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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. HA HA HA HA let's pretend I made that happen on purpose.
  2. He knows it wasn't a ghost or UFO segment. He knows he was a cop; he's pretty sure he was a plainclothes detective and that one of his scenes involved him drawing down on a suspect/fugitive over the hood of a car.
  3. It would be if we could find the damn thing! Every time I'm about to give up, a residuals check arrives from Cosgrove-Meurer and we're like, DAMMIT IT WAS JUST ON SPIKE WASN'T IT.
  4. Maybe because she was only an addict for 12 minutes? Not that it's a contest, but: you know.
  5. My hunt for my husband's moment of UM glory continues; watch this space!
  6. Well before that, too, since I was consistently the one who biffed "and we are all DOMER."
  7. OMG SRSLY. I called this file "liv-stabler-imitation," and it's not a compliment. Settle down, freshman, goddamn. (Recap goes live in an hour. Spoiler: I was not a fan.)
  8. LA92 is airing this Sunday on NatGeo if you'd like to check it out! http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/la-92/videos/la-92-a-first-look/
  9. I can totally see it. I totally hate it, but I can totally see it, even though Liv hurled Stabler under the bus with that farewell to Amaro, and no I will not be letting that drop kthxbai
  10. @Jobiska, that was Cory who bitched about Nicole's swimming.
  11. He was merciful the last time, IIRC, but this...is a (jumped over by a Charger) bridge too far.
  12. On that tip I'd also recommend "Rampart," which literally nobody saw. Fantastic performances, and the city is a character, but not in an overbearing way.
  13. They're rerunning them two a day (and a bunch on weekends) on the POP network.
  14. Yeah, the storylines aren't necessarily helped by viewing at a two-a-day pace, either -- since The Jen Saga is not only off-putting but seems OOC based on how she's written early in S1. And you have a little too much time to think about how old Ma Benton must have been when she had Peter if he's, what, early 30s and she's 76 when she dies? But in-episode, the show holds up. And Shep is imminent, thank God.
  15. We'll be dealing with some Famous Original UM on The Blotter Presents pretty soon. Subscribe today! (I feel you, Potts. I was waiting for it too.)
  16. My pleasure! And @Clearlyhere I am in the middle of a house move, but I WILL finish 13 Reasons Why; if you don't hear from me about it on the pod, nudge me here to remind me.
  17. Here's me on seeing the premiere of Paradise Lost's final chapter: http://tomatonation.com/culture-and-criticism/paradise-lost-3-purgatory-and-the-mixing-of-blessings/
  18. "I always thought that it was Sarah doing the "Yeah" and "Nope" from winner and loser of the week!" ...For years, Sarah thought it was Tara. #themoreyouknow
  19. I found Part 2 so dull that I could not keep my attention on it. Should I still try Part 3?
  20. (Just alerted to the fact that Clip 1 is missing; we'll update shortly. Sorry!)
  21. Pretty sure that's from Clone High. Dave?
  22. Morning, everyone -- just an update for you Real Crime Profile listeners that they'll also be looking at Paradise Lost in an upcoming ep: https://twitter.com/realcrimeprofil/status/852738859897020416
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