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Everything posted by Froippi

  1. watch them make them look bad next lol wouldn't be suprised to be honest
  2. i know a lot don't like the Ezra + Aria relationship but it seems Holden lines worked well i had a hard time caring about the plot in this episode or was it just me might be why i had decided to watch Flash at 8p.m. then turn it over to PLL on the DVR
  3. ok so i assume that is Nicole with Aria in Ezra appartment but i assume someone told her that she was their from Episode 12
  4. yea i think i agree its Ronnie as Savitar how i have no freaking clue has to be do to Flashpoint i bet
  5. Honestly i still Feel Aria to blame for most of her problems with Ezra cause i feel Ezra would never had proposed if he had knew about that phone call before hand since the phone call from Nicole came in before the proposal
  6. has all guys in Rosewood been bad in one way or another on this show
  7. as i always said though if they were going to thrown Ezra in jail for sleeping with his student then Byron had to be fired for sleeping with his student they did not show either of those so the show is what it is when it comes to that honestly i would not let anyone under 18 watch this show because the fact of what it shows personally i've always felt if she forgave him for the whole season 4 thing then i was cool with that but to be honest i had a hard time buying any of that stuff in season 4 Ezra did just did not add up to me i just found it odd how he called things off with Alison once he found out her age
  8. actually it is silly comparing the two but your going to have your opinions i will have my own opinions and basically what your is saying is Aria should not have forgiven him and just thrown him to the wolfs
  9. comparing those two crimes is just silly cause they are no where near the same one carries a life sentence the other is normally about 20+ years also we have clarify the real issue was he was Teacher but the show never really made him pay any consequences for his crime anyways and to Be honest all these Liars and BFs could be in jail also in Rosewood think they all have done something illegal accpet maybe Alison and Spencer!
  10. i know the law changes for each state but some just don't agree with the statutory rape in general is what i meant and yes i do agree with him being a teacher is a big issue and yes i know Byron would not have gone to jail he would of just lost his job more of point if the show was going to show either one losing their job then both of them would of had to lost their jobs they did neither but honestly who in Rosewood ever goes to jail though
  11. your always going to have different opinions on statutory rape the bigger issue has always been he was a teacher more than anything but if you go after him for the teacher part of it then i think Byron should lose his job to cause he did something like that to when he was a professor in college my thing has always been if he/she is 16+ the rule goes out the window but i know some people feel differently
  12. i really think by time this over Fitz and Simmons breakup and Fitz walks away from Shield broken
  13. actually its harder for me to believe they didn't communicate for a week come on now if its your Fiance of course your going to let her know what is going on
  14. that the thing though Aria knew they were serious previously before she started with Ezra again she was aware of it but she never knew that she would show backup alive again her worst fear realized
  15. i Feel like this was just the episode to get Endgame going it feels like Next Episode and where everything breaks loose and bad things start to happen
  16. that is how i felt no real reason to bring Nicole on the show it all started back in 06x06 you could see Aria was Jealous that he was talking to Nicole but he was trying to move on cause she was going to college still never understood why they went with the story line she went missing in Columbia
  17. the lack of communications between those three situations just seem odd lol its like really do we need lessons on talking or texting come on now can't wait for next week it looks like Jenna comes back and play master manipulation again as usual i'm starting to think AD is going to get a lot of little lap dogs working for him all the way to the end
  18. honestly aria can blame Ezra but she was pretty bad with Jason in 7x09 so way i see their both just as bad right now also the way they left things so unresolved this episode with them two not even talking about it seems silly don't get me started on the spencer, Toby, Yvonne love triangle getting ready to start once she gets out of a comma omg lol
  19. well you have to remember i don't think anything this show does is suppose to have any logic to it lol but i guess all relationships will be torn apart cause of AD this season accept Emilys maybe they also felt like Aria needed to fight for something she really wanted also plus the only thing even mention about that kiss was Aria telling Hannah made her want to puke
  20. let me very clear love triangles for the sake of it when your show is about to end seems silly it would be something different if AD had something to do with them not making it down the altar i don't like it and Ezra, Aria, Nicole is not the only one we have Toby, spencer, Yvonne and then Paige, Alison, and Emily yah for love triangles in your last season silly sad that agents of shield is gonna do with fitz and simmons with framework and the flash looks like it might do this with Savitar and that prison in the Season finale ugh just weak writing seriously he doesn't text or call his fiance for one week i'm sorry i don't buy that either not one bit just
  21. but it looks like some of the stuff Aria is about to do in 7B is going to be pretty messed up to so be interesting to see if the worse than what Erza did I also feel like this Kiss with Nicole has been blown out way more than it is and its not as simple as black and white he dated her for 2 years tell she went missing for 3 years
  22. yea i agree i don't think scene really was needed just threw it in anyways
  23. you know that is one thing that needs to look at with Nicole and Ezra together it looks like Ezra learn to help other people when he was with her so some good did seem to come out of that relationship for Ezra
  24. i still think Holden put those Knives in that Punching Bag in season 4 but i could be stretching it or maybe Jake did it to make Ezra look bad hard to say
  25. you know i'm use to how the offical broadcast channel ABC does their sneak peeks which is normally just 2 maybe 3 if your lucky but i normally just watch Agents of shield on that channel at 10p.m. Also is it just me or something else really bothering Ezra when Aria opens the door and sees him their
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