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Posts posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. 4 hours ago, TAG42481 said:

    Gibson was announced as a new cast member, so I don't think they're going to immediately write him off for Kylie's sake.  What I thought they were implying is that Mouch will get a lieutenant position, but not at 51.  He's a more tenured character (= higher salary), so write him off the show, then have Kylie take his spot on Truck.

    Making a comment about one of the Darden boys sounding drunk?  They're not even in college, they're still in high school.  Wildly inappropriate suggestion for the show because it was totally unnecessary.

    The writing has really gone downhill this season.  It's like they're trying to drive us viewers away so they can cancel it and say "See, nobody was watching anymore - that's why we cancelled it!"

    I think he was about 18 when he came to get Casey a few seasons ago.  He may not be 21 yet, but he should be close.  I don't think Herrmann was selling alcohol, the bar was closed for a private event.  Trudy would make any cops look the other way, right or wrong.  What got me though is that he was responsible for buckling the baby in to the car...

    My impression is that there is no writing, and they are allowing the actors to ad lib their characters.  LOL

    • LOL 1
  2. 3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Cindy apparently wasn't invited either.

    She's in the front row during the ceremony with Herrmann.

    I don't know why, but I'm rewatching.  There are continuity issues - sometimes Julia is on Stella's lap and sometimes she isn't.  Where she is when she's not?  Can't tell.

  3. The babies were:

    Julia - Sylvie's adopted daughter and held by Stella during the ceremony. Same one that was passed off from Trudy to Stellaride at the reception and then put in the car by one of the Darden boys. 

    Amelia - the little girl in the back of the ceremony that Sylvie mentioned they took to the real Aquarium; Amelia is Sylvie's biological half-sister. 

    Otis - the little boy that was with Javi before the ceremony looking at the fish. Both are Cruz's sons. 

    Speaking of Cruz, where was Chloe? Also, he and Chloe got married at the Chicago Firefighters' Church. It's a real place and huge and beautiful and old. Why couldn't the show just get that place, for cheap on like a Tuesday morning, and shoot a wedding scene?  Would have made waaaaaaaay more sense. 

    Even with all of the foreshadowing , I'm not sure who is leaving next or how Kylie might get to 51. Stella having a baby makes sense. Severide being promoted to Captain and moving to OFI makes sense. Mouch being promoted to Lieutenant and taking a desk job at HQ also makes sense. (If Severide leaves, Cruz moves up and new guy goes to squad, Kylie goes to truck?)

    I think the writing hasn't been great this season and the dialogue has been more awkward than usual. I don't mind the break until March 20 because maybe it means the quality will get a little better. I've been watching old seasons and it really has been a decent show for a long time. 

    9 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    and I’m calling it now. Kelly wants a baby. The way he was looking at Stella holding the baby (who I spent most of the episode trying to identify)…wonder if Stella wants kids?

    Kelly does want kids. In the crossover episodes a few years ago with that flesh-eating bacteria outbreak, he told Stella that this isn't how he dies. He'll die an old man in his bed surrounded by her, their kids, and grandkids. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, KeithJ said:

    Does anyone know if Kara Killmer wanted to leave or if she basically lost her job because they had to write Casey out?  From the articles I've seen, I can't seem to figure out exactly whose decision it was for her to leave.

    Budget cuts?  If everyone wanted her to stay, they could have just broken them up again. I don't know for sure, but my guess is that it was her choice. 

  5. *That* was the wedding that was worth all of the hype? Boring. 

    It was nice to see Casey again, sure, but they could have done so much more. I also had a good suspicion that Severide would try some sort of surprise return, like catching an earlier flight... what they went with was more awkward, but I guess it was still nice. 

    Sylvie has parents. They couldn't find an extra to play her dad to walk her down the aisle?  That bothered me with Cruz's wedding too, considering we saw Chloe's parents when she was in the hospital...

    For all the build-up, I was underwhelmed. 

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  6. On 2/25/2024 at 2:42 PM, Dowel Jones said:

    She did make some mention of being on a large (campaign) fire for the last six months, which just piles on the absurdities.

    Shouldn't she have been on medical leave, recovering?

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  7. On 2/21/2024 at 11:56 PM, mommalib said:

    I like Gibson so far and was glad to learn more about his past in this episode. Even though it wasn't intentional knowing that your responsible for someones death is a heavy thing to have to live with. I'm looking forward to seeing how they continue to flesh the character out. 

    Hopefully Severide comes back and stays for awhile. They could have some interesting conversations about being responsible for deaths, even though accidental or self defense. 

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  8. 21 hours ago, Raja said:

    I think Sleeper got hit by debris. And given the back story who has the pull to get Bodie back home inside of a month instead of another camp?

    Sleeper confessed?  But who heard it?  Did he survive to sign something in writing, or testify at a hearing for Bode?  (Maybe he did, I was only half watching.)

    Is this show supposed to be good?  I feel like it's getting worse...

    Everyone moves on in relationships really fast; it's like a soap opera.

    Was Sharon on medical leave to recover, just not at home but somewhere far away?  Maybe I should have paid more attention, but I still feel like it wouldn't have made sense, so why bother.

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  9. 15 hours ago, Attatude said:

    That could work but I thought Taylor wanted out.

    Has he ever actually said this?  I think there's only been a lot of speculation and he's remained quiet.

    On 2/14/2024 at 11:51 AM, Rapunel said:

    He forgave her and still married her after the disappearing act she pulled for months with her “Girls on Fire” tour. They were engaged and she flat out ghosted him for months. He never got all pissy with her about it, forgave her and still married her. I so wish he would remind her of this time when she gets all put out because he wants to work a case in AZ for a couple weeks. She’s almost worse than Dawson was on the show. Both had to have everything their way no matter how illogical, selfish and stupid. I really hope Stella leaves the show. Kill her off, or let her have an affair and get pregnant by the other guy or have her get an offer to join another house in another state. Then find Kelly someone more his equal who actually appreciates him. 

    Yes and no - he did get pretty pissed off.  It took him several episodes to forgive her, and even accused her of cheating on him.  He asked if she met someone else and that's why she wouldn't come home.  He held a grudge for a while, but yes, by now he has gotten over it.  

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  10. 35 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    No, we've never seen anyone else bring a baby to work. I don't think we've ever seen any of Herrmann's kids when they were babies; Cruz only recently had a baby, he's never brought it to work. Dawson had a foster kid for a red hot minute, I can't remember his name but he always looked like he was about to cry. Never brought it to work and left it there while out on shift.

    Realistically Sylvie should have called in sick or taken a personal day. They could have gotten another EMT to sub for her. That happens all the time. 

    Did Cruz bring Javi once?  But I think that's because Severide wanted to show him that Cruz is a hero, or something... It wasn't as free babysitting.

  11. 21 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Did we already know Boden had an ex-wife and a stepson? This show has been on so long I can't remember. And what did the ex do to wind up in jail? I didn't quite catch it.

    Sylvie bringing the baby to work was absurd. It's the reason I thought adopting a baby was such a stupid idea for her. She works 24 hour shifts and has no discernible family to help her out. What happens when all of the different trucks, squads, ambo, etc. are all called out for the same emergency? Who looks after the kid then? It happens all the time, wasn't it convenient it never happened in this episode?

    His ex-wife trafficked drugs over the Canadian border and was caught.

    I thought it was ridiculous that Boden said that when Sylvie adopted her, they all said they'd support her.  Yes, but a baby in a firehouse?  They don't have Kylie there anymore to watch her.  I'm sure there are others that we don't see, but still...  

  12. 10 hours ago, anna0852 said:

    Severide said he saw a rattlesnake in the parking lot and she commented back he wouldn’t see that in Chicago. He responded ‘unless Cap was keeping one as a pet’.

    It was driving me nuts enough to go back and check.

    Thank you!  Not as funny as I was hoping, but you did us all a great service. ;-) 

    • Love 1
  13. Did anyone catch what all of Severide's texts said?  Something about something only existing if Capp has one as a pet... I'll try to watch again and pause it to see if it was anything clever. 

    Otherwise, I'm not surprised that Sev will be home again in another week. He knows he screwed up and can only be gone for as short as possible if he's to stay married. I do agree with everyone else in the other threads who have wondered why they are forgetting that Stella did this too, and first. Severide needs to just say "now we're even, neither of us can do it again."

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  14. I read the complaint, and it completely glosses over the fact that her contract was most definitely "AT WILL."  Disney, Lucas, etc. could fire her for any or no reason at all, at any time, I am sure.  They'll give her a small amount of money to settle this and she'll go away.  What she calls bullying by Disney et al. was them giving her every opportunity to apologize and keep her job.  Ridiculous.

    Also, she says in there that they wanted her to participate in a Zoom meeting with 45 other people, but she instead offered to take 5 or 6 out to dinner for an in-person discussion.  Out to dinner?!  During a pandemic??  Yes, let's all dine on some covid-19 appetizer with our denial of bigotry entree...

    Plus, dragging Pedro into it?  For tweets he made years prior to being hired?  His family had to flee Chile seeking asylum as political activists.  You think he's not going to express his personal opinions?  He was literally raised to do so, and everyone has known that from the beginning about him.  

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  15. On 2/5/2024 at 5:42 PM, Guildford said:

    Mainly from the bitter fans who are still in the midst of their 18mth long temper tantrum because JLS upped sticks and left.

    JLS deserves so much better.  I hope he finds a new show that gives him good material, or he's happy continuing to direct.  They wrote Jay into a corner after Sophia left.

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  16. 13 hours ago, NJRadioGuy said:

    Blessing, no. But support and recommendation absolutely. A respected boss going to bat for you opens a lot of doors. 

    I was going to say this too - and maybe Boden actually has to approve Cruz's desire to take the test?  Like, he has to sign off on it, confirming Cruz has met minimum requirements.  Otherwise, could any rookie just starting out throw their name in and waste everyone's time?  I'd hope not, but never know.

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  17. I've read that Taylor Kinney is coming back, so this must just be one of the show's cost-cutting measures.  What would have made more sense to me, however, is if Stella went with him.  Because that would really save them money... I tried to do some googling, and it looks like Kinney makes as much as $200,000 per episode and Miranda makes $175,000.  Let them both go to Arizona for 2 weeks and save $750,000...  

    • Like 2
  18. 20 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    I didn’t get the impression that Cruz told Severide he was taking the Lieutenant test. I think it was just Kelly’s lame way of acknowledging Cruz’ work while he was gone and saying that if Cruz doesn’t want to take orders form him anymore, he’s welcome to go elsewhere and lead a team.

    I don't think he did either; I think Stella must have said something.

    14 hours ago, KeithJ said:

    I just don’t understand Severide being such a dick to Cruz.  From the beginning of the episode to the half-assed apology at the end and Severide basically telling Cruz to move on.  What did I miss here?

    What we missed was the beginning of any conversation, if there was one. 

    This was my point above - either (a) Severide understands Stella enough to know exactly what she meant by her one-line remark about being happy to have a guy like Cruz working for her, so Sev initiated what we saw with Cruz, (b) Stella actually said more in a conversation off camera, or (c) Cruz finally said something himself directly to Severide.  I don't know which happened, and it was a bit sloppy and confusing.

  19. Did Cruz ever go talk to Severide or did Stella just relay the message for him?  Something was lost in editing, maybe. 

    11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Is Kylie even old enough to drink? Wasn't she in Girls on Fire last season? Wasn't that a program for high school kids? Aw they grow up so fast.

    I think Tony had more lines this episode than he's had for the last 11 seasons.

    Kylie worked at the firehouse for at least one season, if not two. I think she's been out of high school for several years. 

    Remember, Tony is a real firefighter and not an actor. 😉

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  20. A member of the team going rogue.  A CI getting shot and dying.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.  Maybe it's the effects of the writers' strike still, but they need some new material. 

  21. I finally watched the show.  It wasn't good at all.  Hailey can't leave soon enough, but I don't know if that will save it at this point.

    In my mind, Jay found Erin in Bolivia (remember her task force too?) and they live happily ever after.  

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  22. 17 hours ago, preeya said:

    Turn out the lights, the party's over.

    This show has gone completely off the rails.

    I watched Chicago Med (meh) and Chicago Fire (had its issues too) and then when the first minute of this show came on, I just couldn't do it.  I turned it off.  I did set the DVR and I have Peacock, so I'll probably watch it eventually, but I haven't cared for this show anymore for several years.

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