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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. 15 hours ago, Perkie said:

    Liv:  Julian, I have you hog tied and gagged in the trunk of my car, because I'm sure at no time in the past couple of days were you able to overtake me at any time.

    Pretty sure they've already established that Olivia has other male thugs working for her.  One or more of them obviously shoved him into the trunk, not Olivia.

  2. On ‎3‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 2:22 PM, kathyk24 said:

    I noticed Adam hasn't had any luck getting any female singers I think contestants are noticing that he drops them in favor of male singers during the battle rounds.

    Battles and Knockouts.  Save for some very rare exceptions (Alessandra Castronovo being saved over Joe Kirk in their Battle in season seven, Tonya Boyd-Cannon being saved over James McNeiece in their Battle and over Barry Minniefield in their Knockout in season eight, Deanna Johnson being saved over Blaze Johnson in their Knockout, also in season eight, Andi & Alex being saved over Chance Peña in their Battle in season nine, Shelby Brown being saved over James Dupré in their Knockout, also in season nine, Caroline Burns being saved over Mike Schiavo in their Battle in season ten, and Simone Gundy being saved over JSOUL in their Battle and over Dave Moisan in their Knockout in season eleven), Adam has pretty much personified the expression "bros before hoes."  He'll almost always save a man over a woman.  If I were a female artist, I'd never pick him unless I were a.) a four-chair-turn, as Adam usually doesn't let them go so soon, or b.) at least ninety-nine-percent sure that I would be paired up with another woman in the Battles so it could feel like more of a fair, unbiased choice on his end.

    Actually, regarding male vs. female saves, as much as I'm glad to see Gwen back, I'd also be very wary of her if I were a female artist intent on choosing her.  She's historically picked males over females every time but two (she never saved a woman over a man in season seven, but she only saved Ellie Lawrence over Tim Atlas in their Battle in season nine, as well as Korin Bukowski over Chase Kerby in their Battle in that same season).  Despite the "girl power" mantra by which she claims she lives, she loves being surrounded by men.  Loves it.  Both of her prior seasons, she's decimated the female-heavy teams with which she came out of the Blinds into male-heavy ones by the time the Lives rolled around.

    Alicia's been pretty even regarding the men and women she's saved, so I'd feel comfortable about picking her regardless of my gender.

    Blake has saved some men over his women, but he mostly seems to save women over men, so if I were a female artist, I'd also be comfortable choosing him.

    • Love 2
  3. 1 minute ago, boes said:

    Feels like with Pops and Dario and their "crime family" they're starting to eat the show the way the Rappaports did.  

    Oh, no, I don't think so.  At least the show still focuses on other Salem families a good amount.  And at least the Hernandezes were brought on slowly.  Hell, for a long time, Rafe and Gabi were the only members of the family on the show.  The Rappaports came on way more quickly and strongly, from what I've been told.

  4. 9 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    I'm new to this show. Why does the number of chair turns matter for a judge? I can see why it would be a big deal for the singer, but why would a judge care?

    Every time those two start up, I imagine Gwen's boys at home, watching mommy giggle, and flirt, and sit on the lap of a guy who isn't their daddy. Especially considering that mommy and daddy haven't even been divorced a year and Blake has only been in the picture for several months.

    It actually mainly matters to Adam.  In past seasons, he would constantly get the most contestants to turn all four chairs, and it puffed up his ego to the point that it was obviously VERY huge, and it brought out a terrible smugness from him.  He started to think he was the top dog who could attract almost every four-chair-turn.  But in recent seasons, he's barely been lucky enough to score only one or two per season, which did a number on his ego.

    However, it also matters to Gwen since usually, her pitches to contestants are so weak, she rarely gets the ones who turn four chairs.  Like, very rarely.  She mostly only gets one- and two-chair-turns.  That's why she was so happy about getting JChosen back in the first episode.  He was only her third four-chair-turn in her entire Voice coach career.  (Anita Antoinette from the seventh season was her first, and Lyndsey Elm from the ninth season was her second.)

    On a final note, the number of chair turns usually determines how long a contestant will last.  If you turn four, you're usually considered to be a strong member of the coach's team and are thus almost guaranteed to get to the Lives, or at least the Knockouts.  "Almost," because some four-chair-turns have gotten screwed over and eliminated by their coaches during the Battle rounds, the next stage after the Blinds.  The times he's gotten a large number of four-chair-turns, Adam himself has dumped a lot of them during that stage.  Christina dumped one of her two four-chair-turns, Jeremy Gaynor, in that round, as well, in the eighth season.  In her last season, Gwen dumped Lyndsey Elm, her only four-chair-turn and possibly the strongest member of her team, in that round in one of her all-time dumbest decisions.  Just last season, Alicia dumped one of hers there, as well -- a guy named Dave Moisan.  Though in that case, he was very fairly stomped by his one-chair-turn Battle partner.

    Point is, four-chair-turns typically are considered strong contestants and are rarely touched before at least the Knockouts unless the coaches of said contestants are incredibly stupid.

    As for Gwen's sons, I don't think they mind her with Blake.  They've actually been together for over a year now, not just several months.

    1 hour ago, ProudMary said:

    The rest of the pouty shtick, hiding behind the chair, walking across the set, that stuff was pre-meditated but the initial facial expression was gold.

    It's worth repeating that Casi was very much unamused by that shtick.  She had a smile on her face, but it seemed more like a lethargic, tolerant one to me.  It's why I already love her.

    • Love 4
  5. 4 hours ago, vb68 said:

    Adam seemed particularly bored for most of the episode. Even with the guy he got, he only turned around at the last second because he liked the scream. Or it woke him up. ;) I kid, but I still think he would benefit from sitting out a couple of cycles.

    He actually almost sat out last season due to his wife being late in her pregnancy.  But Blake talked him out of it.

    • Love 3
  6. 4 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    Yeah, if I was ranking the no turn people so far....Adam Pearson would be at the very bottom of the list. Brandon from Kentucky would be first. Nick the theatrical guy would be second, and then the Cop Lady, and then the Guy who was his Grandma's caretaker. And then Adam.

    Branden Martin, Nick Townsend, Skyler Harris, Shaun Chrisjohn, and Adam Pearce are the names you're looking for.:)

  7. Oh!  Fun fact!

    JChosen and Brandon Royal are the second and third black men Gwen's had on her team.  But they're the first and second black men who've actually chosen to be on Team Gwen.  Menlike Zergabachew from season seven, the first black man to be on her team, was stuck being on her team due to him being one of her one-chair-turns that season.

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  8. On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 0:39 AM, vb68 said:

    Oh man, I felt for Savannah because she basically had to pick Gwen after that push, but heaven help me, I did kinda want to see Gwen have the most awesome (and scariest) meltdown ever when she didn't snag the poor child.  Seriously it was a wee bit aggressive and awkward to go all  full throttle "Why don't little girls pick me?" on a 16 year old.

    But isn't being more aggressive what several of us have wanted Gwen to be?  It didn't bother me at all.  Besides, Savannah's confessional afterwards indicated that she was all right with her choice.

    • Love 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    Amazingly we've lasted an entire week with no Yes or No montages which is pretty much unprecedented for the Voice.

    Well, I have some good news as to why.  According to my TV Guide, we're having seven Blind episodes.  Two episodes next week, and two the week after.  No "Best of" episode in sight.  Sounds like they really listened to the fans and are dispensing with montages.  Maybe.  Or might have minimal ones for throwaway one-chair-turns.

    • Love 5
  10. 5 hours ago, Valny said:

    Damn, I didn't know it was in tonight, just happen to catch it starting at the 13 year old.

    I did, but my DVR messed up and recorded the show that was on an hour earlier: my local six o'clock news.  Argh!  (MST dweller here.)

    Anyway, I went to YouTube to watch the Blinds from tonight instead.  At least those from before I came in.  So here are my thoughts on the performances:

    Ashley Levin: Nice, sweet, smooth tone for an overall beautiful voice.  She sounded pleasant, but not mind-blowing.  I think she might go far with the right song choices and the right Battle partner.  Since she's a country singer first and foremost, Blake was the obvious choice for her.

    Brandon Royal: I liked his tone and his sound.  Very nice, very strong voice.  Also, very good enunciation and diction.  An overall good performance.  And a rare reggae artist?  Sign me up!  I was quite surprised that Adam and Alicia didn't go for him, though, as they both very clearly looked interested in him.  Adam even sang along with him the first two lines of the song!  Still, I think he wanted Alicia, but given that she didn't turn around, and also given that Gwen and Blake did, I think the former was the better choice.  Gwen has done reggae before (see her "The Tide is High" performance with Anita Antoinette, Ryan Sill, and Taylor John Williams in season seven), and she's even worked with a reggae artist in the form of Anita Antoinette, so she'd know what to do with him, I think.

    Adam Pearce: Uh . . . what the hell was that?  Not bad, by any stretch of the imagination, but not very good, either.  There were some fairly good parts in there, but otherwise?  Not good.  So many super-sharp parts in there.  Way too pitchy.  It was pretty obvious to me why none of the coaches turned.  He just wasn't selling or sending me at all.

    Julien Martinez: I was surprised by his nice rock (or perhaps even rockabilly) sound.  For that alone, I think Adam was probably the right fit for him.  But I wonder how much staying power he'll have on his team?

    Quizz Swanigan: I take it from the coaches' reactions that they weren't made aware of the lowered age limit from fifteen to thirteen.  That said, there was something about his sound that I really liked.  He sounded like Michael Jackson mixed perfectly with season ten's Paxton Ingram (and several people on both YouTube and Idol Forums agree with that!).  I think his chair turns were deserved, but having been influenced by M.J. himself, I am shocked that Adam didn't turn with Gwen and Alicia.  I think Quizz would've been fine with either woman, but Alicia probably makes a bit more sense for him.  On a side note, I felt my heart melt when his little sister jumped into his arms, and then when Alicia picked her up after he chose her.

    Casi Joy: I already love her if only for her being totally unamused by Adam's little "breakdown" schtick.  But I have to say that she may have either been the best of the night or the second-best after Quizz.  She sounded almost exactly like LeAnn Rhimes and really struck with the same amount of power she has, as well as demonstrated the same amount of control.  I think Blake was the best choice for her, though I wouldn't have been opposed to Gwen getting her, either.  And good on Blake to have his first four-chair-turn in a long time.  The last he had was Mary Sarah in season ten, as he had none whatsoever in season eleven.  (The best he got were two three-chair-turns in Dana Harper and Blaine Long.)  On another note, does Casi remind anyone else of Kimberly McCullogh, who plays Robin Scorpio on General Hospital?

    On a side note, I love that self-important Adam is not being the King of the Four-Chair-Turn at all, as he has scored none of them so far.  Every coach has at least one except for him!  (Gwen and Blake each have one, and Alicia has two.)  I'm sure that streak will break, and he'll pick up at least one or two as the Blinds go on, but for now, seeing him clearly out of practice is quite delightful and delicious.  Oh, how the mighty have fallen, eh, Adam?

    Finally, I don't mind the Gwen/Blake moments as much as others.  It does get to be a bit much, but Gwen and Blake do go to battle against each other when they have to, so it doesn't bother me.

    All right.  Let's what the show has in store next week.

    • Love 3
  11. 3 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    In today's world, it's basically any set or group of people who lurk in the background commenting on the action.

    And that referred to what Johnny and Carla were doing first to Adam and Other!Adam and then Erica and Geoff later on?

  12. 7 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

    Carla has annoyed me since her shoplifting episode.  Then this season they seem to have made her increasingly nastier.

    I think being with Johnny has rubbed off on her in all of the wrong ways.

    • Love 3
  13. 5 hours ago, ulkis said:

    This is why it's ridiculous for Carly to be all "oh no Sonny, you ruined the future I thought we were gonna have!" I guess she could slip back into the cycle, but that's obviously not the story they're telling.

    I'm steeling myself to admit this, but . . . I actually think Sonny and Carly have grown up since those days.  At least in regards to each other.  That cycle of abuse between them hasn't happened once since they've been back together.  And they've been back together for two years now.  So I do think Carly saying that is warranted.

    • Love 2
  14. 11 minutes ago, niklj said:

    I liked the makeup challenge, that was fun.

    The last really good one I remember was the one in cycle fifteen that Esther won.  That was also fun.  But this was definitely something better.

    Having seen Coryanne's mother, I definitely think she is stunning.  I can see how she made it so big as a model in her day.

    India wins yet again.  She might've given cycle fourteen's Krista or cycle fifteen's Ann a run for her money in terms of winning streaks.

    Not sad to see the back of Courtney.  Her face is striking, but that is literally all that's good about her.  Honestly, with Drew's clear hatred for her, there was no way she was gonna win, anyway.

    Very happy with this F3, though I think India has it in the bag.  It's pretty much a fight for second between Coryanne and Tatiana.

    • Love 1
  15. 1 hour ago, niklj said:

    It's so weird, though, that all the social media things that the official ANTM account is doing are basically GIFs of India and Courtney so they KNOW that they are the two most popular models.

    . . . Courtney's popular?  She sure isn't here, from what I've gathered from past episode threads.

  16. Really disappointed that Lily only got one scene.  And where, again, were Luke and Joe?

    I actually really liked the Gloria/Claire/Haley/Alex/Manny scenes since they truly brought out some good glances into the women's dynamics.  It brought out a sweet moment between Haley and Alex, after all, and a decent moment between Gloria and Claire.  Of course, as we saw, despite asking for critiques, Manny was clearly not willing to take one when Claire was going to bring it up, nor did he seem to like Haley and Alex shooting down the parallels to their own characters at the end.

    I enjoyed the Jay/Phil/Frank/Ray scenes, but I'm a bit confused as to how Jay suddenly went from enjoying Ray's idea to ditch Phil and have a better bachelor party for Frank to realizing Ray was an ass.  For that matter, I wonder how Frank realized it, too?  Not that I disagreed with Ray.  Phil's party, while sweet in terms of thinking of what Frank would like, was incredibly lame for Jay and Ray.  Who the fuck is Neil Sedaka, anyway?  At least Frank admitted he wants to move closer to Phil . . . and away from Ray.

    As much as I do like Cam (I know it's a UO here, but I do like him), Louise was right that he makes too many things about himself.  Just a pity it took a one-shot character we're likely not going to see again to call him out on that.  Still, sabotaging her own team by getting in his head over Fizbo seemed kind of wrong, because it wasn't just Cam she was screwing over, but also Mitchell, who finally had a real shot at a championship for a sport.  She basically took it away from him just to get back at Cam.  That said, I liked Mitchell having to eat crow and admit that Cam was right about being gaslighted.  "Oh, damn it, I hate when you're right."

    Speaking of the Louise actress, I think I saw her on Days of our Lives.  Her character got killed by another character played by T-Boz from the former TLC and some other woman during a women's prison storyline for Kristian Alfonso's Hope.

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