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Everything posted by Froippi

  1. I don’t even think it’s that I think she has some type of very high standards when it comes to Fitz I understand he has framework Fitz in him but I don’t think that is what is going on in that scene
  2. I didn’t like Jemma reaction to Fitz about how he handle those 3 Kree soldiers
  3. I’m not sure Deke is dead I think he got sent back to the past with the small piece
  4. The look of Simmons not liking what Fitz did to the Kree soldiers was interesting She really dislike that move
  5. That is funny cause if you watch smallville that didn't happen which was a teen show but it was based off of comics so they couldn't change his love interest from the comics to much
  6. I think the worse part is Emison was voted Teen choice award for best ship I about couldn't believe it rather see Lydia and Stiles voted from Teen wolf at least its been their through the show maybe not a couple but also as friends
  7. really so CeCe put those their lol funny they made us think it was Ezra
  8. Speaking of proposal I think out of 3 of those I think Ezra proposal to Aria was the best one but I still just got tired of Alison playing the victim card It seems she has played that so many times on Emily
  9. Alison lie about her age as soon as he found out about Alison he ended it so the Alison thing was a bit different situation
  10. Sorry but she knew exactly what she was doing age has nothing to do with it stop using age to justify Alison actions
  11. Well if you really want to bring hypocrisy into this we could say the same people who forgive Alison won't forgive Ezra for the predator stuff he did Even though Aria and Ezra relationship looked better after the time jump
  12. You know I never made that big of a issue about it she was just upset that Emily or someone she knew snitched her out and was making a point never was trying to hurt her making a point about it
  13. after the whole Spencer and Caleb relationship it was hard for me to take Haleb seriously anymore it was just to werid and ackward I always thought it look werid or ackward if you go after your best friends ex boyfriend
  14. your always going to get different opinions on this its like How i felt Emision was the worst, then it goes Haleb, and i sitll think Lucy and Ian had the best out of those 3 I can't really comment on Spoby since it was never a thing in season 7 just sex
  15. that is probably true its like so many people thought Jason had better chemistry with Aria but I didn't see it
  16. yea I can see how much more that scene between Paige and Alison meant now that is all over and she is engaged to Emily now its like how I felt with Ezra in 6B regardless how people felt about them Aria help Ezra heal over Nicole she was a friend first in 6B which what he needed not a relationship then it became a relationship later in season 7 episode 1 I also can understand why Ezra wanted to help Nicole not just throw her out like she didn't mean nothing to him and then the amount of patience Aria had with this whole Nicole situation idk you can go back and reflect on some this now that the series is done
  17. sorta of how I feel Paige was so much better for Emily heck she even had Alison open up about her feelings for Emily but Paige will never get the credit she deserves even though she did cause Alison to finally open up
  18. i'm actually suprised how popular Emison is on twitter I guess it caught me by suprised specially if you look at how poor the chemistry is for Emison compared to Haleb and Ezria. Haleb and Ezria have had way more seasons to be able to build their chemistry than the whole Emison thing
  19. idk i still feel like Ezra was right on calling Aria out about not being able to have babies it seems Aria kept coming up with excuses why she didn't tell him earlier and they were further from the truth it seem this was just thrown in as a plot device for Ezra to get kidnapped by AD cause he was asking to many questions
  20. omg can we talk about how a Horse, Jenna the blind Woman, and Ezra finds out that is not Spencer but no one else can pick up on this
  21. its funny cause of one the original scrips I heard was her killing of Alison but she took it back after 1 day
  22. so we our suppose to believe Alex use Aria fear of losing Ezra to Nicole against her with that dam file oh gosh yea that makes total fucking since it still doesn't explain why she hated Alison, Emily, and Aria so much i get the other two
  23. wait so our we suppose to believe that Alex knew about the file and held it over Aria head seriously
  24. any chance that couple may have had getting together is completely ruin now no way spencer would want to date him now after him not being able to tell the two apart
  25. oh ok I misread some replies your right they were never told which is odd not that it really matters much cause um Alex used Wren as a pawn to get what she wanted and here I thought Mona would be a pawn in the finale
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