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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. Shamir . . . I just can't with him.  I wanna root for a team with one of my peeps on it so badly, but he makes it impossible to root for him.  He pretty much was the main reason for them losing time at the Build It Detour, and Sara made things worse with her money problems at the Roadblock.

    They were quite lucky to get a free cab ride.  Probably the big thing that kept them in the race, as I don't see them outrunning Seth & Olive if they had to race them on foot to the Pit Stop, nor do I see them beating out Becca & Floyd when they had their own troubles.

  2. Staying the course and thriving for it.  I appreciated them at least trying to attempt the Weave It Detour, but as London said, she clearly got nervous and panicked over not getting the technique as well as she'd thought, which caused them to switch.  They made up a good amount of time at Build It, though, and got back into the running.  London also did well with the Roadblock, even though she seemed to struggle with money the same way that Brooke and Sara did.

    Nonetheless, they make it to sixth thanks to Becca & Floyd's snafu.

  3. Still working to get along, even if Brooke is very irritating to listen to sometimes.  Still, while she does whine, she whines and races rather than holds up herself and Scott.  They seemed to have trouble with the Build It Detour, and then, Brooke had money problems with the Roadblock.  They seemed to stay smack in the middle of the pack, though, and finished in the very middle, but only due to Becca & Floyd's mistake.

    Nice job.

  4. Wow.  What a pair of ASSHOLES.

    I'll get the good out of the way first.  Ahem.  So despite being U-Turned, they still managed to get the hang of the Weave It Detour, pretty much blew right through the Build It Detour, and Matt killed the Roadblock.  All of this helped them make up time and finish fourth.

    But now for the bad.  Uh . . . no, boys.  It doesn't make a team weak or pathetic to target you with a U-Turn.  It makes them smart to try and eliminate a potential team of alpha-male threats.  You just lucked out the tasks were all physical on this leg.  And being a pair of bullies toward the team that U-Turned you?  You've hit a whole new low in jerkitude.  Yeah, it's mostly Redmond, but Matt is clearly loving being a part of it, too.  Very clearly.

    Between this entire leg (including cutting the line just because they could) and breaking the (however inane) deal on the last leg jus because they could, I really don't like these two.  Hope they get the biggest comeuppance ever.

    • Love 3
  5. They continue racing a pretty strong race.  They were a tad slow with the Build It Detour, but still seemed to get it done at a good clip.  Vanck was also very impressive at the Roadblock, getting the help of the guys in the market to give him a hand.

    Third place was well-deserved.  But Ashton needs to not let this feud brewing with Matt & Redmond overtake her focus if she wants to win this race with Vanck.  Good luck, you two!

    • Love 3
  6. Really happy to see the oldsters doing so well, and making such a jump, to boot!  They kept their cool at the Build It Detour, and while Joey made an initial stumble at the Roadblock, he fixed it fast, even though it cost them what would've been a well-earned win.  Still, second is a nice finish for them, as well, so kudos!

    They really do communicate very well.  Must be their age and maturity.

    • Love 1
  7. Still holding it strongly.  Michael's carpenter skills really helped them at the Build It Detour, and when they missed one piece, Liz didn't panic, instead just buckling down to find it.  Michael also delivered very easily at the Roadblock, got out of it fast, and landed their team their second win in a row.  Nice work after such a weak start!  They may have moved into the new team to beat!

    • Love 2
  8. Okay.  Whew.  Gotten to detox a bit.  So team analyses:

    Liz & Michael: Still holding it strongly.  Michael's carpenter skills really helped them at the Build It Detour, and when they missed one piece, Liz didn't panic, instead just buckling down to find it.  Michael also delivered very easily at the Roadblock, got out of it fast, and landed their team their second win in a row.  Nice work after such a weak start!  They may have moved into the new team to beat!

    Tara & Joey: Really happy to see the oldsters doing so well, and making such a jump, to boot!  They kept their cool at the Build It Detour, and while Joey made an initial stumble at the Roadblock, he fixed it fast, even though it cost them what would've been a well-earned win.  Still, second is a nice finish for them, as well, so kudos!  They really do communicate very well.  Must be their age and maturity.

    Vanck & Ashton: They continue racing a pretty strong race.  They were a tad slow with the Build It Detour, but still seemed to get it done at a good clip.  Vanck was also very impressive at the Roadblock, getting the help of the guys in the market to give him a hand.  Third place was well-deserved.  But Ashton needs to not let this feud brewing with Matt & Redmond overtake her focus if she wants to win this race with Vanck.  Good luck, you two!

    Matt & Redmond: Wow.  What a pair of ASSHOLES.  I'll get the good out of the way first.  Ahem.  So despite being U-Turned, they still managed to get the hang of the Weave It Detour, pretty much blew right through the Build It Detour, and Matt killed the Roadblock.  All of this helped them make up time and finish fourth.  But now for the bad.  Uh . . . no, boys.  It doesn't make a team weak or pathetic to target you with a U-Turn.  It makes them smart to try and eliminate a potential team of alpha-male threats.  You just lucked out the tasks were all physical on this leg.  And being a pair of bullies toward the team that U-Turned you?  You've hit a whole new low in jerkitude.  Yeah, it's mostly Redmond, but Matt is clearly loving being a part of it, too.  Very clearly.  Between this entire leg (including cutting the line just because they could) and breaking the (however inane) deal on the last leg jus because they could, I really don't like these two.  Hope they get the biggest comeuppance ever.

    Brooke & Scott: Still working to get along, even if Brooke is very irritating to listen to sometimes.  Still, while she does whine, she whines and races rather than holds up herself and Scott.  They seemed to have trouble with the Build It Detour, and then, Brooke had money problems with the Roadblock.  They seemed to stay smack in the middle of the pack, though, and finished in the very middle, but only due to Becca & Floyd's mistake.  Nice job.

    London & Logan: Staying the course and thriving for it.  I appreciated them at least trying to attempt the Weave It Detour, but as London said, she clearly got nervous and panicked over not getting the technique as well as she'd thought, which caused them to switch.  They made up a good amount of time at Build It, though, and got back into the running.  London also did well with the Roadblock, even though she seemed to struggle with money the same way that Brooke and Sara did.  Nonetheless, they make it to sixth thanks to Becca & Floyd's snafu.

    Shamir & Sara: Shamir . . . I just can't with him.  I wanna root for a team with one of my peeps on it so badly, but he makes it impossible to root for him.  He pretty much was the main reason for them losing time at the Build It Detour, and Sara made things worse with her money problems at the Roadblock.  They were quite lucky to get a free cab ride.  Probably the big thing that kept them in the race, as I don't see them outrunning Seth & Olive if they had to race them on foot to the Pit Stop, nor do I see them beating out Becca & Floyd when they had their own troubles.

    Becca & Floyd: Lucked out majorly.  They did fairly well with the Build It Detour, and despite a slow start, it seemed that Floyd was able to at least get out of the Roadblock before Brooke, London, and Sara.  But then, he goes and loses their passports, and Becca gets set off, and not in a good way.  I think it's easy to see why she likes Matt & Redmond.  She must be almost as much of a bitch as they are jerks.  They'd better get it together and go back to being Team Fun next week.

    Seth & Olive: Ugh.  Just . . . ugh.  It's almost always hard to see such a strong team who got off to such a strong start get the chop so soon.  But some of it was on them.  Obviously, they were U-Turned by Tara & Joey, and that certainly wasn't their fault.  What was their fault was struggling for as long as they did at the Weave It Detour after a hugely strong performance at the Build It Detour.  I can't believe they bled that much time trying to get the technique.  Then, Olive has an unexplained struggle at the Roadblock, and they lose all of their money and have to hoof it to the Pit Stop, which is probably the final nail in their coffin.  Again, it sucks that they had to get the boot so soon, but this was partly earned on their part, and partly something to put on another team for U-Turning them, as smart as it was.

    I did like the episode otherwise, but losing Seth & Olive, keeping Matt & Redmond and Shamir, and seeing a not-so-nice part of Becca all cast something of a pall on things.

    • Love 10
  9. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 7:26 PM, Geenee said:

    The only thing worrying me is the chance that Seth and Olive meet the same fate as the long-haired rockers and that mom/son team did in Moscow...leaving Wall Street Wuss and victim around to muck up Scandinavia. 

    It wasn't exactly that, but yeah, it looks like Seth & Olive are indeed out in ninth.  Meaning that Shamir & Sara get the ax at the end of the second hour next week.

  10. 3 hours ago, momlyd said:

    I am surprised Seth and Olive fell so far behind - how did that happen?


    3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    It seems like the Weave detour took a lot longer than the other task. Matt/Redmond were still on their task when Seth/Olive showed up so I think the weaving task was a lot harder to master if you can't get the pattern right away.

    Also, in addition to that, they were at the Detour for so long, they used up almost all of their money and blew the rest at the Roadblock, forcing them to have to run to the Pit Stop, which likely gave Becca & Floyd more than enough time to recover from their passport snafu.

    3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Not happy with the U-Turn placement. I think the right to screw over another team has to be earned, as opposed to getting a better flight and/or cab. Seth & Olive didn't get hosed like a few teams in the past, but it was unfortunate.

    I'm thinking the show wants to guarantee that two teams get U-Turned.  When it's after the Detour, the teams have no way of knowing where each other are and might U-Turn a team in front of them or not use it at all.  They wanted to ensure that both teams U-Turned are actually vulnerable to it from jump.

    3 hours ago, PaperTree said:

    Then Matt & Red are jerks at the mat too.  "Everybody likes us".  Right.

    From what I've seen, only Becca & Floyd seem to.  Obivously, Vanck & Ashton (especially Ashton) don't.  London & Logan definitely don't sound like they do.  Despite how impressed they were at their comeback, Brooke & Scott don't seem to, either.  No idea about Liz & Michael, Tara & Joey, or Shamir & Sara, though.

    Doesn't matter, though.  Matt & Redmond (especially Redmond) are indeed huge assholes whom I hope get taken down, and taken down hard.

    • Love 12
  11. 20 minutes ago, seltzer3 said:

    I know this episode was totally dominated by Varner and Zeke.  But Hali got metamorphosis!  Impressive.

    I know!  I was so surprised and impressed that she thought of the word!

    • Love 1
  12. 4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    Really stupid question, but does Zeke even have an alliance with Ozzy?  How did that thought even get into Varner's head in the first place?

    He was the only one on the tribe who was protecting Ozzy.  Sarah, Debbie, and Tai seemed open to at least the possibility of getting rid of him before the merge, and Andrea, while conflicted, definitely appeared to be giving it some thought (and even more so after Jeff revealed what Zeke had been saying about her and Sarah behind their backs).  Only Zeke was trying to keep him around for a shield, not realizing that shields only work for so long.

    4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    Zeke has said in an interview today that he thinks Varner was saying all trans people are "dangerous" and dishonest.  I disagree with that, because it is broader and more farsighted than Varner's intention which was simply to turn people against Zeke and not get voted out.  Varner seemed to think that what he blurted out would make the others think that, by not telling them he was tran was withholding his authentic self so possibly not being open with them about alliances, etc.  That isn't saying transgendered people are dangerous, it's saying people who don't tell you everything about themselves at first meeting are inauthentic.  Two different things, both wrong.

    This is actually why I don't think Varner is a bad person.  He did a bad thing, but isn't a bad person.  He was trying to do something within the confines of the game, not realizing until it was too late just how far outside of it he was going.  He was trying to throw shade at Zeke's honesty within the tribe.  He was trying to damage his game, not his character, but the opposite happened.

    He definitely went about it in the wrong way, though, and definitely deserves to be taken to task for the approach he tried.

    • Love 10
  13. 3 hours ago, mj2000 said:

    As it stands right now, Tripp can move in with the Vitali's and become an Al Capone in training for all I care. He is so quick to embrace and believe every word of that family, but is so willing to reject the word of a man such as Steve. We all know who killed Ava of course. With that said, it seems to me that with him not really knowing either of his parents and their families, he should have checked them both out. Shouldn't Ava's actions (such as causing the plane crash that led to the death of Shawn Brady) be a matter of public record? Not to mention the shrine room of her never-ending obsession of Steve.

    He did check Ava out.  He admitted that the things he'd found out were very disturbing and was about to talk to Steve and Kayla about it all.  But then, Ava's cousin, Angelo, showed up with the messages Ava had left him during her pregnancy, he was suddenly Team Ava again.

    As for the shrine room . . . I'm pretty sure it's been cleaned out by now.

  14. Her disgust at Jeff tonight made me proud of her for the first time in a very long time, if ever.  I liked her saying that Zeke's trans secret was his to disclose, not Varner's.  And it was very sweet when she told Zeke that he's still Zeke to her, not just a trans person.

    • Love 4
  15. I don't think Jeff's a bad person for what he did.  I do think he has some regret and remorse over it.

    But I don't think he's getting a fourth try after this.  This pretty much put an end to any chance of that.

    • Love 5
  16. 6 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    As a Survivor player, I don't like Zeke and think he's terrible at this game.  But damn, how could you not sympathize with him tonight?  I seriously hope the show consulted with him on how to approach this.  I can't see how they couldn't.  How they would have edited this TC, I don't know, but I hope Zeke said he wanted it shown.  He handled that better than I would have.  And he had every right to react any way that he wanted to.

    Pwecious Wittle David cried because of him, so I'm always gonna like Zeke for that, even though he really isn't that good at this game, as proven by him easily getting found out about him playing both sides.

    But he's still a better person than I am, because if it wouldn't have gotten me pulled from the game, I would've punched Varner square in his jaw and kicked him in the shin.  That shit isn't right on any level, and I don't truly believe he's ever forgiven him for that.

    • Love 4
  17. 32 minutes ago, millennium said:

    I think Ozzy's great but he appears to engage in zero game play.   Never see him bonding with other players or strategizing.   You would think by now he would realize he can't make it on challenge wins alone.

    That kinda means he's not great if he can't figure that out.

    Going back to the "outing," I was proud of Debbie (first time I've ever said that about her) for being disgusted along with the tribe.  Amidst the yelling at Varner, I heard her agree with Tai and say that being trans was something for Zeke to discuss when he was ready to.

    • Love 4
  18. On ‎4‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 8:47 PM, Dots And Stripes said:

    Johnny Gates makes perfect sense. Felicia makes sense to me too. I'm surprised Autumn wasn't chosen.

    Honestly, of Gwen's eliminated artists, Johnny was the best she could've chosen, with Kenny P. probably a close second.  Felicia also does make sense, but I'm surprised she was chosen by Blake, not Alicia.  I think Adam was always going to bring Johnny Hayes back, so Autumn might not have even been considered by him.  She might've been by Alicia, but passed over when she realized that she already has Vanessa filling her particular lane.

    • Love 1
  19. I seem to be the only one who had an inkling that Jeff was probably a stealth douche and had been since he happily blew up his own alliance in Second Chances and then trashed Tasha on social media and in interviews after she blew up his spot that season.  He only proved it tonight.

    Good job, Varner.

    Zeke was one of my favorites in Millennials vs. Generation X if only because he made Pwecious Wittle David cry.  (Still feel very sorry for any and all who liked him.)  He became even more of my favorite with how he handled that mess.  Good for you, Zeke.

    • Love 3
  20. 4 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I think that'd be great.  I would love to see Grant Ward return.

    I do not and would not.  He's dead.  He's gone.  Let sleeping dogs lie.  Love Brett.  Loved his run as Ward when he was evil.  But his arc is over.  Time to move on.

    Man.  What does Aida have against Agnes?  That smirk she had when Fitz went through with killing her was something else, to say the least.  She was more than just a little pleased that he'd done it.

    • Love 7
  21. 23 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I'll be curious if Andrea's edit picks up after the merge.  She hasn't had to go to TC yet, but I've been disappointed by the lack of airtime she's gotten.

    Um . . . she went to the Tribal Council that saw Sandra voted out, remember?

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