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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. 3 hours ago, MaryPatShelby said:

    I could be wrong, and I didn't go back to previous year's TV listings to check, but hasn't the Tuesday show pretty much always been one hour long?

    Didn't always used to be.  Back in season five, the Tuesday shows were two hours long quite a bit leading up to the Lives.  They started making the Tuesday Battle episodes an hour long around season six, in part to push their Tuesday shows.  A lot of good that did, though.  They got extremely lucky with This is Us, but Undateable was a flop, as was Crowded.  And I'm not too optimistic where Trial & Error is concerned, either (even though I love John Lithgow).  They should just put their new shows on Fridays and compete with the other lineups on that night.  They've had no good shows on that night since Providence, Friday Night Lights, Las Vegas, and American Dreams all ended, and with Grimm about to end in just a few weeks.  Then, this show can have its second Battle hour back on Tuesdays.

  2. 18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Wow, yea, that makes me super happy about this outcome. And reminds me that I always hated Malcom. He was much more enjoyable for me this season, but I see that's just because they edited out all his bro-y ways.

    And I, on the other side of the coin, have always liked Malcolm.  But these post-show interviews and podcasts are slowly eroding all of my good feelings about him.  I'm also falling into the "glad he's gone" camp, which makes me feel a little bit sad.

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  3. 7 hours ago, NutMeg said:

    Has strategy without charisma ever worked? (not a rhetorical question, I missed 5 of the first 6 or 7 seasons) 

    Sophie Clarke can tell you it's possible.  She won South Pacific pretty much only on her strategic game.

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  4. 54 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

    There's the idea that the SurvivorsUnite poster at Sucks is tight with Sandra. The poster spoiled HvV. He is very fond of her. This season, he only gave pre-merge and F3 spoilers. If Sandra wasn't around by merge, she wouldn't know the post-merge boot order, so it makes sense. 

    I doubt it's she who's his source.  After all, were that the case, how would she know the F3?

  5. I'm probably of a minority who's happy about that first one under April 3.  Also happy about the second one under that day.  About time we're reminded that Kate and Marlena are friends.

    Moderately interested in April 4.

    That actor who'd played what Zack would've been like in the future was a remarkably good actor for that one scene he'd had with Peter and Kristian, so I'm interested in the Ciara spoiler only because of him.

    Mildly intrigued by what could cause the second Sonny spoiler.

    And I'm taking a wait-and-see mindset with the Eduardo/Kate spoiler.

  6. 5 hours ago, slade3 said:

    Did Olivia apologize to Huck after she watched the video of Eli? I think this is a mistake the writers make with her - she rarely says "thank you" or "sorry" to her team. I assume the backstory on this is that she was raised to believe these simple words show weakness, but I'm embarrassed every time someone does something risky for her and she just walks away or barks an order.

    I think her stare at Huck after she watched it was supposed to be her (silent) apology to him.  Huck already knew she was sorry for not believing him.  To him, she doesn't really have to say the words.

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  7. Idol Forums has the Knockout teams for each determined, so you'll know how the remaining matchups will go, as well as the steals.  The only one whose members aren't fully locked in are Adam's, but seven are definite.  The last one is up in the air between two people.

    Team Adam
    Mark Isaiah
    Josh West
    Hanna Eyre
    Jesse Larson
    Malik Davage
    Johnny Hayes
    Davina Leone (stolen from Gwen)
    Autumn Turner/Lauryn Judd (whoever appears in Monday's episode and loses her Battle, stolen from Alicia)

    Team Gwen
    Johnny Gates
    Aaliyah Rose
    Stephanie Rice
    Troy Ramey
    Brandon Royal
    Brennley Brown (stolen from Blake)
    Hunter Plake (stolen from Alicia)

    Team Alicia
    Anatalia Villaranda
    Quizz Swanigan
    Chris Blue
    Jack Cassidy
    Vanessa Ferguson
    Lilli Passero
    Ashley Levin (stolen from Blake)
    Dawson Coyle (stolen from Blake)

    Team Blake
    Lauren Duski
    Casi Joy
    Andrea Thomas
    Aliyah Moulden
    Enid Ortiz
    Felicia Temple (stolen from Alicia)
    Caroline Sky (stolen from Gwen)

    The fact that none of the Battle steals are from Team Adam once again says how weak his team is this season.  Very unimpressive.  Two steals are from Team Gwen, while three steals each come from Team Alicia and Team Blake.

  8. On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 2:21 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

    I guess Joey may have had one standout day or two, when seen in a vacuum.  And he has improved since the beginning.  But still, Theo is better on any given day.  (Sorry, I don't know all of the actors' real names, so it's easier to refer to the characters.)

    Joey: James Lastovic.
    Theo: Kyler Pettis.
    Ciara: Vivian Jovanni.
    Claire: Olivia Rose Keegan.
    Jade: Gabrielle Haugh.

  9. I don't get why Tai is trashed for playing the idol.  It was literally the only thing he could do to counter the majority votes!  Six votes for them against their five?  They'd have lost someone for sure if he'd sat on it.

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  10. 1 minute ago, KimberStormer said:

    Did Jeremy not get any votes?  I'd forgotten.

    Just at F6, when he played his idol.  Since the three votes didn't count, his game is still considered perfect.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

    Yeah, JT's a caveman. I was taken aback by how dead-set he was on getting Sierra out in Tocantins and by how venomous he was when he called her a bitch. She was annoying, but she was hardly a bitch. Tyson was a bitch. Coach was a bitch. Sierra was just a squashy puddle of tears most of the time.

    But it was his final words in HvV that were enough to convince me that JT has a problem with women. After believing Rupert's dumb conclusion about a women's alliance, giving his idol to Russell (who he not only didn't know, but who was the only person none of them had seen play before), not believing Sandra who gave the Heroes the straight dope on Russell, then getting idoled out because Russell gave JT's idol to Parvati before the TC where all the Villains voted for JT, what JT said he learned from the season? "Don't trust women." Uh, excuse me, Festus, but when did you ever trust a woman that season? If he hadn't listened to Rupert, trusted Russell, or distrusted Sandra, then he might have made it further than 10th place.

    This.  Ooh, nice to see someone unearth and rehash the other reasons for not only my utter dislike of this guy, but also my eternal criticism of who he is as a player and skepticism of how good he really is at the game, not to mention my feelings about him as a person, in general.

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  12. On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 7:39 PM, LanceM said:

    Well he said directly to Hali at camp and yes she knows exactly where she stands on that tribe.

    Eh.  Hali didn't seem that bothered by it.

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  13. 23 hours ago, LanceM said:

    I forgot to mention one more thing. During that chaotic tribal council Sierra walks up to her and says "are they voting me" to which Hali replies "I am trying to change everything". Sierra replies "oh" and then Hali turns to the side where I think she was looking at Probst (or most likely the camera) and she just gives this big smile. Love it. Here it is:


    That was great.  She basically confirmed even more what Sierra was thinking (even though she already had those feelings confirmed by J.T.'s stupid mouth), and then apparently did try and save Sierra.

    I'm really doubting them not having any post-game relationship now.

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