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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. ^ THANK YOU. What "context"? If he was speaking sarcastically about a set of beliefs, that was easy enough to clarify.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Rittenhouse Just an FYI on the larger reference. I once wrote a story containing a cabal called the Fraternal Order of Rittenhouse that involved currency-keyed codes. Because I am a massive, massive nerd.
  3. Stepping in late to say thanks for mentioning this. My husband was born in Boone and just grumbled at the TV to that effect on his way through the room.
  4. "It needs to be accessible to an audience that might not know how to keep stats or have a fantasy baseball team." I get that, but if it's also aimed at people who DO know the game, for us, that exposition is superfluous. If you have to do that much explaining to bring "the average viewer" up to speed on *what your show is about*, your show...is about the wrong thing. I do understand what the job of the show is. My point is that it's not doing that job very well.
  5. "Who kind of looks about as Don Zimmer-y as you might get in Hollywood." God, he really does. And you're right re: McCann. I just put that out of my mind because I despise that guy.
  6. There is a segment on him. Knox's rationale for accusing him is...striking, you might say.
  7. I would tend to agree, with no experiential basis mind you, that Knox is not neurotypical. You would expect a woman of her age and with her history to have adapted somewhat by now, especially after everything, to behavior that is "expected." And I think she probably tried, but it appears she's not capable. She still presents as emotionally "young" in a way that is, to me, notable given that she did spend several years in prison and that this case dragged on for nearly a decade.
  8. I also eat cereal with yogurt! I'm Team Lemon Chiffon but I like the way you think.
  9. We saw her husband a couple of times, most notably rushing off from the funeral because he's "on call." In other news, I'm glad I'm not the only one who chows this show like kettle corn. So good/bad.
  10. I think CERT = Corrections Emergency Response Team but you're free to correct me on that.
  11. Same here. I think overall it's better at 4 hours than 6 but if they ever release the original cut, I'll be watching to get some more questions answered.
  12. Yeah, we're actually going to have to care about NAT's stupid baby in a season or two. Blorf.
  13. I stayed out of here 'til my piece was done, but it's about how putting Karr at the center of E03 kind of ruined the whole thing for me because he's so repellent, so I'm glad it wasn't just me. All the ew.
  14. These are, for this channel, really pretty good. I've just lost any capacity to tell whether they're compelling to anyone else because I have consumed so many hours of case programming in the last week. And there's more: The IN CASE OF profilers' podcast *about* this case just dropped tonight. That's Real Crime Profile in case (heh) you want to listen along as well. I'm sure it's been mentioned in that section wanted to note it here.
  15. hee, student government would have stricken any guy I found out was doing it from the rolls.
  16. ...hee, Kelly's modeling contract. Garth is lovely, but this was particularly hilarious in the era of Evangelista. Guys: we've seen her in pale jeans. We know it ain't happening. And she's shorter than Brandon. Come on man.
  17. Totally! I just wasn't able to find your handle during the recording. I just reread it and it's not a good look for Mary Ann.
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