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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. 49 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    When Morgan told Carol about Glenn and Abraham and the others being killed by Negan and his crew, why didn't he mention that that Eugene had been kidnapped?  Yes, it is tragic they are dead, but Eugene was not as far as Morgan knew.  Why does no one ever mention rescuing him?

    Eugene wasn't mentioned to Morgan, I don't think.  So he doesn't know.

    • Love 2
  2. Me during the episode: Well, save for the Regina/Not!Robin scenes, this is actually a damn good episode!

    Me upon seeing the final twist: Ohhhhhhhh, crud.

    11 hours ago, Curio said:

    I really, really, really hope he didn't know. But that's such a specific death so it seems weird that he wouldn't remember it, especially since he's the kind of guy who keeps rings of his enemies and can list off very oddly specific details about each of their deaths.

    I don't think he knew.  He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his picture.  So I think he remembered the face of the man he killed, but he had no clue that it was David's father.  Don't forget that no one in Storybrooke had any idea of what he looked like other than David, Rumple, Pinocchio, and George.  Hook had heard about his father, but had no idea of what he looked like until he saw that picture.  So yeah, I don't think he knew.  And after he gets over the initial shock, I think David will understand that Hook didn't know.

    But yeah.  Like everyone else, that's one twist they shouldn't have done.  They would've been fine stopping at George having ordered his murder.

    • Love 6
  3. Glad that Carol finally knows about Glenn and Abraham and that she and Morgan woke the hell up.

    From my perspective, all of what happened last night could've easily been avoided.  I put Benjamin and even Richard's deaths on no one but Ezekiel and Morgan.  Ezekiel for turning down Rick's offer to join in the fight way back in the midseason premiere, and Morgan for encouraging him to do so.  If they'd just taken Rick and the others up on their offer in the first place, none of this would've happened.  Richard wouldn't have enacted his plan, and he and Benjamin would still be alive.

    RIP, Benjamin and Richard.  I really thought the former was being set up to die when the actual war with the Saviors began, and that quite possibly, the latter would be folded in with the main cast after it was over.  But instead, both are gone.  Poor Benjamin.  He was too young and too innocent.  And Richard . . . this is the most I've felt for him.  He was the member of the Kingdom who most seemed to get how severe this situation with the Saviors is, and for that, I liked him the most of the Kingdommers.  Too bad he had to die like that.

    As much as I like Morgan finally waking up, I yelled out a great, big "DAMN, MORGAN!" when he attacked and killed Richard.  I still don't fully get why he did that.  Starting up Richard's plan, yes, but . . . fury over Benjamin's death, too, maybe?  I don't know.  Could someone clear that up for me, please?

    Very tense episode.  But a damn good one.

    • Love 5
  4. Leaked audition:

    Glad to see another El Paso native here!  I just hope she doesn't let me down the way Elia Esparza did last season by picking Adam.  That completely screwed her when she did.

    Fortunately, I may not have to worry.  Conflicting sources have her on either Team Blake or Team Gwen.  Assuming either source is right, she'll be in much better shape than risking getting dumped by Adam right away.

    • Love 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    If they aired the other way, would it make any more sense?  It sounds like they just made two different stories about Matt joining the JTP.  

    I don't think Matt's first joining was official since the deal was that he could join permanently if he fully helped Barry go punk.  He became a pirate instead.  That's why Barry may not have considered him an official member until this episode.

    • Love 3
  6. 2 hours ago, SVNBob said:

    While Shambo, who would have let the rat live, was the only person to give the rat a vote at FTC.

    Actually, John, the rocket scientist, also voted for the rat in question.

  7. On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:44 PM, frogzapper said:

    Hmm, you may be right. On the one hand, I can understand the coaches picking some contestants as "cannon fodder" to protect their favorite team members, but on the other hand it's a shame that such expendables may be taking up spots that could have been filled by contestants who have a legitimate shot. Oh well, it's all part of the game! And sometimes the cannon fodder outperforms their expectations, so we'll see!

    That's certainly true and has happened before.  Everyone -- even Alicia herself -- expected Dave Moisan, a strong four-chair-turn, to beat Michael Sanchez, a mere one-chair-turn, in their "Valerie" Battle last season.  But Michael rose to the occasion so much, Alicia felt like she had no other choice but to reward him by keeping him over Dave.  So that can happen.

    • Love 3
  8. On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 6:08 PM, bluepiano said:

    Me neither. It was already hard enough to do a fair comparison between the perky teens, some of whom really grated on me (ie Braiden Sunshine) with the more mature performers. I think that often the better singers lost out to the cute youngsters, not just in fan voting, but also in the coaches' picks.

    I do agree that this is something that might become an issue with some of the coaches.  A lot of them in the past have felt better mentoring younger artists rather than letting their older, more mature, more experienced artists do their own thing.  Blake has screwed over a number of his more seasoned artists in favor of his teen boys and girls.  (See: Jake Worthington and, to a lesser extent, Jessie Pitts.)  Adam's also been guilty of that, saving Caroline Burns over the much more seasoned Mike Schiavo two seasons ago.  Gwen is probably the worst offender of that.  As you mentioned (and as I also mentioned in a couple of threads), Braiden Sunshine's continued survival, as well as Ryan Sill's.  Gwen also saved a number of other teens on her team and screwed over several more experienced artists who might've actually given her a chance at winning a season.  Really, it's the only reason I was slightly hesitant about her returning this season.  With her penchant for saving teens, she might do it again to her more deserving artists in an even worse way, especially with the age limit lowered.

    The only one in whom I have any faith is Alicia.  She took almost no teens except one to the Lives last season.  So hopefully, she sticks with the experienced over the new.

    • Love 3
  9. 32 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

    Varner shared a photo (a still shot from this episode) of ALL of their expressions of glee once Tony left. I don't think he was too popular.

    All of them?  Wow!  To think I'd heard Caleb (in a confessional) and Malcolm (during Tony's final Tribal Council) say that they liked him!  Wonder what happened?  With Malcolm, I guess it was likely a cover to give him a false sense of security, but I wonder what happened with Caleb?

    • Love 1
  10. 1 hour ago, slade3 said:

    I read some commentary (probably on Tumblr) that Olivia has been called a whore by Mellie numerous times, but never reacted, yet when Vanessa called her a whore she got physical. I don't remember what the commenter's conclusion was, but I'm wondering if that's because Olivia knew any number of secret service agents would have taken her down if she shoved the first lady, or if deep down she did believe she was Fitz's whore. It could also just be Olivia thinks Vanessa's tacky and felt "going street" was the only way Vanessa would calm down.

    Olivia barely reacted to Mellie calling her that because it was true.  She'd been with her then-husband over and over and over again, something that wound up badly and greatly humiliating her.  No point in biting back to something that's true.  But Vanessa's claims were false.  Olivia hadn't been with Jake since he'd married Vanessa, so I can see how she'd get angry at accusations toward her that were untrue.

    • Love 2
  11. 1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

    Assuming that is all true, I wonder if Malcolm ends up getting Isolde out by JT then?  I can't believe they would have had another tribe swap that quick for Malcolm to wind up somewhere else.

    . . . Isolde?

  12. 26 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    It seems weird that JT was originally the third boot (now is the 4th, if the new spoilers are to be believed), and his new tribe has been the only focus of the promos so far.

    He's the fifth boot.  Malcolm is the fourth.

  13. 15 hours ago, dippydee said:

    I still like Mellie but I think that's just mostly because I adore Bellamy Young and it's always nice to see her on tv.

    Did Bellamy do anything before Scandal?  I don't remember her from anything I've seen in the past.

    Is this a different Vanessa?  I thought it was the same one from last season.

  14. 1 hour ago, loki567 said:

    Hard to imagine that Caleb, Malcolm, and J.T. would go this quickly without a tribe swap.

    Uh . . . there's a tribal swap coming up in the next episode.  Caleb goes immediately after it.

    • Love 2
  15. 5 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

    Tony's an asshole, but smug rarely looks good on anyone.

    To each his/her own.  I think there are a select few people on whom it looks good, and Sandra somehow manages to make it look good on her.

    1 hour ago, Superpole2000 said:

    I don't think it was gameplay. I think that it was ego.

    Again, to each his/her own.  I think it's neither.  I think it's just biting back at someone trying to blow up her game in a sore-loser fashion after he's already out of it.

    • Love 7
  16. 13 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

    I thought Carly figured it out, and that Jax was on the other end of her "We need to talk" micro-call when she left Nelle's place on Wednesday. That would fit with the way Laura Wright played "horror of recognition" when Nelle was saying, "Come on, Carly. Your daughter needed a kidney and it just happened to be mine? What are the odds of that?"

    It would also fit in with why she tried to divert the conversation immediately after Nelle asked that.

  17. I'm not a fan of Deimos any longer, but someone needs to read Chloe for filth, so I'm glad he did.  It was made better by Maggie doing the same minutes later, though in a nicer way.

    That said, I did enjoy her scenes with Eduardo, but I wonder if he'll be so eager to help her when he finds out the baby Chloe wants back isn't hers?

    • Love 3
  18. 9 hours ago, jww said:

    Why would anyone want to join the collection of losers known as the JTP?  If Barry is the alpha male of the group, that group is pretty SAD. Instead of being excited to join I would have expected Matt to have laughed in their faces at the idea of him eating lunch with them much less joining a collection of dorks.

    To be fair, Barry's friends are a short, weak guy who can't defend himself at all, a goofy lug who succumbs to pressure too easily, and a tall guy who, while big and strong, has his defining trait of liking to get naked a lot.  Pretty easy to be an alpha to personalities like those.  It's like Steve on American Dad.  You wouldn't expect him to be the alpha-male of his group of friends, either.  But when said group includes Barry, a strong, fat kid who very often acts too stupid to live, Snot, a skinny Jewish kid who, while street-smarter than Steve, can't defend or assert himself for jack shit, and Toshi, a Japanese kid who, while probably the most intelligent of the group, can't speak a lick of English, it's easy to see how Steve could be the leader of them all.

    Point is, some people can be the surprising alpha-males or even alpha-females of a specific group of people.  They just need to be fortunate enough to have those weaker personalities.  And probably leadership skills and qualities like Barry and Steve surprisingly have.

    • Love 3
  19. 19 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

    Hm, public defender, surprisingly good in challenges, not a great player but invited back anyway in a subjective producer picked category, cute but slightly weird looking somehow...

    I see why Eliza hates her.


    17 hours ago, NutMeg said:

    Eliza's game deteriorated over time, but her comments are so off base and so partial that I'm thinking that while she may like to play the game, she really is not a lover of the game.

    You know, the more Eliza speaks, the less I like her.  Which is a shame, since I liked her so much in Micronesia (haven't seen Vanuatu).

    • Love 6
  20. 32 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    Why would the other players call Sandra out on her behavior?  Doing so would certainly not advance their game prospects - and unlike Tony, they're still IN the game.  :)

    Why would they?  Because they clearly weren't bothered by it, and Sandra clearly only meant it in the spirit of the game, anyway.  I don't for a moment think she meant anything malicious by it.

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