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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 8:15 AM, Cattitude said:

    I thought the Johnson kids came off very annoying about all the separate dinners and also the way they disrespected their grandmother with the taunting. I'm a southern woman and family meals together are important and you don't do that to your grandmother.

    Eh.  I didn't mind it since Ruby more or less reaped what she sowed by forcing her ways on them in the first place.

    On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 8:05 AM, LydiaMoon1 said:

    Tell me about it.  I was truly appalled.

    I think we were supposed to be appalled.  That's why they had Bow and Ruby speak up about that particular part after Dre showed it to the family.

    Honestly, I kind of dug that Junior finally gave some back to Dre by saying he was withholding praise from him, ending with "Hurts, doesn't it?"  Of course, then he blows it away by giving in, anyway, when he sees how hurt Dre is by that.  Though at the same time, Dre trying so hard not to cry about that made me titter.

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, viajero said:

    In the Season 11 battle round females also accounted for 10 out of 12 montaged contestants

    In both Seasons 9 and 10, the female to male ratio was 8 to 4. 

    Not only were at least twice as many female contestants montaged in every single one of the past four seasons, but they also accounted for 75% of the overall number of montaged contestants over this period.

    Really?  Wow.  Guess it is just because they're women, then.

    • Love 1
  3. Just now, viajero said:

    I guess Andrea vs. Micah was probably my favorite among the 6 montaged battles.

    One thing I noticed is that while female contestants have almost always been more likely to be montaged, they really made this gender bias obvious this season by doing it to 10 women and only 2 guys. 

    Probably mine, too.  I can't stop watching it!:)  Hanna vs. Sheena is probably my second, with, surprisingly, Josh vs. Nala as my third.  Damn, why didn't they show those last two for Adam's team instead and montage the messes that were Johnny vs. Julien and Kawan vs. Malik?

    In fairness, there are a lot of women this season.  Actually, probably way more than usual.  I think the show's trying to pad the contestant count with women since they know too many guys have won, four of them having done so in a row.

  4. On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 2:46 AM, viajero said:

    I wasn't particularly impressed by any of the three montaged battles either, though at least none were as bad as that Kawan vs Malik travesty.

    What about the other three?  They're all in the thread for the second Battle episode since they occurred in it.

    • Love 1
  5. 2 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

    Since JT got blindsided, there was no need for her to say or do anything. Winning is its own reward.

    Yes, there was.  After the treatment and boundless accusations thrown at her, this is one of the few cases in which someone had every right to say something to someone getting voted out.

    It's clear you're more sympathetic to J.T.'s ouster, but really, he was no victim in this episode, nor was he in the last one, no matter how you may try to slice it.

    • Love 8
  6. What?  I thought Tripp had accepted that Ava had hurt a lot of people.  But now he "condemns" them a week from Monday?  WTF?!

    I don't get why they're even giving Ciara a guy now that Vivian is on the way out.

    Kate needs to mind her own business about Gabi and Chad.  He chose his wife, so that's the end of it.

  7. On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 8:17 PM, slade3 said:

    I also don't understand why she was willing to sacrifice Huck to save Cyrus - unless she had no idea Huck would be hurt.  Was that clear?

    It was pretty clear from next week's preview that no, she didn't know about Huck being attacked right after Jennifer was killed.  She seemed and sounded pretty frantic to know what'd happened to him, too.

    4 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

    Did we even see Mellie this episode?

    Not in any new footage, no.  Just in reused footage from earlier episodes.

    • Love 1
  8. On ‎4‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 10:07 AM, PrincessAndrea said:

    As for your (or someone else's?) inquiry if there's ever been an older woman that's made it far or even won without playing a motherly/nurturing role... well I've got one word for ya: DENISE! I don't believe she was even a mother to begin with, if memory serves me right.

    Yes, she was.  She still is.  She has a young daughter.  I remember her going down to hug her and her husband when she won Philippines.

    On ‎4‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 10:59 AM, ProfCrash said:

    Kass intentionally choose not to play as the tribe Mom. It was a deliberate decision on her part. She immediatly had problems because she was an older women who was a Mom and was not willing to play her archetype.

    Kass is a mom?  I never heard of her having children.

    • Love 2
  9. On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 8:45 AM, maraleia said:

    Well it's already been renewed along with Grey's and HTGAWM so that's why I said what I said. You're right. None of these characters deserve any happiness except for Mellie.

    Seriously?  This got a season seven?  Fitz isn't going to be the President anymore.  There aren't many more stories I can see being told on this show.  What more can they possibly do?

    • Love 2
  10. From TV Guide:

    After being paired against teammates, contestants selects songs to perform for coaches Alicia Keys, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, and Gwen Stefani.  Coaches have one chance each to steal an artist from another team.

    This one will be two hours long.

    • Love 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    Suuuurrrre you do.  Aiden.  Who found out the hard way that shooting a grenade-covered zombie can really fuck up your weekend plans.

    Oh, that Spencer's brother.  I thought you meant Bledsoe's brother.:-P

  12. 1 hour ago, Nashville said:

    Hey, give Spencer some credit - both he and his brother were gutless, but Spencer really OWNED that shit.  Eventually.  ;>

    His brother?  Now I'm lost, since I don't think we ever met him.

  13. 7 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

    At 6'3", she probably towered over the tallest guy there. Francesca? She is huge! 

    Jessie is the extremely tall one, not Francesca.

    6 hours ago, Gummo said:

    Also, though I don't like Austin much, I feel so sorry for her. Vanck is worse than useless, he's a hindrance.

    You mean Ashton, right?

  14. No, the dislike for her isn't because she's older or not conventionally attractive.  The reason for the dislike of Debbie is because she acts like spoiled, irrational brat when she doesn't get her way or doesn't want to own up to her mistakes or errors.  Plain and simple.

    • Love 16
  15. 6 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    Candice has nothing nice to say about JT. She describes him as arrogant and having difficulty working with or being around strong women. She describes his treatment of her as bad enough that she almost did not play again after Hero's vs Villain's.


    4 hours ago, omophagia said:

    I'm no fan of Candice's-- I found her ungodly smug during Cook Islands, was baffled that she was brought back at all for Heroes Vs Villians let alone as a would-be hero, and was even more stumped that she was invited back a third time-- but I thought her remarks about JT were pretty telling.

    Like I said in another thread, I'll still defend his Tocantins win as one of the show's overall best, and I can see kimberstormer's point about the risk-reward calculus of what he did in Heroes Vs Villains. But there's no defending his gameplay this time out: just spectacularly dumb with undercurrents of some nasty prejudices. And kudos to Sandra, Michaela, and Jeff for setting him up as masterfully as they did.


    4 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    We saw hints and heard from people that JT was not loved by many folks during Hero's vs Villain's and it sounds like his treatment of women is a part of it.

    Yeah, that's part and parcel with what I brought up a few days ago.  J.T. was so unbearably chauvinistic and even borderline misogynistic with the Hero women.  He made camp life hell for them, demanding them to do things that women would be expected to do.  And even worse, he got Rupert roped into acting that way toward them, too.  That, combined with all of the paranoia and insecurity among the tribe that was caused entirely by his alliance-jumping and double-dealing, just drained Candice of any enthusiasm she'd had for being back and playing the game again.  And not just Candice.  Amanda felt the same way.  She just wanted to be away from him so badly.  Even though he was a man, Colby was apparently so disgusted by him that it was a large part of why he, Amanda, and Candice cemented an alliance to get rid of him sooner rather than later.  And when the merge hit, he turned off the Villain women (Parvati, Danielle, Jerri, and Sandra) in just a few short hours after the tribes combined.  Now, that was something.

    ETA: That behavior started after he'd gotten Cirie and then Tom sent packing, most likely, because I think both of them would've shut that shit down if they had been there.  Without them around, thanks to him, J.T. probably felt invincible and untouchable enough to show his true colors to the rest of the tribe.

    There's a reason J.T. hasn't been in contact with many former castmates from his two prior seasons (or even ones he wasn't on).  That is it.  He's not necessarily seen as "evil incarnate" among the Survivor community, but he's not a favorite, either.  At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if Stephen were the only one still in constant contact with him.

    • Love 11
  16. It is odd that as one of the most popular (or at least most focused-on) castaways from last season isn't getting a lot of screentime this season.  Then again, lots of viewers favorites and darlings are going out left and right, so it makes sense to get their stories in early, especially if Zeke may go a lot farther in this game than they all did.

    • Love 1
  17. A more definite boot order:

    11th: Kevin & Jenn
    10th: Jessie & Francesca
    9th: Shamir & Sara or Seth & Olive
    8th: Seth & Olive or Shamir & Sara
    7th: Vanck & Ashton
    6th: Liz & Michael
    5th: Becca & Floyd
    4th: Matt & Redmond
    3rd: London & Logan
    2nd: Joey & Tara
    1st: Brooke & Scott

    • Love 3
  18. Aw, that's a shame.  But really, anyone who could get that lost and get booted from a Detour on account of darkness kind of deserves to get the boot first.

    Both of them seemed nice, though.

    • Love 1
  19. Already better than Andre & Damon.  They work together well, don't fight, and just get their tasks done.

    Surprised to learn that Seth is gay, though.  He did not come off like that.

  20. Team Fun is the perfect name for them!  They're running the race well and having fun while doing it!  I was so happy for them when they got the Express Pass and came in second!  They were also the only team to finish the Shoot Detour, so kudos to them!

    • Love 3
  21. Other than Joey's poor start with finding the right luggage (he was the only one who failed to do so, right?), they seemed to work really well together.  I liked that Tara was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in spite of that early blunder, and good on her for that.

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