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Everything posted by NeitherSparky

  1. Thanks for posting that info/time, I had no idea. I was just able to catch it.
  2. I had foot surgery yesterday and the painkiller I was prescribed is Oxycodine (Percocet) which appears to be one of these opiates talked about on the show? Well I tell you, I couldn’t imagine getting hooked on this stuff, its got a laundry list of side effects and I think I have all of them: dizziness, nausea, hot flashes, and I’m freaking itchy everywhere. :P Oh yeah and I guess I can look forward to constipation too. I can’t wait to STOP taking it, ugh.
  3. Kandi’s facebook does say right on it that she’s interested in women, btw, so y’all can quit guessing.
  4. So for those who haven't clicked on this, it is an audio-only podcast of Schenee and Freddy being interviewed. I shut it off after about three and a half minutes when Schenee started going off about how everything happens because of God. I think it is a very entitled, lazy way to view life if you claim you are responsible for nothing and lay everything on God. I don't think I'll be listening to the rest of this podcast.
  5. Okay I have wanted to say this for so long but there was no thread for this episode and I didn't want to start one, but watching this episode again today I cannot hold back any longer: I HATE ASHLEY'S GD MOM She sits there, OBESE AS ALL HELL, making FUN of her daughter, literally guffawing and slapping her knee LAUGHING at her struggles to lose weight. And at the beginning Ashley says in the voiceover how her mom has always made fun of her in front of other people. When her mom is FAT. FAT FAT. I want to grab her mom and scream YOU ARE FAT TOO. it doesn't matter if someone else is fatter, if you are fat YOU ARE FAT and have NO RIGHT to make fun of someone else who is fat!! Just...wtf!!! I mean, my dad was horrible too but he wasn't obese, people who have never been heavy don't tend to quite get how other people can be. But NOT THIS LADY. (Disclaimer I am fat too and have always been, its not hate speech when you are too lol)
  6. People were saying in the live thread, if super morbidly obese describes someone under 500 lbs and it also describes someone over 800, that we must need more categories... well no worries folks, Clarence has solved that one for us. If you’re over 800 lbs, its “Dayum!”
  7. Joe Wexler peeved me off with his so he and his fiancee could have their “dream wedding.” No, you have the wedding you can afford, just like financially well off people have the wedding they can afford. You don’t deserve a fancy wedding just because you can’t afford it. Its like that scene in Monster with Charlize Theron, she interviews for a nice job where a degree is required, and the guy calls her out on it - people who put in the time to get the education deserve that job, not just some rando off the street who decided they want a high paying job. Er...hope I made sense, lol. Its just I remember watching a couple of friends scrimp and save and pinch every penny so they could have a small but nice wedding and here these people are like, we can’t afford a fancy wedding so other people should pay for it.
  8. Yeah “working up” to a diet is pointless. I will say personally that I feel that its ok for most people to have one last go at your favorite food before you start (because I wish I had) HOWEVER that does not mean a bottomless buffet, just like, your favorite sandwich, a steak, whatever. ONE thing. Unfortunately some of the folks on this show possibly couldn’t do that so its better to just start the diet right away.
  9. It hasn't been on for 11-12 years if that's what you're asking. :) As I recall the first season took 7 years to film; when it was popular enough to warrant further seasons they didn't film the patients for so long. Anyways I'm saying it now: I'm not even going to bother watching the Supersized edition of this ep, if there is one.
  10. Don’t know if this has been pointed out but I just heard Josh-wa say early in this episode that he’s more afraid of BJ losing the weight and leaving him than of her dying during the surgery. What a douche.
  11. Wait are these all things she did, she reported, or was just involved in one way or another? Because one of the incidents is rape.
  12. I remember her saying that the guy of the couple was her best friend.
  13. I was wondering where this episode description came from? Because while the first one is Bettie Jo the second one isn’t Susan.
  14. I had to do a bunch of hand sewing while the Supersized ep was on so I couldn’t watch the screen. Were there any actually useful popups this time?
  15. I do custom machine embroidery and sell on Etsy. HMMMMM
  16. Don’t actually say it, just walk in wearing a hat or button with that on it and wear it the whole time.
  17. While I personally call them patients, I went with Lifers, since we are Pounders. :)
  18. The mother sat right there during the brothers’ first visit and said to Dr Now, “This whole family’s gonna get healthy!” And then I’m pretty sure the brothers were the only ones who ended up really changing anything. That mentality some overweight people have, that at least they’re not AS big as so-and-so, so they’re okay, I’ve seen that myself. When I was a teenager both my brother and I were overweight, I may have been bigger than him but he WAS overweight (and there was more prsssure on me to lose weight because I was a girl of course), and I was on Slim Fast. I remember offering him some because it was a chocolate one and he loves chocolate, and these words coming out of his face that I will never forget: “I can’t drink that, I’d waste away.” For real!
  19. You can literally eat as much as you want of anything that’s not on the not-allowed list, which I believe was grains, dairy, fruit, nuts/seeds, coffee/tea/soda, any type of milk (including soy/hemp etc) and potatoes (which wasn’t on the list but I found out after a month that they weren’t allowed, I assumed they counted as a vegetable lol, I hope she got around to adding them to the list). This leaves you with basically a protien and veg diet with water to drink. Avoiding grains is the hardest, there are lists online that help you know what counts as a grain and what doesn’t. You’re also doung protein drinks during this diet as you need to find ones you like for the liquid diet plus you’ll want to drink them pretty much forever afterwords anyways, maybe not every day but its good to have them around. I like the Isopure brand, in water.
  20. My bariatric surgeon outright calls her pre-surgery diet a liver-shrinking diet. There was no calorie restriction, no weighing or measuring food, there were just whole categories of food that must be avoided (notably grains, dairy, and fruit). Its similar to the paleo diet in many ways. I absolutely dropped weight on it, it was the only diet I had ever tried in my almost 40 years that worked for me; since I could eat as much as I wanted of the allowed foods I was never hungry. Then (after nine weeks of that) the last three weeks was liquids only and I thought I was going to die, THAT was brutal. Every time I see someone about to have the surgery whine about 2-4 days on a liquid diet I just roll my eyes, lol. The liquid diet continues for a week after surgery but at that point you don't care. Anyways I am always comparing my pre/post surgery process to the patients on this show and am constantly intrigued by the differences - I realise we don't see everything but it does seem like the process is quite different than what I went through. My post-surgery diet progressed slowly through phases of eating only certain things and it seems like the patietnts on the show are back to eating solid, high-fiber things pretty much right away. I think that would have killed me. The biggest thing I always wonder about is drinking with food, my surgeon forbids drinking liquids with food, forever, post-surgery, because washing down your food though your small stomach can not only cause damage but it will also lead you to being hungry sooner (you want the food to stay in there as long as possible, not force it through quicker). In addition, if the food in there is very dense (chicken for example) the liquid literally can't push it through or get around sometimes and the liquid will just turn around and come back out (the only time I did this good thing we were outside!). I am over 5 years out and I still can't drink with food even if I try (I have had to say goodbye to spicy food entirely for this reason) but I have never seen or met another bariatric patient with the same restriction. My surgeon says its because she makes her pouches smaller than other surgeons, out of the very top of the stomach which does not stretch much at all, but I still find it odd that nobody else who had the surgery can't drink with food like me. Sorry for the wall of text, but one more thing: something else they never seem to touch on on this show, for the bypass patients, is the lifetime of vitamins/supplements one must take every day in order not to die of malnutrition (known as beri-beri). Because of the reduced absorpsion of nutrients in the intestines you have to take allll these supplements every day forever and medical insurance does not cover it. I'm surprised this is never mentioned.
  21. I've wanted to say something about Erica's family for a while...when I see the way they react to Erica, what I see mirrors the way I act towards my father. I'm in my forties now and my father TERRORIZED me growing up, and now that I am an adult he is still abusive emotionally. He doesn't act like that 100% of the time, especially in public, but after a LIFETIME of dealing with his shit I just have a knee-jerk reaction every time I have to share a space with him. And then he gets upset at me when he's not being an asshole at that very minute but I still snap at him. Plus strangers might see us in public and see me snapping at my elderly father and assume I am just a bitch. But its conditioning, EVERY time we communicated while I was growing up it was abusive, EVERY time. You just develop a shell when dealing with certain people after a while, it doesn't matter how they are acting at THAT moment, something becomes ingrained in you and your behavior changes, its like you develop a certain behavior when around that person to protect yourself. And that's what I suspect is happening with Erica and her family, especially her siblings. That its from a LIFETIME of exhasperating behavior on Erica's fault, a lifetime of the whole WORLD having to revolve around their sister, of seeing what they want fall to the wayside as everyone HAS to do this or that for ERICA. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone. But every time I see that episode I think of how I change, as a person, every time I have to be around my dad. I'm not like that normally I swear, I just...change.
  22. Well I did it, I checked out the Reddit on this show. I've had a Reddit account forever but never use it, and was expecting the subreddit for 600 Lb to be nasty, but its basically just like here. I just can't stop upvoting comments there, omg. Everyone's so on point. https://www.reddit.com/r/My600lbLife/
  23. To be fair a lot of people think that’s what the surgery does. When I was recovering from mine a friend asked me if I knew what my first feast was going to be. I had to inform him that the point of the surgery was to keep me from “feasting” ever again. Not to mention all the people out there who tell me I chose the “easy fix” to my problem instead of actually working hard. But there’s no excuse for an actual to-be patient to think that!
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