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Everything posted by NeitherSparky

  1. My mom always told me how they wanted one boy and one girl, and in that order so the girl could date the boy's friends (weird that she felt it was okay for the boy to be older in a relationship when she was older than my dad) - and that's exactly what they got. She attributed it to following "directions" in a magazine, I presume a combination of sexual positions, timing, and maybe diet or something. No I never asked for details lol. And she also did that thing about wanting us to be certain things when we grew up, she said she chose our names based on it. My brother she wanted to be something like a doctor. And over and over all my childhood I had to listen about how I would be an actress bcause she could envision my name on a marquee. Marquee, marquee, my name on a marquee. To this day the word "marquee" makes me cringe, she said it so often, with that sweeping hand motion indicating reading a big sign. :P Neither my brother or I went into what she wanted. My brother did try to be a doctor, but couldn't get into medical school. And while my mom was talking about marquees my dad was drilling it into me that I was too fat and ugly to be an actress, so frankly I never even considered it. I agree that some family dynamics suck.
  2. That reminds me of a story, I had gastric bypass and used to be on a discussion forum for patients, someone told a story about a friend who had it back when it was a new procedure. All she was told to eat afterwords was "soft food" so she basically lived on mashed potatoes and gained all the weight she lost back. That's why I get irritated when people claim they were not given a diet to follow, beacuse either they weren't or more likely they're just ignoring it...
  3. This one made me angry. At NO POINT did Liz prove that she could lose weight on her own at home, the ONLY time she ever lost was when she was in the hospital, and she was given the surgery ANYWAYS. Her family never gained a clue either, when she was supposed to be on liquids her mother gave her soup with noodles in it which of course Liz ATE. EATING SOLIDS THEN COULD HAVE SERIOUSLY HURT HER. I realise Mom couldn’t do much physically, as proven when she went ahead and gave Liz pizza when she in NO WAY should have been eating ANY kind of pizza - which is why Liz should NEVER have been given surgery in her current situation...Dr Now forced other patients to do a LOT more before he would do surgery on them, this episode made no sense! Seriously, I’m just...angry, and sad, right now. :(
  4. I know TLC loves the Assantis but just cannot watch them anymore. Today when their first episode came on my actual literal reaction was I'd rather watch Aw Mah Lehgs than this. Then I remembered I have TLC Go and I'm doing just that. :P I think I might watch Pauline next.
  5. He said he wasn't going to propose until they hit their goal weights. Have they?
  6. I just want to say that I have never faved as many comments in one thread as I just did in the Lee&Rena live chat thread. Y’all are my fam.
  7. I just read on the My 600-Pound Life support FB group that Sean's mom passed away, did anyone else hear that? His name was Sean Milliken right?
  8. And it did look like there was a wad of green gauze in Lupe's wound. Thanks for sharing, ShedFarm. I may have loose skin after weightloss but I'll never have so much as to necessitate removal. I'll never have "normal" skin, but I can live with what I have. I'm lucky in that.
  9. About the Dimensions forum mentioned in the other thread: I actually joined on there a long time ago, maybe a decade, well before I had my gastric bypass, when I was trying to be more body positive. But guess what, at only about 250 lbs, I don't think I was big enough for them. Every one of my posts was flat out ignored. So I haven't been back. But I guess I still have an account over there.
  10. (I think this happened in the first part - I don't think I'm going to be watching these eps again) No one else has commented on this I believe, but at one point Dr Now asked Steven how much weight he's lost or something, and Steven replied by sorta just...babbling at him...like going "Oh her hum hermamen" etc while shrugging and making faces and he probably thought that was cute but it severely creeped me out. Sorry, kind of a random observation, but, was just thinking about it. Like it just seemed so unbalanced. Dr Now just kinda stared at him when he did that.
  11. So its not a "best quote" in fact its the opposite...Who was it who said she was "missing a roll" to Dr Now when he was saying it didn't look like she lost weight? It was either Penny or Pauline. Well she had been saying that that was the roll that she would normally "punch" her insulin into. So ever since then, every morning when I take my insulin, that phrase goes through my head "punch my roll" and I HATE IT, it makes me sick. But I can't keep it from going through my head now, every single morning. :P Injections are bad enough but eugh, that phrase, "punch my roll" to refer to taking an insulin shot. :/ I don't know if it will ever leave me.
  12. There is absolutely NO WAY the later scene when Dr Now comments "And he's been pulling his hair again" was actually not from the earlier time when he had pulled his hair and then they clipped it short. That was just editing, as others have pointed out, but it was so painfully obvious. I mean I never catch it when Dr Now's sideburns keep changing length and other people have noticed, I'm just not that observant, but the hair-pulling thing was just BAD.
  13. *raises hand* Okay people keep saying he should be able to walk to the toilet to pee BUT I have a thought about that...now granted I am female but...don't you guys think maybe he can't...um...aim, with that huge curtain of flesh hanging down in front there? Like, I think having to reach under and hold a bottle there to pee instead of standing in front of a toilet makes sense if you're built that way? You would need both hands just to hold your stomach up and you wouldn't be able to see anything. Am I the only one who thinks that? God I feel dumb. :| AM I the only one? (But could he walk to the toilet to EMPTY those bottles, absolutely.)
  14. He could reach the lock from the bed. That's how he let her back in. Or at least that's what I remember.
  15. I will never not be amused by Steven Sr and his puppy phone case.
  16. Somebody posted this on Twitter and I thought of you guys and Nicole, hopefully this link works: https://mobile.twitter.com/moby_dickhead/status/845039055415005185
  17. Btw someone upthread mentioned how Lisa talks like Melinda, the mentally challenged woman from Sling Blade...okay Sling Blade is probably my favorite movie, in that I watch it a LOT. I was rewatching James' ep after that comment was made and I realised that James and Lisa both talk just like the characters in Sling Blade. Like they have the same exact accent, I could just hear them saying the characters' lines in my head (especially Lisa saying Melinda's "Its the onleh time I don't lihk ringin' up customurrs, when mah feet hurrt"). Sling Blade takes place in Arkansas, but I guess its the same general accent.
  18. While it could have been drugs, it could also have been due to his untreated sleep apnea (as revealed in the supersized popups). My brother refuses to have his apnea treated and he will get dozy like that too. That's why whenever we go anywhere together I insist that I drive, I have seen him literally nod off at the wheel.
  19. To be fair I'll bet she does that because he most likely can't do it himself due to his position, think about how the plate is balanced on his chest at chin level. Plus he probably would get too tired cutting up the meat and then how would he shovel it in?? But there's still no excuse for her having to take the wrapper off that burger. :/
  20. Yeah I've felt kinda bad about that...I make fun of him too but its because of his attitude. I do believe he really could be in THAT much pain. We wouldn't make fun of him if he didn't have such a bad attitude.
  21. So...can I add my bra too to that swimming pool or is that crossing a line? Watching the supersized ep; someone said waaay upthread about the gf wearing a too short skirt at one point that I missed the first time...omg its true, while she'setting up the gofundme she's wearing a way short skirt and her crotch is blurred...was she seriously not wearing underwear while she was being FILMED?? I'm hoping she was actually wearing tan/beige undies (I know I've bought multicolor packs that included those) and the editing team blurred it bc it just looked hinky... :P Also the Chinese food scene. That WHOLE scene is just SO cringy, Christ on a cow...not just the fried rice part (wtf???) but when she walks in with the bags and he just exclaims "Food!" *cries*
  22. I laughed so hard I scared my bird, thanks lol
  23. I'm surprised how many people - not just people considering the procedure - think that having it just somehow alters your system so you can eat anything but you'll somehow revert to a healthy weight. That's why so many people call the surgery "the easy way out" and why I'm sometimes afraid to mention I had it, especially if I think I'll be compared to someone else who lost weight without it. I remember the day after I had the bypass a friend called me in the hospital to chat and actually said "Have you decided what your first big feast is going to be after you recover?" I was like "you have no idea what surgery I just had do you?" and he just paused and said no...I told him I was never going to "feast" again, that was the point. :P And it has sucked. But the surgery is a tool, that's all it is. And you either use it or you don't. People who have actually uprooted their family and their own lives to travel to a batiatric surgeon have NO EXCUSE to NOT go in at without basically knowing...well pretty much everything about what the surgery does. We have the internet now, there's no excuse to not do your research. edit: omg the gravy cartoon, I forgot about that thing
  24. You guys. You guys. James is the Amy's Baking Company of My 600 Lb Life. :|
  25. That pisses me off, mamadrama. Geez. :{ I'm so sorry. Btw y'all keep mentioning how Tanisha got a new new boyfriend "so fast"...Guys, it wasn't fast. Did you not miss when he said they'd been "best friends for a long time" and that "this transition was only natural" (paraphrasing)? Her first husband may have loved her once but I'm sure he was completely done with everything before the show started filming. (Or I'm talking out of my butt; I have never been in a relationship to speak of myself.)
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