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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Toby Willis got millions of dollars from his family's settlement with the state of Illinois. The total was $100 million; I've read that his parents got $40m of that and each of the three surviving siblings got $20m. No matter the actual dollar amount, Brenda Willis had funds available to escape and save her children. She doesn't even have money for an excuse.
  2. Maybe he was trying to outrun Barnacle Jill. He should have hidden her car keys.
  3. I like that table. And as Nysha said, tablecloths and placemats are just more cleaning to do.
  4. I didn't know Josiah was licensed as well. Jim Bob might be doing pretty well financially at hiring his pilot sons out to other fundies and who knows who else. He'd probably lose his family, but it isn't as if JD is some completely isolated fundie, or even a pre-tv Duggar. He knows there is more out there than Duggarville. He's seen it. He knows plenty of non-Duggars and non-Bateses, too.
  5. Brenda Willis sacrificed her children for her marriage long before they were on TV. She's a piece of shit. She could have left and taken the children with her. Parents not protecting their children is a sensitive topic with me, especially now.
  6. If their mother took Toby Willis's word that nothing was happening, she's as guilty as he is.
  7. I think you underestimate the power of emotional abuse and manipulation even on grown men. Who knows what Jim Bob and Mullet have laid on John's mind when the cameras aren't around.
  8. Jill's also moved several times since her wedding. Moving has a way of cutting back on the junk and filth. I think if Jessa had moved once or three times, her house wouldn't look so bad. Or maybe Jilly Dully is just better (shocking, I know) at framing her social media posts to eliminate the filth.
  9. Ding ding ding...we have a winner. Banishing Pepsi was just a way for Steve to control Terri. If not Pepsi, it would have been saltines or dishwasher tabs or name-brand maxi pads or something else he didn't feel was important.
  10. If you're shallow, I'm shallow. The Maxwell boys are homely, too, but at least they don't make me think "neigh, horsey."
  11. Remember Smuggar eating the burger on a doughnut thing* at some state fair? Ofsmuggar could hardly keep the look of revulsion off her face (don't ask me how she manages the rest of the time). *It was a burger on a doughnut bun or some equally repugnant state fair food.
  12. When did Alyssa make friends with her tweezers and hair bleach? Before or after she left Batesville?
  13. True, and most of the Bateses, unlike most of the Duggars, look like they might have made friends with a freaking hairbrush at some point in their adult lives.
  14. Is Tori the last one who got married? The Bateses, other than Zach, Michael, and the two princesses, all blend together for me.
  15. Can you provide links so we can read more about it? I'd like to have some ammunition, so to speak, when people rave about the Gaineses. Topic: The Duggars lack taste, so not surprising they go for mass-market rehashes.
  16. Not yet. All her kids are about two years apart. Mason was born in September, so if her pattern continues, she's got some time to go before the next announcement.
  17. Besides the recent lawsuit over a shady-ass business sale and their abhorrent belief system, what else is in the Gaineses' backstory? Topic: Smuggar and Ofsmuggar do make some cute kids.
  18. Janessa? In Duggarville, Jim Bob and Mullet are pissed that they missed a J name. I hope Janessa is as well as can be expected and does not suffer.
  19. He's going to have a five-head like Bradley Whitford. Except Bradley Whitford is almost sixty years old.
  20. I think Josie was supposed to be Julie, but they held off on that name since they weren't sure Josie would survive. At least, that's the story I've read over the last eight years. I have a J name that is very similar to Julie. This page has been very weird for me. I hope the Vuolos name the baby Diana or Dianna, after his mother, just to piss off Mullet.
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