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  1. Are these opinions unpopular? Judging by the internet response I would say this thread title is wrong. My unpopular opinion? I liked Seasons 1, 2 and 3.
  2. I agree. The NeverEnding Threesome used as a transitional scene will never not be completely hilarious to me.
  3. Not unpopular. I loved it, especially the back. Simplicity is so much more elegant than a bunch of embellishment which just makes you look like a frosted cupcake.
  4. When do they usually announce who the new season will feature as the main couple?
  5. He even says as much to Lady Tilley, that it could have been a Paul or a Patricia. Doesn’t matter.
  6. Well, Benedict looks the oldest, IMO.
  7. The odd thing is they have literally announced they start filming this year.
  8. I think Benedict’s season will be next because of the voiceover about looking to the future while the camera was lingering on Benedict, having just had the masquerade ball discussion with Eloise. I feel pretty confident about this. And I think they really really need to get his season done because his “journey” this season was just more treading water as he sleeps with everything that moves. They have no idea what to do with him, just give him his HEA already, jeez. I mean, he just discovered his freedom THIS year? (or so he tells Tilley). WTH was he doing the other two seasons? He’s always gallivanted around doing whatever he pleases. I felt actual sympathy for Tilley in that scene and I was generally bored to tears by the entire wasted subplot.
  9. My husband is watching with me. Currently we are on season 2 episode 7. I can say I have had to poke him awake through much of season 1. He thought Simon was a complete dope. He really has enjoyed season 2 a lot more, especially episodes 2-4. Last night we watched episode 6 and my god, was it interminable. Easily the worst episode of the season. But overall, he enjoys the second season a lot more than the first and enjoys the banter and the humor.
  10. Lord Debling wanted to do the Northwest Passage, which at the time was an impossible crossing and likely would have resulted in his disappearance and death. One might say that’s even better, with Pen now being free and a wealthy widow but the estate would pass to the nearest living male relative, and unless Pen had a son by Debling, which is obviously no guarantee, her place is not secure, nor might she be free to remarry especially if Debling just disappears. Who knows how long it would take for someone to be declared legally dead then? I don’t think its as good a choice as it seems at first at all.
  11. What’s really annoying is I still don’t know where to find that music! I don’t see it on any Bridgerton soundtrack, and I don’t see a Bridgerton score either. I would really like to be able to add that music to a playlist so its bugging the heck out of me.
  12. I also assumed she used at least some of it on her new wardrobe.
  13. And that also is what makes me much more interested in her story. I am not into perfect characters who always have pure motivations, and no other layers beyond.
  14. For some reason Lord Remington’s accent was reminding me of one of those two very old vampires from Breaking Dawn that cam in to the battle hoping for some big Volturi war. I still cannot believe that was my first and most enduring thought.
  15. Yeah unlike last season I am really enjoying the Featheringtons this time. I laughed out loud a lot. But I don’t know what to think of the Mondriches. They just seem shoehorned in, I really hope there is going to be some connection to the main storyline.
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