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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. Seemed like they did the best of the second-flight teams simply by having Shamir around to speak Spanish in Panama.  That certainly got them the jump on at least two of the first-flight teams.

    They seem to gel really well, but we'll see going forward.

  2. 2 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

    Penalties are pretty standard on this show, not completing the detour has been two hours for a while.  Used to be four, which you waited out before they gave you the clue.  And way back in the day it was "you lose, go home, unless someone gets lost for an entire day."  Momily I think is the only team to get the 24 hour penalty.

    No, Detours used to be twenty-four-hour penalties up until season seventeen, when they changed it to just six hours (and no, Maria & Tiffany from TAR15 also got the twenty-four-hour penalty on what would've been an NEL, but because it would've put them so far behind going into the next leg, they were eliminated).  Roadblocks have always been four, and regular tasks have always been two.

    I still need some time to get used to the premise of this season.  Because even with strangers, it felt like a normal season with actual teams.  But there are more names to learn (even though I think I know the names already, which is odd).  Good opening challenge that tested mental abilities more than physical ones.  I imagine some racers helped each other find the Panama flag.

    So the teams:

    Seth & Olive: Boldly established themselves as the team to beat.  They seemed to work well together, and their jobs as everyday heroes might help them bond together closely.

    Becca & Floyd: Already enjoying them.  Was happy that these two fun-lovers got the Express, and I give them major props for being the only team to finish the Shoot Detour.  Well-deserved second place.

    Matt & Redmond: I respect Redmond for running the race despite having an artificial leg, but I think they're going to end up being the alpha-male team who boringly dominates a la Tanner & Josh and Brodie & Kurt, and I just can't have that.  So watch them do just that, anyway.

    Brooke & Scott: Eh, I'll handle their irritability factor for a few episodes since they're still racing well in spite of the petty bickering.  But eventually, something will have to give.

    Shamir & Sara: Need more time on them, but they seem cooperative and competent enough.

    Tara & Joey: Really sad that the only two racers in their upper thirties are considered "Mom and Dad."  Like . . . WTF, Show?!  That said, they seemed to be doing just fine together and may make a good team.

    Vanck & Ashton: Just as others have been saying, I feel so bad for Ashton, being stuck with Vanck, who clearly is overanalytical with next to zero social skills.  I think this team will be a trainwreck and not in a good way.  They'll implode before too long.

    London & Logan: Quiet and calm, with nothing too distinctive about them yet.  Hopefully, we'll see more of their personalities as the season progresses.

    Jessie & Francesca: Jessie must be the tallest woman ever to race.  I'm glad that she and Francesca got over their initial tiff and are working well together.  I hope this keeps up since they're the only women's team in the game.

    Liz & Michael: I like Liz, and I want to like Michael.  But he has to calm down and let Liz speak up when she has something to say.  He really has to listen to her.

    Kevin & Jenn: Well, they both seemed nice enough, but I can't believe they got that lost.  Like @enlightenedbum said, though, if you could get this lost on practically a gift-wrapped leg, you deserve to go home.  They seemed very friendly with each other, though, and I can see them keeping in touch after the season's over.  Lame that the only Asian team was eliminated first, though.

    Willing to give this season a shot, but it'd get moving along fast.

    • Love 3
  3. 1 hour ago, SVNBob said:

    I doubt she would have pulled out the cup and thermos if he'd pulled out the idol.

    Of course not.  Michaela knew the votes against J.T. were locked in.  She just had to see if he pulled out his idol.  Once he didn't (because, again, he left it back at camp), she was golden.

    • Love 9
  4. 11 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    Sarah getting that soundbite and showing her going to Troyzan could be the start of something for her.  From what little we've seen of Sarah this season, I still don't like her.

    I don't know if I like Sarah, but I do at least appreciate that she's trying to be more proactive this go-round rather than be constantly played and led around by the nose like she was by Tony in Cagayan.

    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I got a different take from the Troyzan/Sarah scene than it seems most others did. It gave me serious, "Sarah is going to get booted spectacularly, just like she did last time" vibes. She is coming off so smug and to me it feels like the editing is setting her up to look like an idiot. 

    I never got smug from Sarah so much as desperate to not be taken for a fool again like she was with Tony.  I took that scene with Troyzan to mean that they'll probably be partners going forward.  Whether it leads either one to a win or not is anyone's guess, but that did feel like they're here for the long-term.

    • Love 1
  6. 8 hours ago, paulvdb said:

    Probably Luke. Or maybe one of Mitch and Cam's friends. Or that football player who lives with them (does he still live with them?)

    No.  Dwight moved to Hawaii with his parents after football season ended.  He was only staying with Cam and Mitchell for the duration of the season.  So I think he likely left off-screen.

    14 minutes ago, mojito said:

    I liked the coupling of Alex and what's-his-name.

    Ben.  Claire's assistant.

    • Love 2
  7. Just now, rasalas said:

    Exactly. Why didn't Michaela go ballistic when she found out that Sandra essentially framed her for stealing the sugar -- and then took so much glee in doing so? And yet there's Michaela at TC laughing right along with the "queen." I'm also surprised that given the well-deserved viewer outrage over Southern boy JT belittling a strong black woman like Michaela as lazy and a baby that there isn't more adverse reactions about Sandra setting Michaela up as a thief.

    I think, for me, it's because that Sandra only did it within the confines of the game.  She wouldn't do that sort of thing outside of the game, I don't think.  J.T., however, gave off this sort of basic vibe of feeling this way even beyond the game.  That's probably the major difference here.

    • Love 11
  8. 8 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

    3)  Were JT's issues with women this much on display in his first season?  I know in his second he was an ass, and he was an ass in this one.  Did Fischbach really provide THAT much cover?

    There were hints, such as when he pushed for Sydney, a woman who was healthy and could've given them numbers at the merge, over Joe, whose infected knee got him evacuated at the merge and his original tribe's numbers down to 6-3 instead of the less insurmountable 6-4 they would've had had Sydney stayed.  Also, the way he talked about Sierra in that season wasn't particularly favorable.  But because he won, the editors had to hide them as well as they could.

    Since he didn't win either of his next two seasons, the editors could more freely show his true colors.

    • Love 3
  9. 9 minutes ago, kikaha said:

    Actually, JT almost survived the night despite himself.  Varner, the swing vote, looked conflicted.  (The evidence suggests to me the complaints about Michaela are not unfounded.)  Maybe if JT had not kept running his mouth at tribal, Jeff would have sided with Aubry and JT. 

    I don't think so.  I suspect that Jeff had been tight with Sandra since their days at Mana and was never really going to side against her.  Probably not least because he knew she could make his life miserable if he did.  (I kid, I kid. . . . Mostly.)

    10 minutes ago, kikaha said:

    I get the feeling Aubry threw in with Malcolm from the time they hit the beach at the season's opening, and JT only joined them after the swap.  Maybe Aubry could have renegotiated after JT's cluster-fuck got Malcolm booted.  Not so easy, though, when lines had already been drawn in the sand.

    Possibly, since Aubry was in an alliance with him.  But she had to have known how dumb J.T. could often be.

    • Love 3
  10. 6 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    I agree about Michaela and JT.  JT was gloating all through TC, putting Michaela down and mocking her.  She who gloats last, gloats best.

    I wonder if Aubry was just trying to go along with what she thought the rest of the tribe was thinking.  Sandra and Varner were pretending to want Michaela gone and JT obviously wanted her gone.  From Aubry's perspective there wouldn't have been much point in making waves.

    And in addition to that, she was smart to wait till the actual vote-reading.  It's clear she felt confident enough that the votes to send J.T. packing were all locked in, but she didn't start the drinking till she was absolutely sure that his ouster was assured, which was when he didn't play his idol, as playing it would've made all of the locked-in votes for him not count.  And even better still, it was also smarter to wait because doing so before then might've tipped him off that she knew she was safe, and he might've played it . . . had he had his idol with him.

    And I don't think Aubry was just going along with things, sad to say.  She was whispering and laughing with J.T. about Michaela and the thought of voting her out, so she really wanted to do it.

    • Love 12
  11. 11 hours ago, mishap said:

    So, if someone finds that idol, is is still valid?  No one knew he had it, so they won't know to look, but you could stumble on it, couldn't you? Or do they have staff remove the idol, if something like that happens? 

    Nope.  That idol is considered "dead" since J.T. never officially passed it off to anyone before he was voted out.  So it can't be used or played by anyone.

    • Love 8
  12. I'm sorry.  That was Chris Brown?  Rihanna-beating Chris Brown?  Never knew what he looked like, so I didn't know.

    Because I didn't recognize him, I watched easily.  Loved Bow and the kids' storyline.  And I was actually quite surprised that Zoey confirmed Junior's allergy to squash to Ruby, given her prior treatment of him.  Bow burning Ruby with her own hubris later in the episode was great.  But I didn't like her giving in to her at the end, kind though that was.

    I didn't get Dre's problem with the initial ad.  A funny ad is a funny ad.

    • Love 3
  13. Guess I'll take the opposite stance and say that I liked the episode.  Didn't love it, but liked it well enough.  Well . . . at least half of it.  I did like Cam and Mitchell's segment even if that isn't what happens with sleeping pills and alcohol.  And I enjoyed Phil, Claire, Alex, and Ben's segment.  Could've gone without Jay, Gloria, and Manny's segment, though, and the only real reason I appreciated Haley and Rainer's segment is because it looks like they're finally at an end, like most of us want them to be.

    No Luke, Lily, or Joe, though.  What the hell is with these writers excluding them from episode to episode?

    • Love 13
  14. RLS right at the beginning, with Murray holding her on his lap!  After that, neither she nor Murray were seen again.

    Geoff and Erica are a go again, it seems.  I guess this time, the timing was right for them.

    Reluctant though I am to admit this, Johnny and Carla were used to just the right amount this time, and none of it made me want them to go away.  Just the right amount of comedy in their scenes.

    Adam clicked very well with Jackie.  And I love that the real-life Jackie played Jackie's mom.  And Beverly beating Adam to making a romantic gesture to win her back was hilarious, as was Jackie's mother seeming like a near-perfect match for Beverly in terms of appearance, sweater-wearing, and personality.

    Barry and Lainey's storyline ended sweetly, though I think that Lainey's reason for not going to prom was pretty weak.  That was exactly why she should've gone.

    Good episode.  I think this season's finally found its footing.

    6 hours ago, shoregirl said:

     Maybe that means we will get the real Ruben Amaro Jr.  Now that he is done ruining the Phillies as their gm.

    Ooh, I'd just love to hear this.  What's that all about?

    • Love 3
  15. Honestly, I think she should be feeling really, really lucky that a swap's coming up next week.  She was played almost as badly as J.T. was tonight and is only slightly better off than he is now (for the simple reason that at least she's still in the game while he's out of it).

    The fact that she threw in with him in the first place, though, made me very disappointed in her.

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