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  1. Wasn't saying it was personal. Just that it sucked for her (and anyone who would have won it this week). Bad move by BB there.
  2. The only thing I didn't like about the "torture" thing this ep was after Leah won HOH, she should have been exempt and allowed to use the house like normal. She got screwed during her week. Props to Angela lasting as long as she did. She's still annoying, but she's done well in these comps. Whoever asked Rubina to say it in her native language which threw her off should have gone up. That sucked for her, she was locked in too. It looked like they were making frozen pizza? At least they could have gotten good pizza if they could find any in L.A. Hopefully at least the Ice Cream a was good brand.
  3. I was laughing at Quinn and Leah crying over Joseph. That's what you get! And no Kimo, they didn't vote to save you. It was to get rid of Joseph. I hope Leah doesn't go for Cam, then her Chubby dream would be just talk. I do appreciate Chelsie making the move last week to get rid of Joseph and now winning HOH. Looks like she's finally realizing Cam's not into her, but yeah the jealousy thing isn't a good look for her. Glad she's playing for herself now. Cam, I'm a Penn Stater so I was rooting for you but your doing nothing in this game so far either. Quinn's eyes lit up when Angela was put up haha. Just get rid of her already. Don't expect others to do work for ya.
  4. Thanks, that's the explanation I needed. Was Quinn really working with Joseph or was that all talk? I don't think those that voted out Tucker are really working with Quinn. He might be wanting to with them, but I don't see it. He shouldn't have had blind loyalty there. And yeah, should have just put up T'Kor instead if he really wanted to keep Joseph.
  5. So why'd Quinn feel he needed to put up Joseph again? I know he explained it being a numbers thing, but I still don't get it heh. That's what happens when you don't use the veto and are a "pawn", put up people you think are safe, etc. Also forgot, what Maroon outfit is Quinn wearing? Is he borrowing it from one of the girls? That comp was made for Rubina. Joseph had no chance haha. Sorry to see the AI Arena go as well, but feel it's time. They needed to shake things up early on and now that everyone is in jury, things hopefully won't be as predictable as it normally is.
  6. Will they change the Trailer to be a Van this season? Always thought it looked odd, but people do use Trailers haha. I'm so used to watching Van Life videos. It looked awkward in a high speed chase.
  7. Watching this show the first time now. One thing I'm wondering is why'd they kill off Frankie off screen? Cathy sure turned hard this season. Sucked her daughter had to learn about her Dad that way.
  8. I never watch these clip show's. Did they need one already? Usually they wait till the final 3 to do it, and even then I still FF through most of the ep. I watched 5 min for Taylor, but still ended up just FF'ing the rest of it. How is she still single? Taylor, I'm available and would treat you like a queen!
  9. I really like Tucker's game play, but man is he annoying. All his wah wah wah's, playing the game with his shirt off, etc. are just ugh!
  10. Made it through Season 3, Episode 5. For the most part, didn't like John Cena's guest star. The guest star's were my main issue with the X-Mas ep last season too. But at least he had the funniest line of the night asking about grabbing the duck from the park in a plastic bag. That made me laugh out loud pretty good. Do you guys know the story behind all these guest star's? These are big name actor's their getting. Just was wondering the story behind it. Did sign up for a month with Hulu to support the show.
  11. Been watching Buffy and was going to watch Angel chronological with Buffy. Watched the 1st ep of Angel, and suddenly remembered why I never got into the show in the first place. I did watch S5, but that was more to morn the loss of Buffy. is it worth sticking with? I think I did watch the pilot of Angel when it originally aired, and same thing happened there. Just didn't grab me like Buffy did.
  12. While we got a Sam name drop in the finale ep, do we think we'll ever get a story line tied up there? I'm starting to lose hope with that. Watched these 2 ep's on different nights not realizing they were finale's (till the end of ep 13. Liked 13 better then 12, but they were both fine for me in the most part. That was def a cliffhanger they left it on heh. So Ben recognized Addison cause they were tied together right?
  13. Just watched S1E15 "I Shot an Arrow into the Air". Did they think back in the 60's that Asteroids had atmosphere's?
  14. Just saw a commercial for it on ABC. Forgot they picked it up, I was surprised to see tit there. Lone Star is still on Fox right?
  15. I'm glad Jag won. He deserved it. Was it me or was the Jury/Cast member questions actually good this time? Maybe they finally learned how to do a entertaining finale. Matt def had a better speech then Jag. Didn't vote, but also liked that Cam won AFP.
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