Gwen was right to keep Johnny.  But I loved Sammie, too, and hope she does well going forward.

    Chris vs. R.J.: If I were judging by range, I'd have picked R.J. for the win.  But I have to agree with Alicia and Gwen that there is a charisma and an amazing presence within Chris that you just can't ignore.  Both of their voices were good in an otherwise dull song, but Chris would've been my choice, too.  Poor R.J., though.

    Aliyah vs. Dawson: I straight-up thought that Dawson won that one.  Aliyah did a fine job keeping up with him, but it's clear that Dawson was owning those vocals and owning that stage.  I would've chosen him in a heartbeat.  In that respect, I am very glad that Alicia stole him.  I just hope she does right by him.  As for Aliyah, she got lucky that Blake's tendency to save young girls came into play here.  Let's hope she can give us a better Knockout performance.


    So Adam gives "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" to Josh, a rocker, and Nala, a pop singer?  Yeah.  He so didn't have any agendas there.  *rme*  Plus, Josh is his only four-chair-turn in addition to one of his obvious bromances, so Nala was dead in the water.  However, I feel no pity for Nala.  Gwen was right there, ready to take her, and she picks the man who personifies "bros before hoes."  Unless she had no idea about Adam doing that, she did this to herself.  On a side note, I doubt anyone ever watched Under the Dome, but Nala looks so much like a blonde version of the actress who played Norrie.  And I really wanted to see Aaliyah and Savannah have their Battle after finding out they were doing "Treat You Better."  Gabriel Violett did that for his Blind last season, so I was looking forward to seeing and hearing it in a Battle setting.  I'd love to know what went into Gwen's decision here, because I'd have thought that as a two-chair-turn, Savannah would've had the advantage.  But Aaliyah must've done a much better job.  And finally, poor Andrea gets montaged again, and despite being a one-chair-turn, she beats Micah, a two-chair-turn, just like Belle Jewel did to Halle Tomlinson last season.  It sounds like they did a country song, though, which gave her a distinct advantage over Micah's pop voice.  I hope we can finally see Andrea in the Knockouts, but she might get Rebekah Samarin'd/Katherine Ho'd.

    On another note, I'm saddened that they've dispensed with Carson's introductions at the start of the Battles.  I loved those.  But I do like that the artists do their own recaps to us before their packages start rather than Carson reminding us of their pasts.

    So looking at next week, in order, the previews showed that some of the remaining Battles will be Autumn Turner vs. Vanessa Ferguson from Team Alicia, Kawan DeBose vs. Malik Davage from Team Adam, and Brandon Royal vs. Davina Leone from Team Gwen.  I wonder how the others will shake out?  Gah.  Waiting six days is gonna be so damn hard!:(

    9 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

    I hate that they montage these battles. It just really bugs. 

    Me, too.  I really hope that just like the montaged Blinds of Andrea and Davina, they put up the montaged Battles of Josh vs. Nala, Aaliyah vs. Savannah, and Andrea vs. Micah, too.  NBC really needs to stop pushing their new shit Tuesday shows on us and just, as I said above, move them to Friday.  With Grimm ending and Emerald City apparently a big flop and over now, they need some Friday night programming besides Dateline.  People who watch this show want to see the Battles, not just the outcomes of them.

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  20. 2 hours ago, waving feather said:

    I love him.

    . . . Why?  He seems (and sounds) pretty plain to me.

    2 hours ago, waving feather said:

    Lauren/Mark Top 2 would be a dream.

    . . . Really?  No, thanks.  I like Lauren a lot, but the last thing we (and the show, in general) need is yet another predictable Blake/Adam top two.  Time for a new coach to take the top spot.

  21. 22 minutes ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    Kenny P, I knew Kenny was screwed during the package when Celine basically treated him as an afterthought to JChosen. There was no way they were showing steals back to back, and there was no way Gwen wasn't advancing JChosen. Thing was, I think Kenny absolutely TKO'ed JChosen in that battle and it wasn't even that close. Just like Gabby choosing Adam, I feel like Kenny P probably has huge buyers remorse that he didn't roll the dice with Blake...

    Eh. . . . Eh. . . . I think Gwen chose right here.  Kenny was excellent, but he was also "on" the entire performance.  He just belted at a volume of ten so much with no use of dynamics or dialing back at spots.  JChosen at least exercised control and knew when to put it out there and when to dial it back.  I think that was what swayed Gwen.

    But it is what it is.  Kenny should've been stolen, for sure.  I can't believe Blake didn't try to go for him.

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